Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Coped from xin's blog LOL Things like these makes me wish i have a boyfriend.
I don't know where, i don't know when, but we'll find each other one day.
PS. There's supposed to be animation LOL Wish i could reblog this from tumblur :(
Basically, the girl tries to wake the guy up, but he pretends to be asleep. She got off the bed and went to the side where the dude is, gives him a light kiss on the lips and falls asleep in his arms. He "wakes up", pulls the blanket over her and kisses her forehead. LOLOL Go to xin's blog to see la huh LOL
~(10:49 PM)
All Good Things Come To An End
Sunday, September 26, 2010
But the things we want to end doesn't seem to be ending...
So, there's 4 more weeks till the end of attachment! 20days!!! Other than that 2hour seminar about "How to Retire a Millionaire" and that 15minutes HR appointment with Horizon Primary School, i spent the last 2weeks making calls, and follow-up calls, and more calls. Someone please kill me if this continues! But im seeing the silver lining!
"yoyo, guess u must be tired of calling. Next wk g hv something to do. Monday I'll teach u hw to draft propsal then u help me prepare for a Tuesday appt. Tuesday afternoon hv monthly meeting for whole afternoon, u'll need to attend."-sms from my advisor LOL YES!!! FINALLY something other than calling! And that "Introduction to Financial Planning" training session on thursday! WOOHOO!
But on the down side, many good animes are ending this week/weekend!
I started watching this when i was in year1 sem2 (between oct08-feb09), cause i remember watching it during a blaw lecture LOL So yeah, other than the first hundred or so episodes, i've been chasing the anime for about a year+++. KHR is definitely one of my favourite animes of all time! Im as traumatized as when FMA: Brotherhood ended :'( I thought they would continue with some fillers while the manga run and then continue with the Shimon family arc, but they ended the series right after they returned to the past! I enjoyed the fillers at the start of the anime, so i wouldn't have minded more, at least i get my weekly dose of Yamamoto~ Ahah~ I wanted to go back to the manga and read from after the TYL arc, but the manga is now licensed. UGHHHHHHH They better come up with a second season soon. THEY HAVE TO. OR MANY HEARTS ARE GONNA BE CRUSHED :( Ah. what do i have to look forward to on saturdays now.
Yumeiro Patissiere
When you think in terms of anime time-line, you realise that time passes very fast. Can you believe it's been almost a year since Yumeiro Patissiere started airing?!!! 50episodes, thats 50weeks, so almost a year! It feels like yesterday when Ichigo was still a clumsy girl who falls down the steps all the time, and now, she's the champion of the Cake Grandpre in Paris! Well, at least the anime ended on a good note. Henri-sensei is not evil, he only acted evil to propel Ichigo to surpass her grandmother. Ichigo's team won the grandpree. And there's that small sniplet where Makoto-kun and Ichigo are holding hands. But what's up with that?!!!! LOL We all know that Makoto-kun has a crush on ichigo, but Ichigo has never shown affections (other than friendship) for any of the guys, so what's with the suddenly holding hands scene? Not that im complaining la, but you know. But fear not, Yumeiro Patissiere has a second season, they did not actually put "Final" or "Thanks for your support all these time" at the end of the episode, there's a next episode sypnosis. So im thinking that perhaps, like Shugo Chara and Shugo Chara Doki (where the next series comes out the following week after the previous series ended), the second season Yumeiro Patissiere Professional will be out next week! I think. hahahhaha

Kaichou wa Maid-Sama!
USUI-KUN~ I WILL MISS YOU!!! Well, obviously the anime's ending did not follow the manga LOL Usui's bro wasn't introduced, and Misaki didn't confess to him while in his kitchen where he kissed her asking her to wait for him... lol Compared to KHR and YP, Maid-sama is only 26episodes, but that doesn't mean i don't feel sad that it has ended :'( I still pity Misaki's childhood friend LOL Though my support lies with Usui. I would have loved to see their love develop more in the series though. Well at least at the end, Misaki realised her feelings for him. "I've been enduring! Why must it be you?! I don't get it at all! You're a pervert who annoys me all the time.You're always running ahead of me and teasing me.It's your fault! I wouldn't have realised it if not for that game! I wanted to join hands with you since a long time ago!(LOL!) One moment you're sexually harassing me and then gone the next.. just what are you thinking? Why is my heart beating so fast? Why do i feel lonely when you leave me? Why are you.. the only one causing me so much confusion? You idiot, why do you always tease me?" LOL That's a lot of questions in a indirect confession LOL And he answers her questions with a kiss! LOL Ah i really liked that confession scene! HAHAHA I hope there's a season 2, but i doubt it LOL

Seitokai Yukuindomo

These 2 animes are pretty much on the same wavelength LOL Mostly centered around random/sex jokes LOL They don't have any plot to speak about, but they brought me numerous laughter whenever i watch LOL Well, thankfully, both animes are gonna have a second season! hahaha So im just mentioning them hahahahah

Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin
When me and mantou first saw the picture (above), we decided to give it a miss. But she went ahead and watch it anyway LOL followed by me since she said it was not bad. Well, a lot of occult and supernatural stuff. It has a substantial plot, excitement and suspense in most of its episodes. Worth watching, really. And im glad the dude isn't gonna end as a wimp Lol

Ookami-san to shichinin no Nakama-tachi
Another random plot anime LOL I particularly liked the last few episodes about that other student council dude in the other school LOL Didn't like that it ended with a plot hole. So what is gonna happen to the other student council dude in the other school? Well despite that, it is quite an enjoyable anime LOL THUMBS UP TO RYOSHI-KUN~ He can really be a man when he needs to! And Ryouko reminds me of Misaki-chan, really, face up to your feelings! LOL Tsundere characters~ Not sure if this has a season season..
And last but not least, High School Of the Dead. (no pictures because they are too M18 LOL)
A little bit echi in every other episode, but otherwise a decent anime LOL A lot of blood and gore. Keeps me excited every week, even though the last few episodes were kind of bland. And then that sudden ending. What happened after that? How are the undead gonna be killed? Many questions unanswered. Well, i guess i'll have to go to the manga if i want answers LOL I can't seem to explain why i enjoy the anime LOL
Okay, im done posting about the series that im gonna miss now that it has ended/ending.
Upcoming animes that im looking forward to LOL
1) Bakuman
2) Tegami Bachi Reverse (cos the pic looks really cool LOL)
3) Psychic Detective Yakumo
4) Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge (what happens on a second date?!!!)
5) Otome Yokai Zakuro
6) Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai
7) MM!
Among others. Will probably watch all anyway, then decide which are worth catching every week. Please have something to fill the hole that is now KHR. Not that KHR can ever be replaced LOL
~(5:55 PM)
Waseda High School Festival
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Met up with QSM (who was late, she woke up at the time i left my house -_-) and headed to Clementi central to meet up with np clique+wenna+sweemin+dolly and lunch at subway, and then headed to Waseda School for their High School Festival!

After a tour around the school compound by the japanese students, we went to queue for the haunted museum. But we left halfway because babajia went and sign us up for the wearing of uniforms thingy so we left for that place. In the end, we spent almost 45minutes in that room, and still didn't get to try their uniforms -_- We played some traditional jap games i guess? And learnt how to fold a shiruken, and wrote our wishes on that wooden board thingy LOL

it says "Good grades! Happy life + I wish to meet the person i love" LOL
Went to a maze game thingy after that. Was given money and directed into the maze. For every choice we make, we had to pay money lo. hahaha but we always chose the expensive ones haha! There was one where we have to choose between horse racing and visiting a Host Club, and we chose the latter, and there was a guy in a dress! HAHAHAHA

After the maze thingy, we wanted to go back to the haunted museum, but it was closed!!!!!!! :'( Bloody hell. Was really looking forward to it lo. Damnit! And that's about it. Spent about 15minutes taking pictures, and then went to the canteen, whether BOSS met her new spring. Helped her ask the dude for a picture together LOL

Me, SM, New Spring
I even gave her a push after the picture was taken LOLOL Ahwell. Me, bih, sm, xin and qsm went to JP after that while the rest went their own ways. But QSM went to find her sister after that LOL While the rest of us had dinner (them) and parfait (me) at Ben10, followed by Arcade, and a little bit of shopping. That's all.
~(8:25 PM)
Attachment week1
When you work monday-friday, 9am-5pm each day, you really start to understand why people always go "TGIF" lol
So the first week of attachment is over. Rather uneventful, i must say. I expected a lot more LOL
Monday: Company orientation+telemarketing training, lunch, instruction from advisor, 3hours to rot and read a few pieces of paper. Well i did gain some new knowledge, like CPF changes LOL Started scribbling ideas about the cafe on my notebook cause i was so bored. lol Was supposed to meet Mantou for dinner, but my mum already cooked so i went home for dinner lo. Dressed formally for the first day, so i was in heels LOL By the end of the day, i was so tired and weak i cabbed home after i reached AMK. Taking each step required a lot of effort. Don't get how girls can struct around in those evil things the whole day oO My mom thinks i fail as a girl LOL
Tuesday: After getting access to the email and wireless and database and what not, i started making calls to schools to get them to sign up for a free seminar on wealth management. I've never done telemarketing, so was pretty nervous at first, and i practically heave a huge sigh of relief after every call has ended LOL Made 89 calls HAHAHAHA Majority says the same thing la, email them, attention to who who who. Met up with Xin and Bih at Bugis after work for dinner at HongKong Cafe.
Wednesday: Continue with Telemarketing. Was slacking a bit more hahaha I didn't go on FB/MSN la but i was looking at this cosplay website while people put me on hold LOL Very boring one you know hahaha Met up with Mantou at Bugis after work for dinner at Mac.
Thursday: Telemarketing, then went out with my advisor, his colleague and 2 other interns from NYP called johnson and yongxin LOL Went to Bio Polis cause they had a seminar scheduled. All we did was place the information folder and pencils on the chair, sit and listen during the seminar and collect back the survey forms after the seminar. I was paying attention to the seminar okay! hahahaha It was rather interesting actually. I think the topic was on how to retire as a millionaire LOL 1. Don't put all your savings in the bank, cause the bank's interest rate is lower then the inflation rate. 2. the rule of 72. Or something hahahaha 3. When investing, ignore market timing and something about dollar something averaging LOL I remember the concepts, i just don't remember the terms LOL Went back to the office after the seminar, lunch and then resumed telemarketing. Met up with spermy and songee at Bugis for dinner at Just Sweets. Had fun making fun of them! haahahahaha And because of SOMEBODY, we had a very late dinner. lol
Friday: Telemarketing. 100calls. 1 appointment. LOL Conclusion: the email system should give readers an option of yes/no at the end of the email, and when they click their ans an auto generated email can be sent back to us to notify us of their decision. Sure, it means that i'll have about 200+++ emails in the inbox right now, but it also means i don't need to make calls to all the schools/companies again, only to hear the same ans in different variations. "If they don't reply, it probably means they're not interested," "if they're interested they'll reply you...,""teachers having PSLE now, really busy period, may get back to you later..." ARGH. Liddat how to follow up!!! How long do i wait before i transfer their emails to the "rejected section?" And they never call back when they say they will. Another problem, 90% of the time im calling people, so how the hell are they going to get through even if they did call back. Guess i'll never know. LOL Went home for dinner.
Really, TGIF man.
I was counting down right from the first day.
It starts from counting down to lunch, then to dinner, then striking the day off LOL Thinking of the attachment as 30days is more comforting then thinking it as 6weeks LOL i pray hard hard i won't be doing telemarketing (all the time) for all 6weeks. There are 3days of training, bout 3hours each, about telemarketing -_- and financial training. I really do hope my advisor gives me other job to do. Like data entry, or filing, i really hate calling :( Even though my advisor says im good at it. I think i sound like an operator now LOL
okay thats all for now hahaha
~(12:30 AM)
Start of a legacy
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Original plan was to have lunch with my aunt and cousins and then meet up with NP clique to shop for formal wear and stuff lol But in the end, cause bryan came back late(round 2), we had a late lunch at Ambush, walked around some CD shops and comic connection, hit the arcade for a very long time and had dinner and desert at Benten, so yeah. Rather enjoyed the day though, since i haven't seen them for a few weeks (last few weeks "studying", bryan training in taiwan, feli probably just busy studying la lol). Plus, we talked about our plan of setting up our cosplay cafe in detail, kind of LOL Now it feels like its really gonna happen, not just empty hopes and dreams. We are gonna start writing the business plan bit by bit i guess. Its not a lot, but its something, the first step towards creating a legacy!!! LOL

Deserts we had at Benten


Souvenir from Taiwan from Bryan

Videocamming with Mantou after i reach home LOL

The rikakuma we caught the other day
Attachment starts tmr. Hope everything goes well =)
~(11:11 AM)
Relax and rewind
Friday, September 10, 2010
So the exams are finally over!!!!!! what a stressful week! From sunday onwards, me and mantou only had an average of 2-3hours of sleep everyday. We would go to school for exams, come back and nap for awhile, then study through the night for the next paper, and then go to school for the exam, and the cycle continues until our last paper, IB. Was so tired that i actually went to bed at 1am last night!!! Amazing. Normally, no matter how tired i am, the moment i reach home i would suddenly become very awake, and end up watching anime or something until 5am anyway, but i went to sleep so early!!! Ahwell, its about time i reset my biological clock for attachment, so i've decided i'll do the same for the next few days and during attachment!
So a review of our papers
BP: Good
IPD: Not good
BOF: Good
FBM: Good
IB: Very bad
I was rather down after the IB paper. I left a 9mark question totally blank! Not that i didn't have time to do it, i didn't even have a clue what the question was asking about. And for the first time, i forgot the points i memorised!!! Wasted la, so sad. And overall, the paper was the hardest. IPD was slightly better than IB. I also left a 9mark question undone, on research methods. :( It didn't occur to me that they were talking about primary methods like survey and secondary methods like internet -_- Yeah, and i may have gotten some parts wrong as well, and im not confident about value chain :( The questions in BP was slightly confusing, like you don't know which parts they were asking for, but it was doable, and i remembered all the points. BOF and FBM was good, cause the questions were straight forward and i remembered 90% of the stuff they asked, so yeah.
So, im hoping to get an A for BP/FBM/BOF, but i dunno, could be hard cause of the projects :( and a B/B+ for IB and IPD. I got Cs for IPD projects and probably a low B for IB project, so yeah abit risky. Please, no C!!!!!!
Anyway, after the exams, we met up with the rest of the clique at Marina square for lunch at Yoshinoya, and then Qian and jia went to sign the contract with their attachment company, while the rest of us went to the arcade. They have a new version of the jungle adventure game, lol now its pirate adventure, and the machine moves!!!! So cool la but easier to die also and really expensive, $2/play. And then we spent almost 2 freaking hours playing UFO catcher. For those of you who don't know what UFO catcher is, it's that machine which you put money in and they let you grab the toys. Spent about $14 on the first machine cause mantou wanted that big rikakuma toy. And we didn't want to give up cause we already spent so much on it anyway. But in the end, some little girl got it. And then we started playing another machine which has smaller rikakuma toys hahahha That one was easier la, so we got 4 rikakumas, 1 for the each of us. Lol first time for me playing the UFO catcher, and i think im pretty good at it!
After that Qian and Jia came back to join us, and we headed to Kinokuniya at Orchard. Iron Daughter was out of stock :( But I found the soft cover for Linger!!! Thank god. And bought this book called "A kiss in time" LOL The sypnosis made me think the story is a modern, different version of Sleeping Beauty and her adventure LOL Anyway, Xin left to go for steamboat after that and the rest of us went to find food. Options: Ramen store, Seoul Garden or Ambush. First we went to the Ramen store to check the prices, and then went to Seoul Garden to check the prices. We thought Seoul Garden was quite expensive ($22++) and then went to Ambush, but some of them didn't want pasta so we went back to Ramen Store, while waiting to be seated, we look looking through the menu and found out it was still very expensive, like $16.30 for Katsu Don WTH!!!!!!! So we dragged ourselves back to Ambush lol
Went to shop for awhile after dinner. G2K, Bossini, Cotton On, Forever21. Was so tired so i left after that, took the train from orchard to marina bay and then back to YCK cause i didn't want to stand, even though from Orchard to AMK is only bout 12minutes LOL Reached home at 10, video call with mantou for awhile, was looking at hairstyles to try after attachment
http://www.beauty-box.jp/style/short/index.html and then shower, watched an episode of Mitsudomoe~ and went to bed! I think i fell asleep almost immediately!!! LOL Woke up at 8+ oO went back to sleep, woke up at 12 but didn't see yx's msg (was supposed to meet her at amk) so i went back to sleep, and woke up at 1+ again cause mantou called. Had lunch, watched high school of the dead and random stuff and went back to sleep till 8 lol Had dinner and here i am! hahahha
~(8:45 PM)
okaerinasai, gouchujinsama
Sunday, September 05, 2010
First paper BP was yesterday. We(me and mantou) probably only studied like 1/4 of the whole moudule LOL Mainly frameworks and bits and pieces of 3 or 4 other chapters LOL Was feeling rather insecure at first, but thank god they didn't test anything that we didn't study for LOL Should be okay bah, unless i miscomprehended any of the questions, cause frankly speaking, the way they posed the questions was rather confusing.. Ahwell. It's over!
So i wanted to study the first two chapters of IB on friday first, but that plan failed badly LOL Cause i got distracted by Youtube. And then i wanted to start on the important chapters of IPD today, but i got distracted by Youtube again!!! LOL Anyway, me and mantou was looking through the past year papers for IPD, and from there we slashed off quite a lot of things to study too LOL But it should be okay bah? Judging from the past year papers, you only need to know the main points and the rest is mostly crapping LOL
Anyway, was looking at videos of cosplay/maid cafes in japan and wow LOL Tsundere is cool! Tsundere, according to wiki, is a "character development process which describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time" So basically, when customers enter the cafe, the maids are like, "what the hell are you doing here? Well, whatever, grab a seat and get out of my way" LOL And when they're leaving they'll go something like "are you leaving because im mean? Im sorry, i was just shy.. pls stay...." LOL Too bad i don't think it will work in singapore LOL When singaporeans think of maid/cosplay cafe, they only think about the maids treating you like loyalty LOL So i think they'll complain if you have a tsundere theme.
And I WANT A BUTLER CAFE!!!!!!! HAHAHAH Imagine being greeted like a princess, and having a tiara, and the butler even carried the customer princess-style to take a picture! HAHAHA I would so want that! Even though it's abit embarrassing~
hahahah got a few ideas from watching these videos! And i can't believe the (only) maid cafe in singapore is set up by a 16year old cosplayer oO
If she can do it, WE CAN DO IT!
But before that, i need to get back to studying :(
Wish me luck! Just 4 more days!!!
~(3:35 AM)