IB ends
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Spent the whole weekend catching up on sleep and anime! ^^
IB project's finally ended on friday, it was a rush since we only started this week, but we managed i think, even though we left out the comparison table and conclusion and something, and the appendix was a huge mess... Oops. Ahwell. We'll just include it in the presentation slides i suppose, due this/next wednesday and that will be all for IB. Can't wait for it to end!
Like i said, me, mantou & yuxiang worked at GameNation for our BP project. Wasn't looking forward to it at first, since it was right after our IB project dateline, when i was suffering from a few night's lack of sleep and all i wanted was to go home and collapse on my bed. But it turned out well. We were still attached to Siying, but she was a lot more friendlier then the last time we met.
The work was easy la. All we had to learn was to set up the xbox and wii, and how to serve the customers etc. And besides, they were kinda over-staffed with the addition of the three of us so there wasn't much for us to do. And they were helpful and friendly lol kaijun, gabriel and siying (the 3 bosses, a lot more friendlier then during our meetings), chris, justin and gabriel(the part-timers). I think.
Yup, i was thinking, it wouldn't be so bad to work part-time there! LOL I wonder if they'll hire a once-a-week part-time oO haha
Anyway, nothing due next week and then the crazy week where everything's due and then another crazy week with all the presentations. Faster end faster end faster end...
~(12:22 AM)
Blogging, but not on Edward :(
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Blogging on my mum's acer laptop right now LOL While Edward's home resting
His condition is still unstable. Sometimes he's fine, but at other times he tend to slip into unconsciousness when his fever runs too high :( But no worries, ed's doctor will be coming over to have a look at him tomorrow. And perform a mini-operation. It's not life threatening, i think =X I hope he gets well soon, i miss his company :(
Yesterday: Went down to GameNation for our supposedly debrief session. Ends up, we'll be working part time there for 1 or 2days to get a grasp of the operations and stuff so we can come up with some sort of HRM mannual. Me, mantou and yuxiang start work there this friday, after our IB project ends. We're hoping we don't get the marketing girl as our instructor. She's not very friendly yah, and totally ignored us the last time we met. Sigh, hope this turns out well.
And speaking of IB, my 25/35pages IB group project is due this friday! And surprise surprise, i haven't started. I'm gonna be doing a country-analysis? on Japan and whether it's suitable to do sales and marketing of chocolate in Japan. Shouldn't be hard, just... you know, Bleah. Well at least it's better than doing on China/India/Thailand -_- hahahahaha Must get my part done by wednesday night the latest so i can go out on thursday in peace! Just glad im not the compiler oO or leader wahahhahaha
Anyway, mantou intro-ed me to this tumblr yesterday with funny facebook statuses lol
http://www.hellyeahfacebook.tumblr.com/It's kinda funny lol I like the one on Toy Story and Agentina (page2) hahahaha
Okay that's all for now.
~(2:32 PM)
World Cup Finals
Monday, July 12, 2010
Spain vs Netherlands
Watching the match right now.
I think spain will win thou LOL
We shall see... hmmm
30minutes extention LOL
122minutes end.
Scored at 116minutes by Alliaster?
HAHAHA First team to lose their first match but win the finals hahaha
Teaches you not to give up after your first failure eh.
Anyway, I like the Spain goal keeper Casillas hahaha best goal keeper in the world!

I was right again! muahahahah
Should have bet man!
Ahwell. The satisfaction of knowing i was right is good enough hahahah
~(3:26 AM)
She fertilized an egg today 19years ago
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Met up with her at Jurong Point at 6.30 after her briefing at NTU.
Had dinner at Ben10. We shared a terriyaki chicken combo set and a chocolate parfait for her and a mango parfait for me.
Went to the arcade. Played drum maniac and the juke box thingy. Spermy tried her hand at both games for the first time and FAILED LOLOLOLOLOLOL Best friend rule: when the other falls, you laugh LOL she taught me that :D Should have videoed the process though =P
Took the mrt back to yck(first time i had company back home from JP but we spent the journey reading lol) cause she was coming to my house to grab some stuff.
Gave her her birthday present, this board i made filled with our pictures and loaned her a bunch of stuff and she left around 12.40 lo
lol i just realised we didn't take any pictures TOGETHER yesterday =(
Ahwell, there's always next time.
~(3:47 AM)
Oops i did it again
Friday, July 09, 2010
I let Kennard down again =X
Was supposed to meet ken and gang for a movie and dinner. BUT songee and zihui couldn't make it, and jiaqi and benji not sure, so it got cancelled. Ken said maybe we could have dinner but well.. i was with mantou and xin and was shopping for spermy's present so... and when he ended work, we were enjoying food at the taka food fair.
Yeah i know, im really not that good a friend to him as he thinks i am.
Including today, i've ps-ed him 3 times for NP clique. Once when they asked me out for dinner, i was singing K, second time for dinner again, but we were attending kahkok's birthday chalet and today.
No wonder he thinks its becoming a cycle. I don't blame him now that i've reflected on it LOL

Was eating this delicious strawberry-ice when i decided not to meet him. And cream puffs and this chocolate mochee that made me very high cause of the texture LOL
Managed to gather the stuff i needed, and dinner with xin at KFC.
I promise i will make an effort to meet him next time =X
~(11:28 AM)
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
He's running a fever and would occasionally faint from it :(
LOL okay, seriously. His fan is spoilt, resulting in overheating and then auto shut down without warning.
Sigh. It's time i bring him to the clinic lol
Pray for his health!
~(11:31 PM)
Good i checked my email today
So we went down to GameNation after school for our appointment yesterday and guess what? The owners were busy and they forgot to tell us -_- So it was a wasted trip. UGH!!! I ended class at 3! If it weren't for them i would have been home sleeping! :( So instead, me and mantou had mac for dinner and shopped around for my dad and spermy's birthday presents. But at the end of the day, i only got my stuff LOL Bought new toner and facial wash and face cotton LOL Ahwell.
Skipped IB lecture, as usual hahaha Dragged myself and Edward(lappy) and its battery and jap textbooks to school for FBM, 2hr break and Jap BUT jap class was cancelled. LOL Luckily i happen to be checking my school mail, or else me, bih and baba would have waited till 6 for nothing. When i saw the email i msged jia and bih, and the both of them doubted me -_- Bih thought i might be pranking LOL Well sounds like something i would do to them but unfortunately no.
Anyway, mantou was doing her FIT quiz last night, and she got 24/25 but she kept re-doing to get full marks, 7 times to be precise, and i was like, "i were u i jiu dun care le, 1 mark nia" and she was like, "the previous quiz i forgot miss diao nv do ma, so wanna do this full mark, so that both add together, i pass LOL HAHAHHA" I thought it was funny la!!! hahahahah
Ah ah~ hope tomorrow will be a better day.
~(12:37 AM)
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Ends :'(
Monday, July 05, 2010
So freaking sad la!!!
It was one of the few animes i look forward to every single week! :'(

In the last episode edward proposed to winry! It was so cute can LOL
Ed: winry..
W: what is it? Give it to me straight.
W: huh?
Ed: I'll give you half of my life, so give me half of yours!
W: *sighs* Geez, why are alchemists like this? Saying stuff like "law of equivalent exchange"... How stupid can you get?!
Ed: What'd you say?!
W: You're a real idiot. You want half of it? I'll give you all of it. *realizes what she just said* Actually, not all of it. Well, 90%.. actually, maybe 80%... Not 70%... how about 85%? That's right, i can give you this much.
Ed: *snickers*
Ed: Ah, sorry sorry. You're incredible, as i thought.You overturned the law of equivalent exchange like it was nothing.
W: What's that supposed to mean? Are you making fun of me?
Ed: I'm not. *Hugs her* I feel much better now. Thanks. I'll be back.
W: Yep, take care!
Well they got married and had 2kids, as shown in the picture at the end lol
And Edward's taller now! hahahahha
~(1:49 AM)
From now on, i am Switzerland! LOL
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Wed: Met up with Spermy after school at Macs for dinner, and she spent a whole load of time raving about HuXia, her new love after LingFeng. Tsk tsk. Anyway, i searched him on youtube and i think Lingfeng is hotter oO I do have a friend who kinda looks like Huxia thou lol well the hair and the specs at least lol So anyway, when she finally stopped talking about him =P we went to AMK hub to shop. Got new rubberbands for my hair after i lost my favourite green rubberband :'( This shirt from bus-stop, which i found out later that bih has a similar one and the same shorts as spermy from cotten-on cause it was 2 for$30 LOL Went to the market after that cause i wanted ice-kachang/satay but it was closed. So we went to S-11 so i could get a drink and satay. Went home after that lo LOL
Friday: Lecture, tutorial, pon-ed FBM lecture with mantou to bond with xin at the atrium LOL My slogan for that day, Pon to Bond hahahaha Anyway, went to Tiong Bahru Plaza with Jia and Qian after that to get Kahkok's birthday present, a deck of SNSD/Girl's Generation poker cards (benson told us that kahkok said he would masturbate to that -_-) and a small card in a cute bag LOL Glad he liked it hahahahha Took an almost 2hours bus-ride (no.5) from tiong plaza to pasir ris. And then went to mac for fries cause benson told us to wait half an hour before he could come and fetch us. We had 2 packs of fries cause we were so hungry lol after that benson told us to wait another 20minutes!!! So we took a cab in instead hahaha Eat and chat lo thats all. hahaha And there was this guy who looks 30% like bihbih and they kept laughing about it! This guy even wanted to play ice-breaking to get the two of them to know each other hahaha it was so funny la lol Jia and qian left after the eating the birthday cake while benson sent me, xin and bih back at around 11.30 hahahah
Because bih doesn't read my blog anymore (she lost the link and i dun put it as my PM anymore lol) im gonna post what i wrote in kahkok's birthday card!
BihBih 得的到
hahahaha i think it's quite cute, but im gonna get killed if she reads this =X
Saturday: Watched Eclipse with NP clique. It was better than the first two movies lol but Bih say she no feel. She said the baseball scene in the first movie was more exciting -_- Had lunch at this jap foodcourt thingy after that and then went home.
Anyway, the pig is stuck on my wall after i threw it against it to see if it'll bounce back lol
Apparently not hahahahha
~(2:12 AM)