Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Well well well, the 3weeks holiday flew pass in a flash!
Last wednesday: Went to sch with mantou for camp briefing. And then lunch at pasta mania and watched "She's out of my league" at cineleisure with bihbih. Book shopping at kino, again, cos of the 20% off lol i think kino hates me lol When i reserved a copy for Fallen, they called to tell me it was out of stock and they didn't know when the books would come in, but when i was there there's a whole bunch of the book. When i asked for a soft copy of Fire, they said it would only come out 6-1year after the hardcopy, and guess what i found at the store? And the 20% is right before all my book sequels come out lol Yeah, bought 2 books and was contemplating whether to buy this new book by Meg Cabot, but it's in hardcover and its expensive :( Ahwell. Dinner at mac and then home
Friday and saturday: Camp serving as mentors for the school of science and technology. I was in charge of a group of 5boys. They are so talkative and hyperactive i can't keep up and at times, they gave me a headache. They squabbling also annoyed me. Thank god its over lol
Sunday: sleep
Monday: Lecture cancelled, so went to school for BOF only and abit of extend project scribbling lol
Tuesday: Skipped IB (cos i dun ever listen lol), tutorial cancelled cause teacher on MC lol so i went to school for jap only
Tmr: Lessons as per normal, i suppose. Meeting spermy after that for dinner.
Thursday: Sleep?
Friday: School and kahkok birthday chalet celebration
Saturday: Twilight with NP clique.
Sunday: Sleep
lol ok till i find the need to update again hahaha
~(12:09 AM)
Summer and Winter
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
His fingers tightened on mine and pulled me forward. Startled and overbalanced, i looked up at him, and then he was kissing me.
I froze in shock, but only for a moment. Wrapping my arms around his neck, i rose on my tiptoes to meet him, kissing him back with a hunger that surprised us both. He crushed me close, and i ran my hands through his silky hair, sliding it through my fingers. His lips were cool on mine, and my mouth tingled. And for a moment, there was no Ethan, no Puck, no Iron King. Only this.
He pulled back, slightly out of breath. My blood raced, and i leaned my head on his shoulder, feeling the steely muscles through his back. I felt him tremble.
"This isn't good," he murmured, his voice curiously shaken. But he still didn't release me. I closed my eyes and listened to his rapid heartbeat.
"I know," I whispered back.
"The courts would kill us if they found out"
"Mab would accuse me of treason. Oberon would believe I'm turning you against him. They'd both see grounds for banishment, or execution.
"I'm sorry."
He sighed, burying his face in my hair. His breath was cool on my neck, and i shivered. Neither of us said anything for what seemed a long time.
-The Iron King
“I’ll always trust you,” I whispered without thinking, and his hands tightened, turning me to face him almost savagely.
“No,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “You won’t. I’m your enemy, Meghan. Never forget that. If Mab tells me to kill you in front of the entire court, it’s my duty to obey. If she orders Rowan or Sage to carve you up slowly, making sure you suffer every second of it, I’m expected to stand there and let them do it. Do you understand? My feelings for you don’t matter in the Winter Court. Summer and Winter will always be on opposite sides, and nothing will change that.”
I knew I should be afraid of him. He was an Unseelie prince after all, and had basically admitted he would kill me if Mab ordered him to. But he also admitted to having feelings for me—feelings that didn’t matter, true, but it still made my stomach squirm when I heard it. And maybe I was being naive, but I couldn’t believe Ash would willingly hurt me, even in the Winter Court. Not with the way he was looking at me now, his silver eyes conflicted and angry.
He stared at me a moment longer, then sighed. “You didn’t hear a word I said, did you?” he murmured, closing his eyes.
“I’m not afraid,” I told him, which was a lie; I was terrified of Mab and the Unseelie Court that waited at the end of this journey. But if Ash was there, I would be all right.
“You are infuriatingly stubborn,” Ash muttered, raking a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how I’m going to protect you when you have no concept of self-preservation.”
I stepped close to him, placing a hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat under his shirt. “I trust you,” I said, rising up so our faces were inches apart, trailing my fingers down his stomach. “I know you’ll find a way.”
His breath hitched, and he regarded me hungrily. “You’re playing with fire, you know that?”
“That’s weird, considering you’re an ice prin—” I didn’t get any further, as Ash leaned in and kissed me. I looped my arms around his neck as his snaked around my waist, and for a few moments, the cold couldn’t touch me.
-Winter's Passage
LOL just my favourite parts of the book/online novel. Ah, the beauty of forbidden love lol Bittersweet and irresistible <3>
Just pray it doesn't happen to you in real life, cause it could be a pain in the ass haha
Luckily for me, i crave for the company of books more than boys now lol
I would stay happily single for the rest of my poly days, cause im not ready to deal with all that crap that comes with relationships (refer to mantou and GC's r/s lol. Not that we would have the same problems, i highly doubt it, but still.)
"There's like a lot of other stuff waiting... sex marriage wedding..."
LOL when he said that to her, all i could think of was, "See, 他是以婚姻为前提的跟你交往" (he's seeing you with the possibility of marriage one day, or something along the lines of that)
But if a guy said that to me, i would freak out. LOL
Weird right, the hopeless romantic not looking for love, but books hahahhaa
Well what can i say, 时机未到。(the time is not right)
Wait, isn't that ultraman's body?!!!
~(12:42 PM)
Cotton Candy Girl
Saturday, June 19, 2010

The first cotton candy i made LOL
Don't laugh LOL
I tend to make mushroom shaped cotton candies lol but they looked pretty good at the end of the day okay hahaha didn't have a chance to take a picture though :(
So now im a (very badly burnt) right (mildly burnt) left hand man lol
Been making and selling cotton candies non-stop(with the occasional switch with bossu) from 9-5. i was covered in so much sugar from all that cotton candy. My shirt, my jeans, my hands, my face -_- I was looking blue la, literally LOL I believe i have developed some muscles from the non-stop twirling of my hands haha and now i have new-found respect for those people who do it all the time at pasamalams. It's a miracle that can still type lol
I didn't even know i was sunburnt until i saw the difference of my skin colour above and under the sleeve of my shirt hahaha and since half my body was out in the sun while the other half was slightly sheltered, i have 3 skin tones on both my hands now.
Hmmm reading a new book i bought yesterday called 'The Iron King' LOL Mantou keeps laughing at the title cause it sounds like Iron Man -_- Apparently it's a four part series lol but the publishing dates are all quite close, thank god. June 2010 (Winter's Passage), which i just realised is now, Auguest 2010 (The Iron Daughter), and feb 2011 (The Iron Queen) LOL
I hope the second book will be in kino before the 20% ends LOL
Anyway my hands are tired now, so bye.
~(8:20 PM)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Been a hectic week.
Last mon-wed: sleeping, watching inuyasha/desperate housewifes, dragonica
Thursday: Went to school for IB project review, got a B-, apparently one of the better groups among all my tutors' classes(he only gave 2 Bs across all the class he teaches). Went to Cineleisure for lunch after that with mantou, bih and xin. Had a little session of Drum maniac v7 at the arcade and then watched The Killers with bih and xin. Quite funny, but stupid ending -_- lol Went to Kino after that to get books lol and it was having 20% sale, so i got more books! hahaha kay la 3 only, and 1 of them is Koizora (up) LOL went home after that
Friday: Finally replaced my old and tattered handphone pouch with a new one, only because they threatened to buy me handphone pouches/slippers for my bday/xmas if i don't replace them lol. Babajia's farewell/celebratory party before she goes back to china. Had dinner at Waraku at Heeren, then camped at Kino for half an hour before going to Coffee Bean to talk more about mantou and GC's "little situation"
Saturday: Finally replaced my old and tattered slippers with a new one. Buffet lunch at Hoshi with bryan, felicia and my aunt. Went to Jurong Point after that and camped at the Drum Maniac machine lol Im playing more advance songs now!!! hahahaha Had a enormous cup of desert after that shared between the four of us. Bryan left to meet his friends, while the rest of us went shopping. Went to meet mantou, bird nest dave and yuxiang after that for our Hang Out project, even though we accomplished nothing at the end of the day -_- Mantou stayed over at my place cause she missed the last train LOL
Sunday: Me and mantou woke up late, which means we left my house late and reached her house late and reached Vivo city late to meet up with bih, xin, qian and benson lol It was all sunny and hot when we reached Sentosa, but within half an hour, the weather changed drastically and started raining. So we just lazed around lo until the rain stopped and we could enter the water 1hr+ later. Played in the water, showered, and went back to my house for steamboat/bbq dinner. Watched the Land of the Lost on HBO after that and then they went home.
Monday&Tuesday: sleep, read, fb, dragonica
Probably the same for tomorrow
Movie on thursday lol
Yah, thats all lol
~(5:49 PM)
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Been a busy week. Basically school school school, reports due reports due reports due. But im glad it's over now =D And the start of our 3weeks term break! hahahha
Volunteered(with CCA points of course) at the APPIES(Asia Pacific Advertising & Marketing Congress) 2010 on thursday with NP clique. We reached school at 7am(!!!) and sat at the "registration booth" the whole day giving out goody bags and their name tags. The work is pretty slack actually lol and there's food. We get to eat the guests' left-over buffet after they were done with it hahahaha And there was this melvin-from-china lookalike guy whom i thought was pretty shuai hahahah His name is Marshal. No i did not get his number LOL Just saying. =D
So Mantou and his Qing Ai De has finally gotten together, OFFICIALLY. My god. LOL The road has been tough, and i don't think it will be all smooth-sailing from now on either. But nevertheless, i hope you guys are happy =D
Met up with Songee, Jiaqi, Ken, XiongLong and Zihui on Saturday for chinese/dim sum buffet at Peach Garden at Thomson Plaza. I read the sms wrongly and ended up at Novena instead oO lol so took 162 back to Thomson Plaza lo. The food was not bad i think, at a reasonable price $22/person so yeah. Talked about NS as usual (lol you don't want to know what NS guys do to each other. It's gross, even for me), ken and his miserable life (i had an enlightenment yesterday while on my way to meet them. Ken is almost always complaining about his life-wushu, no friends, no girls, lousy attachment etc., while im always talking about the good bits of mine, so in contrast, he thinks i lead an awesome life, while he leads a miserable life), Jiaqi coming out of the closet as a perv (you know, like gays coming out), and zihui LOL "Birds of the same feathers flock together. Do you want to be my feather?" oO lol
Went to GSC (good-speed cafe, god haven't heard that term since secondary school) to play L4D2 lol I hate being the undead lol But thanks to Jiaqi who has motion sickness playing human, i got to switch with him everytime its my turn to play the undead hahahaha "KILL ALL SON OF BITCHES!!!" hahahhaha Me: Nard you just killed me! Him: I did not. I'm papayacake. Don't make me repeat that. hahahhaha papayacake is his ID, "I don't even like papaya, i like cake though" hahahhaha Played dragonica with Bih for awhile after that. Halfway through the gaming session all of us realised it was zihui's birthday (oops) so after that we um, said happy birthday and shook his hand? LOL Pei him get a cup of green blue coral from sweet-talk and then went home lol
This is kinda late but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
You've been a great friend lol and even though your really weird, i hope you'll stay that way always. And no, i don't want to be your feather LOLOLOL
Yeah that's about it for this week. Im utterly broke for the next three weeks. Looking forward to sentosa and stayover, and Chia is back in singapore, so maybe a meet up with her and carren! ^^
~(7:39 PM)