Monday, December 27, 2010
Yo people!
Abit late but,
Hope you guys enjoyed the holidays LOL
Last week was full of drama sia!
Monday: Had lunch with Spermy and went shopping for Glen's wallet. We found one really nice one at Billabong, but it didn't have a coin pouch :( So in the end we got another one from Zinc LOL The design not bad la, and it has a coin pouch! Only thing was the salesperson in the shop was very KP. She was swearing in front of the customers (us) and was very rude, and she kept diao-ing us, and when i've decided to buy the wallet, she "threw" the plastic bag at us to pack ourselves like WTH!!! I would actually write in to complain but ah~ whatever la. Anyway i was really tempted to get this pink zinc wallet for myself as well, but no $$$ liao so hahahaha
After that we met up with Glen after his project and headed to Chomp Chomp to meet up with Songee, Nard, Jiaqi and Zihui. Most of them not much reaction la, except Ken who was emo-ing the whole time. Went to some nearby pub after that for awhile, cause the guys wanted to drink and then went home.
Asked ken on msn how he was feeling and got a confession in return. So uh, drama drama drama. And we decided to meet the next day at 9pm at his bus-stop to talk.
Tuesday: Met up for lunch with Glen at AMK hub and then headed to the library to do FBP. Didn't accomplish anything though cause i was emo-ing half the time lol and sleeping the other half of the time. Had dinner at Macs and then hung out at the playground for awhile before meeting ken. It was very awkward at the beginning lo. "I still think we shouldn't see each other again" lol But after almost 2hours, every resolved nicely i guess. We're still friends lo~ hahaha
Wednesday and thursday: Stayed home and rot.
Friday: Met up with Glen for lunch, and then Spermy came and we headed to PS to shop for the gift exchange. LOL After going round in circles for almost 1.5hours, the both of us got a cup LOL Went over to Xin's house after that for the christmas gathering. Passed them their souvenirs, and played with the new xbox dancing games LOL Had turkey and pizza for dinner and then basically just slack around until count down lo LOL And i got the cup spermy bought from the gift exchange LOLOLOL Went home after that. We made it to YCK but we missed our last bus so parents had to fetch me and glen home LOLOLOL
Saturday: Met up with Glen, Mantou & Cheston for lunch at Bugis. Wanted to eat BenTen ah but it was closed. So in the end we had lunch at Let's Sweet. And then went to the arcade and met up with Xin and Benson at Iluma for Meet the Fockers movie LOL Xin was all dressed up i couldn't recognise her la! The movie was okay only bah~ i think the first one was funnier LOL After that went to PS to have dinner at Just Asia. And then went home. You should look at the present cheston made for mantou. Bu chuo ma~ LOL
Sunday: Slacked at home.
~(4:51 PM)
Uncomplicated Paths to Wisdom
Friday, December 10, 2010
lol was looking through my emails and saw one from my horoscope website with the title "Uncomplicated Paths to Wisdom"
But the website was down, so i don't know what it really says la hahaha
But glen came up with his own uncomplicated paths to wisdom, which i found kinda funny la lol
1)Grow a mustache and stroke it when people talk to you
2)Point out your thumb and index finger at 90degrees and place it under your chin and look far away
3)When people talk to you, ignore them and pretend you are deep in thought
4)Fan yourself with a wooden fan
5)When people tries to interpret what you say, hit them on the head with the wooden fan and pretend it has a different/deeper meaning
QSM, may these steps help you achieve good results in your exams.
Meet up after i come back kay! hahahhaa
~(2:11 AM)
last E-learning week
Monday, November 29, 2010
Whole of last week was e-learning week, so no school!
Monday: First day of the court hearing so i went with my parents and my aunt. Mostly just them interrogating the first witness, some customer service assistant from the Belgium company lol Her english sucked and half the time she didn't know what the question was lol so yeah, not a reliable witness. Don't really understand why she even came up as a witness LOL
Tuesday: Stayed home for E-learning assignment.
Wednesday: Stayed home to stone.
Thursday: Went to school for WISP. And then that mantou super power lol She left her laptop in the bus and only realised after we reached the classroom. And then we were supposed to do some presentation on discrimination, but there was only two of us, no laptops and we have no way to prepare anything so the teacher let us off, thank god. Rushed down to Bishan Interchange (she left her lappy in bus52, headed for BI) but laptop still not found. Anyway she just bought a new one lol
Friday: Met up with glen to shop for Liz's birthday present at hub and then had lunch at 313. Went to cash studio after that and Liz brought along 2 friends Jessica and Clarisa? LOL Yah Liz was choosing all the freaking weird songs lol Got hokkien song come out some more, then there was once all the song names got the words SEXY in it LOL Well of all the times i've been to cash studio, this is the first time i sang so little lol Since it was all english songs which i don't recognise hahahha only sang a few chinese songs i guess. Liz and Clarisa went back home to change cause they were going clubbing after that while me, glen, zhiyuan and jessica had dinner at Pasta Mania. And then pei glen go arcade again lol WAH THEY GOT DDR 8STEPS LEH!!! DAMN COOL LA but i confirm die within the first 5seconds if i play that lol i can't even handle DDR 4steps hahahahah Yeah went home after that lo~
Saturday: Nothing much. And then Glen decided he wanted to reply Dragonica so i pei him and created a new character. A mage called ChibiMelon LOLOLOL Anyway that idiot wanted to cross dress as a female character so yah la. Skyped while we play. yah that about all.
Sunday: Dragonica again.
Today: Was playing till 5am, then cannot sleep lol so at about 8 i gave up and started on FEV assignment1 which is due next week lol Finished 2/3 parts of the project. Only left the last part which i already did a bit and plan to distribute to the rest. WISP also due next monday. Die ah, haven't start to think of what to write lol And there's that Bcomm sales scenario crap due this friday plus i haven't submitted Bcomm elearning assignment, which i don't feel like submitting since it's not graded hahahahha Okay la see lo~ if i shuang later i go do
Okay thats about it for now.
~(10:17 PM)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Skipped Jap lesson cause qian called me to say that today's lesson is used to prepare for the youth forum and the teacher won't be teaching anything new so all of us pon LOL
If only she had told me earlier la! I could have gone home at 1pm to sleep! ZzZz So after Bcomm, me, Liz and Glen (classmates) went to Westmall. Played at the arcade (mostly just them playing juke box and guitar hero, i didn't play cause no drum maniac :( ) till 3 and then had sakae buffet till 5+. Was gonna take bus back to school when qian called me, so in the end took mrt back home with glen and Liz LOL
I got my tickets to Japan le!!!
If i had bought on monday- $1500+
Bought online on thursday- $1700+
Accept waitlist- $2140+
hahaha SIA sent me an sms telling me i can accept the waitlist and i almost did that, but then i went on their website and found out that there are seats on sale again, and it's 400bucks cheaper than if i accepted the waitlist so i bought online and cancelled all other reservations i made lo, no other charges anyway ahhahaha YUP. So it's confirmed! Im flying to Japan on the 12th!
Was talking with Glen about the seasons and its implications
Summer: time for hooking-up/one night stands
Spring: meeting new people
Autumn: becoming a couple (you know, under the falling leaves, confession etc.)
Winter: Romantic for couples hahahha i like it when the girl's hands are cold, and the guy holds it and puts it inside his jacket pocket. LOL Such a simple gesture but i found it romantic hahahhaha
Anyway, parent's law suit starts next week, which happens to be E-learning week, so i get to go to court to watch. Hope they win *pray hard hard*
~(7:14 PM)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Went for AFA 2010 last sunday at Suntec Convention Centre. In the we didn't visit the school days/AR butler cafe LOL Because it was too expensive and the guys weren't as shuai as the ones at HAP butler cafe LOL It was like $18 for a piece of cake and a drink. LOL okay la actually the price is about the same as HAP but we just weren't as tempted haha
So after one round around the place, we had lunch at Curry Papa/King/Whatever at Marina Square and then went back for the Regional Cosplay Finals. Out of the 5 teams, i only recognized the cosplay for Fairy Tail and Monster Hunter (only because i saw it before LOL) and really, 1 anime cosplay 1 manga cosplay the rest are all game cosplay which i found kinda boring la cause all the performances are fighting LOL Don't know who won though LOL
Got separated from NP clique as i tag along with my cousins after that. Took pictures of lotsa cosplay and walked around the merchandise hall. Didn't get anything other than a "I Love AniSong" concert tshirt which costed $38 LOL And yes i did go for the concert, a last minute decision since both my cousins were going so might as well. Had dinner at MOF and then went back to meet Glen (classmate) and we went for the concert together. Out of all the songs they sang that night, i only recognized 3, 1 from Bleach, 1 from FMA <3,>
Anyway, my cousins are going to japan from 12th-18th dec and im tagging along.
Their flight is fully booked :'(
Should have booked it on Monday night man! But i needed to double confirm flight details and by tuesday night it has been fully booked :'( So now im on the waiting list for their flight (12th) and if there are no vacancies for me by 28th Nov, i'll be flying in 1 day later on the 13th Dec :( Please god, let me get on the flight on the 12th!!!!
On the bright side, i got an A for my bcomm interview and resume and cover letter assignment, which is worth 30% of my overall grade. I wished that luck could have stayed with me a little bit longer. The horoscope said my luck is at its peak for the next 12 months!!!
Well just pray for me okay! hahahaha
~(3:51 PM)
Teenage Cosplay 2010 update
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Was supposed to work today as a waitress for some chinese banquet at Suntec Convention.
But i didn't go in the end LOL Cause they required us to wear black flats/palms and i don't have that. The only full black shoe i have are my boots, and it's spoiled anyway, the sole came off LOL
So anyway, been sleeping real late the last few nights (3am) to complete my bcomm resume and cover letter. While i could have submitted at 3pm today and went home, i submitted at 5.30pm (half an hour late lo) cause stupid ourspace printer is still spoilt and we had to wait for sam and mantou to send in their resumes to my thumbdrive so dave can bring it over to the library to print.
Went to Funan IT mall after that with mantou to buy AFA tickets. We actually reserved our tickets for sat last weekend, but when mantou called back they said it was out of stock again and that they don't take reservations -_- Heng we didn't pay them first. And everytime we call, they tell us it's out of stock and they're not sure if there will be tickets for saturday blahblahblah. So in the end we just went over and got ourselves the ticket for Sunday! Even though there were tickets for sat la, but baba can join us on sunday mah so... anyway the cosplay competition is on sunday! <3
Speaking of cosplay competitions, went to the Teenage Cosplay 2010 last sunday at Suntec. LOL a lot more cosplayers compared to HAP. LOL Got some quite funny ones =P

Gingerbread Man, some tiger dude, SWAT team behind

Horse dude, that guards the hell i suppose?

Some game character LOL Most boring performance in the competition
The terrorist LOL
And some other more commons ones...

HITMAN REBORN!!! Mukuro, me, gokudera, BOSS Tsuna!!!

Saw them at HAP too. Pichu and Pikachu. Where's raichu? LOL

Hmm Just found her performance for the competition more interesting then the rest!

Dunno what cosplay that is, but love the costume!
Luleouch and C.C cosplay fro Codegeass

Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay

Lenalee from D-Gray Man. Mantou's gonna cosplay as her in a few weeks time!

Dude scolding the poor girl LOL
Me, Colonello and Hibari from KHR.
HAHAHA I rather enjoyed the event. Watched the whole cosplay competition and even the teenage icon competition, there were a few REALLY amazing singers!!! But we didn't stay for the results LOL
Anyway, I've gone into a habit of using facial masks once every few days. I used to use one, and then maybe 6months later i use another one LOL So not much effect la so now im using it everyweek to see if it helps with anything.
I've tried a few over the last couple of weeks but im currently using My beauty Secret's Bird Nest Mask!!!!
LOL Bird nest's supposed to be good for the skin anyway. I bought a box of 2 first to try it out. While the packaging said ULTRA whitening, i didn't see any whitening la lol maybe a slightly brighter complexion? But what i liked was that it healed my skin. I have a few pimples/bumps thing that's itchy on my left check, but after using the mask the bumps subsided LOL Though it still itches from time to time and scratch it by covering my finger with a tissue so bacterial won't go and infect it and make it worse LOLOL Anyway, i bought the same mask for a box of 10 at $15.90!!! Shall see what happens after all 10 are used LOL
Really wanna try Etude House de 02 Whitening Mask thingy, but its $3.90/piece!!! Think i'll buy myself one and try. LOL
Anyway, gonna sleep early tonight, so toodles!
~(11:25 PM)
Don't Say Lazy
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Blogging from school.
Been alone since class ended at 1pm, and will be until 6pm for JLPT with mantou, xin and bih!
So, I just finished my internship report!!! I overwrote by 184 words though hahaha Ahwell, shall edit again later or tomorrow i guess, since it's due on Thursday. But really, it's not even graded -_- so if im lazy (which i am) i might just submit as it is. I mean the norm is +/- 500 words right? LOLOLOL XP
Ah, so updates updates.
Dinner at Mos Burger with Xin and Qian (the rest were late) at AMK hub. And QIAN (not me i swear) thinks that mantou and jia has been consistently late for 7years lol and decided that things should change for our own good. So she came up with this idea that from now on, anybody who is late for our clique meeting will have to pay $2 into our "clique fund" and then when we have enough money i guess we can use the money to eat or something. LOL Since mantou is ALWAYS late (unless she's already out before the time we're gonna meet, but doesn't meet she'll be punctual though, just less late LOL) im guessing we'll have a lot of clique funds!!! hahahha
Anyway, when all of us has gathered, we took two separate cabs down to Night Safari/Zoo. Me, bih, xin and qian in 1 and the weirdly dressed mantou(hot pink long socks) and jia(her eyeliner thingy) in another one. Took a few pictures, went in to queue 2hours for the haunted house which lasted what, 3minutes? But the props and make up were really good though, i was really really scared hahahha And then we went to take the Train of Terror, which wasn't terrifying at all. At least we got to see animals la hahahaha and qian was so scared before the tram started moving cause this dude in a costume was scaring the shit out of her hahaha and then she squashed into me and i in turn squashed into yx LOL and again when this other dude jumped into our tram in the middle of the journey hahahahah Wanted to go to the trail of the undead but qian was too scared so we ended taking some pictures here and there and then took bus 138 out.
Mantou and jia alighted with me near my house since they were staying over while the rest went back home. We had supper (since it was 1am then) with my parents at some coffee shop and then went back home, showered, watch some tv and anime (me and mantou) and slept (jia was sleeping like a dead pig) LOL And she makes funny noises in the middle of the night oO
Woke up, slacked around and then changed for Haru Happy 5th Annivarsary event. Was all dressed up in my shugo chara uniform!!! LOL i still think the leg warmers are loose lo. So anyway, what we did was basically watch the cosplayers in the event perform, and then took lotsa pictures, visited the butler cafe (more on that later) and watched other performances lo. Me and felicia won a complimentary dinner at Music cafe cause we were fully dressed up! And i later won some yogurt discount thingy for going on stage to answer a question. Would love to win the CTGCC tickets as well, but they had to dance on stage :( Ahwell.
So the butler cafe. First impression, the chair is a complete fail LOL They used those normal coffee shop chairs LOL But the table was covered in a white linen cloth, with a glass in the middle with the serviettes and decorated with rose petals. A good try at elegance i suppose. The food was average, and it was served on party plastic plates -_- but the tea was served in those nice tea cups on a saucer. They kind of forgot my chocolate elegance lol
And last but not least, the butlers.
The butler who led us in aka polite boy was well, very polite. He curtseyed and offered his hand which my cousin held while walking in and he pulled out all of our chairs while we were being seated at the table. He was very patient as well lol He would make a very sweet boyfriend LOL
Next, the butler who was supposedly "assigned" to our table aka impatient boy. I felt he was the second most good looking butler (after Tom) but you can see the frustration on his face when we remain indecisive and took a long time to confirm our order and whatnot.
Tom aka lazy boy. The most handsome among the lot, but very lazy or maybe it just wasn't his shift, i don't know LOL But while the other butlers were walking around, serving the customers, playing with the customers, he was mostly sitting at the table drinking water, walking in and walking out LOL Well he did play uno stacko with us, but there wasn't much interaction. But i must say, HE LOOKS REALLY ADORABLE WHEN HE SCRATCHES HIS HEAD!!! HAHAHAH
I have no real impression of the other guy who played uno stacko with us LOL maybe his name was Edward LOL
Last but not least, Sparkling blue-eyes. He looks really young, like 16? hahaha but in terms of service, he's comparable to Polite boy. Mantou kept sneaking peeks at his deep blue eyes hahaha and felicia felt her heart throbbing when he looked her in her eyes. I think he's cute though, would make a sweet bf too. I think his name was anthony.
So, we won the uno stacko game with Tom and Edward, and got a autographed poster of Tom as a prize LOL Seriously la, it's the tallest uno stacko we've ever played. Should have taken a picture before it fell from its glory hahaha And i bought a post card of Edward LOLOLOL Oh and when the event ended, i got a feel of how its like to be a celebrity, with many (well, afew) people taking me and felicia's pictures cause we were dressed up hahahahah It was kinda exciting i suppose, but awkward for me since i don't know how to smile at cameras LOL
So after the event, me and felicia headed down to Music cafe for our free dinner. The "MC Cooler" was alright, but the "pasta" was just Hokkien Mee. Not to mention the staff were rude, "you don't get to choose since it's free" -_- And the Hokkien Mee tasted REALLY BAD too. Im not usually particular about food, well i think all chicken rice taste the same unless it is obviously bad/good LOL So in this case, the Hokkien Mee was OBVIOUSLY BAD. It tasted really weird, and left me with a bad aftertaste with every bite. Will never eat there again. Well, at least it's free. If i had to pay for it i would....... (leave it up to your imagination)
So school as per normal this week.
Havent received news on our EP project.
Decided to group with Elizabeth, Cheryl and Zhi Yuan for FEV project, and hopefully for psychology as well. I may be unfair to dave/alan/sammuel but hey, this is the last sem, and i really need my gpa to go up and besides, they weren't even in class! (except for sammuel)
Ahwell. That's all for now.
Gotta do JLPT homework and re-memorise ta-form and te-form.
Will upload the pictures when i'm not feeling lazy OR you can view it on FB lol
Actually, the name of the song that won me the yogurt discount was called "Don't say Lazy" HAHAHHA How ironic.
Okay byeeeeee
~(3:44 PM)