Goodbye, my dear friend..
Friday, April 30, 2010
When i opened my eyes this afternoon, it occurred to me that hers will remain close for eternity. When i took in my first breath of fresh air from stepping out of the house, i remembered that she has taken her last. And while i was having dinner with my parents, it saddens me that we'll never have the chance of a get together, to talk about our lives and enjoy a meal together.
When i received the sms informing me of her death and her wake in the subsequent evening, i was shocked, but after confirming that it wasn't a cruel joke(oh how i wish it was), all thoughts and feelings just drained out of me. All i could think of was, what happened? Why? It was too sudden and unexpected.. it's not like we're 80years old you know! We haven't even reached the age where our friends start marrying and having kids one by one! We're only 19 this year! It wasn't something i was prepared for, and i didn't know how to react.
When i went home to drop off my bag and for a quick dinner, my parents showed me the newspaper with her picture on the front page. she was beautiful, she is beautiful. The newspaper said that she ended her life by jumping off from the 25th floor. Why???
When we attended her wake, and i saw her in the coffin, i realized that this was real, and a strange, overwhelming mix of feelings overtook me. I wished she had spoken to someone about her problems, let someone try and help her or share her burden, instead of ending her life so carelessly. I was sure that if she did, she would have toughen it out and found happiness eventually. I wished that she was still mopping about her problems somewhere, but alive and kicking.
Mel, we were classmates through the 4years in deyi, even though we were never particularly close. I always envied your art and poems and writings. You were talented in so many ways, so mysterious, and so beautiful. I wished that i had gotten the chance to know you better. Now that you're no longer here with us, i hope that you're somewhere better, that you have found peace, that you can now smile for eternity, because you look like an angel when you do, and im sure you are one right now. Know that you're loved and that your presence will be dearly missed.
~(12:36 AM)
Second chance
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
"...The Full Moon also indicates the possibility of travel coming soon: maybe an opportunity that was put off in the past is seeing the light of day again... "
Hmm. I wonder.
I let the opportunity of 6months overseas attachment slipped past me once, and now here's another chance. ZheJiang university study exchange for my last semester in Ngee Ann. Basically, instead of taking the modules in NP in the last semester, you take it in ZheJiang Uni.
Ah. I dunno leh. I think that it would be a great experience. Almost like overseas studies heheh And if i don't manage to get into any Unis, this would be my last chance to experience any overseas studies LOL Im not afraid to go alone(i mean, you would eventually meet friends there anyway, 18weeks leh!), i'm proficient enough in chinese, my parents would probably allow cause they always say i should go for this kinda thing to learn how to be independent and stuff. So what's holding me back?
Hahaha maybe i should ask first and do more research before making any decision
PS. Parents think its okay, but need to get more info before we decide bah haah =D
~(9:01 PM)
What business planning taught me
Monday, April 26, 2010
It's not your fault if you're born poor, because you can't choose your parents. But if you marry poor, it's ALL your fault!
Hahahah just thought this was funny!
Had our first tutorial today. Well, 1/3 of the class was from the china trip, even though i hardly know any of their names. Good to know that year3s won't be having common tests, only final exams so we can slack while the year1s and 2s study their brains out! hahahah But that means we'll have a lot to study for for finals >< ahwell. We'll have the weeks during Youth Olympics to study anyway =D
~(10:41 PM)
Not again
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Please don’t make me fall in love with you again.
I recovered once, but I’m not sure I could do it a second time and still live to be your friend.
~(9:13 PM)
God would understand LOL
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Met up with Bih and Xin to go support Benson at his dragonboat competition at Bedok reservoir. But by the time we arrived, their competition has ended already! LOL Well at least they got No.1 hahahah so CONGRATS!!! When we were walking towards them, Benson's friends would be like, "Eh you never come support your boyfriend, he No.1 leh" or something like that. And one of the guys asked her to come down tomorrow at 8.45am for their semi-finals, but Xin had church, so he was like, "Don't worry, God would understand" LOLOLOL Yeah so after Benson and his friend with the ugly crocs bathed at TP, went over to Tampinese One for early dinner at Kim Gary. I think we sat there for 3hours chatting lol and Benson was kinda sian hahahha And xin says this is what we girls do, so when we asked what the guys do, he said "We stand outside in a circle until we decide where to go lo!" lol as if that is any better hahahha
Went home and then my parents brought me out to Geylang for supper LOL Do i not look local? The durian seller asked what country i was from oO Went home after that to continue watching my E.U. hahahha Can't decide if dating BoQiao or LiWen would be better hahaha I think LiWen's more fun, but BoQiao's more sweet hmmmmm hahahha
Where's my Lucky Prince? Little Princess is still waiting <3
~(9:03 PM)
Last day of the first week of school
Friday, April 23, 2010
Lecture in the morning and then we spent our 3hours break before our next lecture having lunch with China Gang and then playing Monopoly and Taboo at the games room. Its funny how PianJian(da yuan) calls mantou MINMIN omg LOL From RuiMin(her chinese name) to Ahmin(her ex-person who has a crush on her) to MinMin and they call this PianJian. It sounds so qing qie(sweet) lo please! hahahahha
First week of school was fine i guess hahaha Some of the moudules seem interesting.. Hope to get the Hang Out Cafe project! hahaha Oh and for those of you who don't know yet, me and mantou signed you guys(Jia, qian, xin, bih) up for some marketing CCA lol It's optional la so you can just choose not to go for the activities if you do not want to. =D hahahahha 20points to Gold! Chiong ah!
~(8:57 PM)
K singing marathon
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Met up with Xin and Mantou at 313 for lunch before heading to cash studio for our karaoke session! Sang jap songs for about 2hrs.. Mantou sings Gazette with headphones on to follow the songs -_- And we couldn't find her favourite song "HOLE" LOL Only "Cockroach" lol Anyway Jia, Qian and Wanrong joined us after their lessons and we started singing chinese songs+watch korean MVs after they arrived. Had macdonalds for dinner in the room and sang till around 9.30 before we left! hahaha Me, Xin and Mantou were there since 2pm, and the rest joined us around 4 and the total bill adds up to an astounding.. $56 ONLY!!! Totally worth it! hahahha
Wah. Damn lazy to upload the videos hahahahha
~(8:47 PM)
Everybody's changing
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Today, a cute guy talked to me in school!!! LOL
Turns out, it was Yuuki!!! HAHAHA Haven't seen him since the last time Gan was in Singapore. He looked kinda different so i didn't recognize him hahaha Taller, maybe thinner, wearing specs, good looking! hahaha he was like, "meixuan?" and i was like, "ummm" and he was like "im Yuuki" and im like "OHHHHH, nick's friend!" or something lol Apparently he's in year1 International Business hahaha Ah, so nice to see another familiar face in a crowd of strangers =D
After that i was thinking what if i introduced mantou to Yuuki, since she was wearing long-socks and interested in japanese guys oO haha "Hey Yuuki, this is my friend, Hiimeko, but she's not japanese!" =P
~(10:43 PM)
Spamming day
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
This afternoon, a few of us received spam smses from Xin. Mine said "ni si melon si melon si melon si melon si melon si melon..." She sent it 5 or 6times, 4pages each haha I think Qian's was "si cock si cockroach.." LOL
But anybody using their butt to think knows that Xin wouldn't do this kinda lame thing, so it was obviously Mantou's wuliao doing -_- And she dared me to spam her back! So i edited her "ni si melon.." to "ni si mantou.." and extended it to 7pages(maximum) and sent it back... TWENTY TIMES... (My phone could send sms to 20ppl at one time, so i filled in Mantou's name for all wahahahhaha)... TIMES 4... to mantou's hp! And i think her hp's sms space is 200? or 500? hhahahhaha And i sent 80x7=560smses
~(11:08 PM)
Ashin ai wo!!! hahahha
Monday, April 19, 2010
Mayday version! (Ashin to me! hahaha)
如果有一天 你对我说 你想要一颗星星
如果有一天 你对我说 你想要一朵花
如果有一天 你对我说 你想离开我
那么我会对你说 我要给你 最后的 最美的 最好的温柔
让我对你说 让我对你说
Now my version! To mantou!
如果有一天 你对我说 你要跟我绝交
那么我就会发个红字条给你 上面写着 “you will be dead”
如果有一天 你对我说 对不起伤害了你
那么我会对你说 道歉有用的话要警察干吗?
如果有一天 你对我说 你爱上了我
让我对你说 让我对你说
funny right! haha
LOL did this for fun XP. Inspiration for the first two comes from 流星花园。The last one random 哈哈哈。。。
~(1:04 AM)
School reopens
Sunday, April 18, 2010
First day of my 3rd year in Ngee Ann starts tomorrow. Can't say im very excited about it, since i'll be separated from Bih, and even Mantou, whose in my course but not even in my class :( Ahwell. On the bright side, found out that YuXiang, a secondary school acquaintance will be in my class LOL While i don't know him very well, he seems like a nice and quiet guy and he has kindly offered to print my notes for tomorrow cause the printer is out of ink, again. My printer's always out of ink when school reopens LOL
Well at least i can say i really enjoyed this holiday hahaha Which will also be my last holiday in poly since my next long holiday will be dedicated to attachment and the following one will be after graduation haha Seriously, i think this is the only holiday that i didn't spend majority of my time rotting at home :) It was exhausting, but very worthwhile :D
Memorable experiences this holiday:
1) China trip+making new friends
2) First chalet stayover!!! -Babajia's 21st birthday party
3) Attending my first concert!!!- Mayday
4) Meeting him.
Yah, now that holidays have ended and school's reopening, it's time i focus on my studies once again. 4.0 here i come!!! HAHAHAH Besides, i only have myself to depend on now that my nerd's not with me anymore :( And i really have to give it all i've got if i want to enter any of the local Us hahaha JIAYOUJIAYOUJIAYOU!!! =D
And im kidding about meeting him hahahaha There was no him. Just wanna scam you all only =P A little bit of end-of-holidays humour hahahha
~(11:18 PM)
五月天世界巡迴演唱會 變形DNA*無限放大版 Rock, Love & Peace.

Mayday fan LOL

Concert ticket

Me in the oversized Mayday fan t-shirt LOL It says ROCK AND ROLL BEAR!!!

Me, My cousin Daniel and his two friends lol

TRANSFORMMERS!!!! LOL that huge thing talked and moved okay!

Masa (瑪莎)

Monster (怪獸)

Guan You/Ming (冠佑/明)

Stone (石頭)

Ashin (阿信)
I really enjoyed the concert. It was great, given the circumstances, but it could have been better. Ahwell. Must be 自足 (satisfied) hahaha
I don't get why people would attend an outdoor concert in high heels LOL It was damn funny la, especially after you walked in and realized that the ground was totally flooded and muddy due to the afternoon rain. Thank god i went in my reliable converse high-cut sneakers. Even though it was covered in mud at the end of the concert cause i ran a bit and was jumping a bit but the insides was still nice and dry hahahha
Also, it pays to be short and small. For one, i managed to queeze from row 29(our original row) to row 1 (VIP area) LOL But i should have done that earlier!!! Hahaha spent half the concert at row29 :( And then ran around trying to snap a shot of them when they were at the middle platform and went up to the front after that ahaha My cousin and his friend didn't come right to the front with me cause they were too tall and would block the people behind LOL
The view at the VIP area was AWSOME LOL Nobody was blocking me(most of the time) and most of the people were sitting so it wasn't as squeezey. hahaha I think Ashin looks really young, he doesn't look like he's 35, more like late 20s the most! Monster also. Too bad he was at the other side so i couldn't really get a good shot of him. Plus my camera's battery went flat shortly after i went up to the VIP area. And the pictures come out blurish when i zoom. Gonna get my dad to buy a new camera!!! Arghhhhhh So i used my handphone for some of the pics (last 3 pictures, the ones above used with digital camera)
Yah, their performance was fine. But i think some of the machines weren't working right due to the afternoon rain. Like the transformers only talked and moved it's right arm i think. I didn't notice anything else la but i think daniel and his friends spotted a few more lol Ahwell. Like i would know if something went wrong with masa's guitar while he was doing his solo LOL There was fireworks too, but not the really big ones like during NDP la, and it was kinda blocked by the stage. But the coloured ribbons were really nice when they came down hahahah Like snowing <3
But i was quite disappointed that the concert ended before 12 :( cos i heard that they ended after 12 last year with 3 encores! While we didn't have any encore this year :( The fans were still waiting and shouting after they left the stage and declared that the concert has come to an end backstage. Sighhhh I think they would have been very happy even if they sang one more song :s
Ahwell, there's always next time! hahahha
~(4:09 PM)
This dude is a genius!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
~(8:10 PM)
I want a Drum Maniac machine!!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Don't understand why my dad insists on using the common toilet when he could use the one in the master bedroom -_- So since i can't shower now, here's an entry for today hahaha
Had lunch with Xin, Xin's mum, Xin's bro and Mantou at FeiChui hahaha Had a lot of dimsum lo hahaha After Xin's mum and bro left, met up with Benson and then went over to his house to play ROCKBAND!!! hahahha Tried everything on ROCKBAND!!! Hahahah Drums, guitar and singing. The drums was okay bah. i think im better at guitar with ROCKBAND then Guitar Hero haha but i can only do easy (3fingers) ^^ As for singing.. very funny la hahhaa cause i've never heard most of the songs before so anyhow lo. Just Ah ah ah ah ah also sometimes hahaha Mantou sings like a mice. You can only hear her squeaking, freaking soft la lol Had dinner at his house and then went home after that. Jokes about Sweemun doing I know what was very funny hahahahhahaha XP
Finished reading "Confessions of a Boyfriend Stealer(a blog)" lol I remember reading it while working at Kino, but did i finish the whole book before? Cause while reading it, i recognized every single part, right till the end oO LOL maybe i should do a list on the books i've finished, like my lists on animes i've finished, watching and stalled LOLOLOLOL
Can't remember all the books i've read before la, but here's a list of books i've finished this holiday
1) Percy Jackson book 1-4
2) The Graveyard Book
3) Beautiful Creatures
4) Confessions of a Boyfriend Stealer (a blog)
5) Some chinese book
I think thats all la. Wah, quite a lot wor hahaha Don't think i've read so much in 1 holiday before. But i still haven't finished Ink Spell!!!! Hahahaha Nvm, i still have 4days of holidays left! XP
Yeah. Staying home the next two days, and MAYDAY CONCERT with Daniel (my other cousin haha) on Sat!!! CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT!!! But need raincoat? oO hahahhahaha
~(11:28 PM)
Need more money!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Lol kinda lazy to blog again =X so here's a summary.
Last thursday: Met up with Jiahao, shopped at NTUC for baking ingredients, which he picked at random LOL Went over to his house, had maggi for lunch and started baking! We attempted cookies and tiramisu. The cookies didn't turn out very well, i think we missed some ingredients lol since we didn't follow any recipe and just randomly mixed flour, sugar, butter, and chocolate together and then put it in the oven to bake hahahha It was kinda salty, i felt like drinking water after just one bite LOL And it doesn't have the cookie crunch either :( The tiramisu was slightly better, even though we also made it randomly, without a recipe. He replaced lady fingers(digestive buscuit) with Oreo, and expresso with coffee powder oO and got knows what else LOL It tasted better than the cookies but rather than tiramisu, it tasted more like cappuccino ice-cream haha maybe because i tried it only after 4hours. (Recommended to serve after refrigerating for 1day) lol Despite our failures, i thought it was kinda fun LOL And while waiting for the tiramisu, we did some exercise following this dude on discovery health and living LOL It looked so easy but god was it tiring hahahhaha But really embarrassing while doing it hahhaha
Friday: Met up with Mantou, Derek, Xiaoshuai and Seaweed at Vivo. Had lunch at the foodcourt, watched How To Train A Dragon, then went home lo hahahha
Saturday: Stayed home and slack
Sunday: It was Ching Ming Jie. So our whole family (me&my parents, cousins&their family) went to pay our respects to our ancestors LOL After that we all went to this Ulu part of Singapore for buffet bbq&steamboat hahahha Ate for 3hours and then went home to slack
Monday: Stayed home and slack. But went to this Interior Design company with my parents to check out the designs for the new HDB maisonette lol So blahblahblah, and then she took out a piece of agreement with the cost $4280 on it and my parents decided it was too expensive and didn't sign it LOL Its such a hassle lo. Why do they want to move???? Argh.
Tuesday: Met up with Spermy hahahaha Had lunch at KFC and watched My Rainy Days(eng title) aka Tenshi No Koi(jap title, meaning Angel's Love. I think they changed it to My Rainy Days cause the couple met on a rainy day LOL). We ran in the rain and got ourselves wet cause we didn't have an umbrella. Sat around the MRT station then at Coffee Bean cause i wanted Ice-Blended Mocha. Shopped at Etude house after that for freaking long! hahahha I bought a new toner and moisturizer LOL Apparently these kinda products you should use for 1year only but im still using my old toner from faceshop which i've had for about 3 years now =X hahaha Anyway Spermy also bought a lot hahaha she spent like $100+ oO haha she bought the same toner and moisturizer as me, plus some lip pealing thingy and lip gloss and o2 whitening cream LOL The salesperson(Her name's Precious) even put some make-up on her LOL She looked better with make-up i guess, but older. haha Precious even introduced some selling shots job at a bar, $80 for 4hours hahahha But i doubt she will work there leh. Anyway after that we came to my house cause i forgot her souvenir when i left the house, and we had cup noodle for dinner hahahah To save abit after spending so much i guess LOL XP
~(11:52 PM)
He burnt a hole in my wallet
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Was out with Nigel the fakie the whole day LOL Met up at Ion, had my fried mushroom and walked over to Cineleisure for my lunch at Kobayashi and watched the movie "When In Rome" lol It's a romantic comedy about a girl who picked up some coins from the Fountain of Love in Rome, and like a spell, the guys whose coins belong to started falling in love with her lol She was in love with one guy called Nick and refused to go out with him because she thought he was under the spell too and she didn't want to be unfair to him lol But actually he wasn't hahahahha Happy Ending lo hahaha quite a funny show =D I WANT TO GO BACK TO ROME!!! HAHAH Maybe for my future honeymoon. I was telling nigel why don't i go to NYC to study Uni, and TO FIND LOVE! LOL
After the movie i bought my facial wash and some random stuff at Etude house and then we went to Far East, to the salon that made Bih's 3minutes shuai hairstyle LOL before she pinned it all up -_- He decided he wanted to cut and dye his hair as his belated birthday present(from last year) haha and the colour he chose was violet as the base, and copper(red) highlights. So while he was having his hair dyed and cut, i was sitting there reading the magazines, and deleting my smses hahaha 2hours+++ leh omg haha and he kept flirting with the hairdressers and asking for their ages!!! LOL After 2hours, the violet base looks mostly like light black LOL and the copper red looks really auntie-ish hahahhahaha His hair was slightly shorter, and neater, but mostly looks the same. Not much of a drastic change. hahaha Ahwell, better than being screwed up lol 80bucks for this, seems like our budget for each other's birthdays are going up every year =X
After the hair dye and cut, we went over to Taka for dinner at Ambush. I had my usual, while he had something with cod fish in it. Quite nice, think i'll try that next time! Went up to Kinokuniya cause i wanted to see if they the version of Percy Jackson The last Olympian that i want. Nope. Ended up buying Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, about a girl who fell for a fallen angel i think, a forbidden love. Hahaha shall start reading that after i finish the books i have to finish this week. Can't wait! And i think that i prefer shopping for books at Times more than Kino now lol. It's kinda awkward shopping at Kino, my ex-working place, seeing people i used to work with is like running into an ex-boyfriend. Haha i see my ex-colleages but i dunno what to say so i just walk past hoping they don't notice lol I don't remember any of their names either and i just want to skip the awkward greetings. Besides, we weren't really close to begin with oO Hmmmmmm
After Kino we split at the MRT and went our separate ways home lo LOL Spent $160 today sia That idiot dare to come out with only $4!!! When it's my birthday celebration, Im gonna make him pay muahahahhahahah
~(10:36 PM)
This week's activities
Monday, April 05, 2010
-Finish Felicia's story books Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl, and Confessions of a Boyfriend Stealer(a blog) by Robynn Clairday lol
-Meet up with Nigel for shopping and maybe a movie on wednesday.
-Meet up with Jiahao to bake cookies and tiramisu on thursday.
-Meet up with China trip gang to watch How to Train a Dragon on friday
-Probably clique lunch/dinner on saturday.
-Family gathering on sunday.
-Start on China trip journal to be submitted to teacher =X Which reminds me, i haven't started blogging about the trip yet LOL
~(5:19 PM)
Sunday is family day
Sunday, April 04, 2010
As usual, went to my cousin's house today. After lunch, i spent the whole afternoon sleeping hahahha What, i've been out the whole week since i've come back and haven't got the chance to sleep to my heart's content so i was really tired then. After i woke up around 6+, had dinner and fruits, and then went home LOL Typical family day for me XP
Spent the whole night sending XiaoShuai my xiamen pictures. After 3hours, not even 1/4 sent lol It's gonna be a looooooong night
~(11:59 PM)
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Had lunch with my parents at a nearby coffee shop and headed to Singapore Expo for the HomeDesign exhibition. They were mostly displaying beds and sofas, a few Interior Design companies, and stuff like sliding doors/windows, cupboards, floorboards etc. IF ONLY we could replace my dad's old, hard, brownish, uncomfortable antique furnitures with one of those comfortable sofas =( Ahwell, that's never gonna happen. They bought the house only because it could fit in those old furnitures, so yeah they're like treasure to them =X As long as i can do my room the way i like it i guess its fine hmmm
Met up with Songen, Jiaqi, Benji and Nard after that. Was 45minutes late LOL Cause i left the exhibition late, and didn't alight the train when i was supposed to (Was supposed to alight at Tanah Merah but i forgot so i went from Expo to TM to Changi back to TM hahahha). And then we had dinner at the foodcourt -_- I was like, "i rushed back all the way from Expo to have dinner at the foodcourt??? I might as well eat there!" hahahah But just as well, better for my wallet lol
So after dinner, benji left, and the rest of us had desert and drinks at the market. I asked for Iced longan, meaning longan and that tofu thingy, but they really ordered Iced longan, a cup with logan at the bottom with a lot of ice -_- And jiaqi was all, 'here's your iceberg" -_- After desert, songen brought us around in circles, and then announced we're going home when we were near Macs so we took the bus home lo, except kennard who walked in the rain cause "it's only 1 stop".
Ohyeah, i saw the Xi Yang Yang and Da Hui Lang VCD(some china childhood cartoon lol) at PohKim lol
~(11:55 PM)
Blades of Glory LOL
Friday, April 02, 2010
Met up with Mantou, XiaoShuai, Seaweed, Derek and DaYuan at Cityhall mrt and took a bus to Kallang Stadium. Was supposed to watch Clash of the Titans/How To Train A Dragon but there were only seats left in the first/second row for both so we ended up ice-skating instead.
Had my super late lunch(4+pm) at KFC, played at the arcade (I FAILED AT THE SAME SONG TWICE! AT THE FIRST STAGE SOME MORE! I confused the drums in the first round and in the second round, i forgot to change the settings -_- Holy la omg) and then went in to skate, we were forced to wait cause there was a full house and we could only enter after 5.30 LOL
The ice was rougher then before, but i didn't fall this time round while the rest did lol Mastered a little bit of skating backwards and spied on a MICKY 1 guy lol whom mantou thought was cool haha cause of his skating la but close up, he doesn't look that good. Don't like his hair leh. hahah
Had dinner at the foodcourt and then took the bus home. Finished The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Hate that he had to lose the freedom of the graveyard :( "If I come back, it will be a place, but it won't be home any longer" I wonder if AMK will become like that to me one day LOL hmmm At least i can still see the inhabitants of AMK hahahhah
Clockwise: DaYuan, Seaweed, XiaoShuai, Derek, Mantou, Me!
~(11:19 AM)
BABAJIA'S Birthday Celebration
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Had buffet lunch with my parents at the shangirila hotel yesterday to celebrate my mum's birthday. The food was alright, they had salmon and tiramisu!!! Two of my favourite foods so it wasn't so bad. The selection of food was little though, below 20 i think. But the environment and the service was great so.. LOL Nigel came over to the hotel to meet me and then my parents fetched us both to DownTown East for BABAJIA'S birthday hahaha
Walked to the wrong place cause somebody gave us the wrong directions -_- When we entered the room (G1716) there was only Bih, Qian, Xin, Mantou and Serene i think. LOL The moment i walked in, Bih was like, "WHAT DID YOU GET ME?!!!" or something LOL Mantou must have po tohed me lo, that person, only know how to save herself! Mei you yi qi de jia huo! Anyway after so many weeks, Bih has gotten a few injuries on her lol apparently from falling over the steps at the NP bus-stop lol At first we pretended she was abused by Red Medicine and was all, "you deserved a better man" hahahahha Qian has cut her hair, which kinda resembled the Melon Hat mantou gave me on dragonica for my birthday and she refused to remove her cap throughout the day lol So we spent the time waiting for BABAJIA to come watching TV and playing cards.
She was supposed to come at 5pm, but being the late queen that she is (lateness parallel to Mantou, can't decide whose the queen but she is the birthday girl so..) she and her mum and Elson i think only arrived at 6++pm. It was raining so we couldn't start the BBQ until 7+ 8, when the rain stopped and the guests started arriving. So, some of us were at the BBQ pit bbq-ing and eating while the rest were in the room doing god-knows-what lol watching tv, washing the food, preparing the water balloons for war, buying more food etc.
At 9+ we got her to stand in front of the cake on the pretext of taking her pictures and threw the water balloons at her. She didn't get that wet lah so after singing her the birthday song, Benson carried her halfway to the pool. Halfway cause she's too heavy("IM 50++ KG,"she shouts) and benson was getting tired, and then she walked the rest of journey to the pool herself. Unfortunately, there was a lifeguard and at first he didn't let us throw her into the pool, but relented when he heard it was BABAJIA's birthday hahaha So a few of the guys carried her up and swing-ed her into the pool lol
After that we all returned to the BBQ pit, sang her the birthday song again, and used up the party popper. She made her birthday wish and while she was removing the candles from the cake with her mouth, me and xin forced her head down into the cake LOL It was damn funny la and then after she washed the cake from her face, she emerged looking like Lion King hahahha We managed to finish the cake, minus the part imprinted with BABAJIA'S face lol Her mum left, many of the guests left, while the rest of us stayed back to watch her complete her birthday dares.
BABAJIA's birthday dares in random orders
1) Compulsory, Jump into the pool yourself or get thrown in. COMPLETED
2) Hop to everyone in the room saying "I LOVE GAYS". COMPLETED
3) Roll on the bed 21 times- FAILED, she never got around to doing it
4) Seduce a person on your right. FAILED. All she ever did was say "Hi" and then laugh, and then "how do you seduce a person?" and then laugh. We gave her leeway and let KahKok seduce her instead lol He plastered himself against the wall and said something along the lines of, "DO ME?!!" lol can't really remember but it was funny hahahah
5) Get numbers from 3 different strangers. FAILED. When i said strangers, i meant strangers, not benson's friends whom she didn't know that well LOL BUT there was hardly anyone out there so another leeway. Well, she managed a "Hi hahahaha can i have your number?" and then got them to write it on a piece of tissue paper lol BUT KahKok threw the paper away so she never completed the task hahahha
6) Dance to a pop song. COMPLETED. She danced to Abracedabra i think? For about 30seconds?
7) Say 2 nice things to everyone in the room. COMPLETED. But hor, she only said it to Bih(skinny and slim, wth?) and Dolly i think. It was so boring we decided to let her to skip everyone else lol
8) Form a guy's anatomy using objects found. COMPLETED. It took some time explaining but she managed lol. It was pretty easy actually lol she immediately went to the sausages and the fishballs lol it was damn funny when KahKok said "mine's not so short" and then she stuck in another sausage
9) Pole dance. COMPLETED. She pole danced to Bih LOL for 20seconds, which mainly consisted of her laughing and shaking her butt lol
10) Take pictures with 10 different people with 10 different expressions. HALF-COMPLETED.
11) Change an article of clothing with a person of the opposite sex. COMPLETED. LOL Actually i was referring to tops and pants but they ended up exchanging slippers instead. Lesson learned, be more specific next time. hahahha
12) Answer 21 truths from the floor. FAILED. Never got around to doing it =X
Overall, she still failed her birthday dares lol She was supposed to complete 1 compulsory and 10 other dares but she only completed the compulsory and 6.5 other dares LOL
Anyway, after the dares session we cleaned up the place and washed up. BABAJIA started opening up her birthday presents. A cup, a necklace, blahblahblah, and the game we bought her LOL DIRTY MINDS!!! HAHAHAH Basically its just a word game la. Each word has 3 clues which sounds really dirty, which will usually link you to dicks and pussys LOL And you have to guess the correct words which are nothing related to those like Aunt, Melon, Cat etc. So we played a little bit and had a good laugh HAHAHA After that we played a little bit of charades and watched tv. And then everyone got sleepy and tired so we spent the rest of the night trying to sleep which was difficult what with Benson farting and snoring, and everyone trying to fight for space hahahah WenYong and WeiRen slept on the bottom bed on the left, Bih, Arion, Elson and BABAJIA slept on the bottom bed on the right, and the rest of us, Qian, me, Benson, Xin and Mantou shared the 2 single beds. It was damn squeezy lo cause BENSON so big sized!!! But i managed to fall asleep after a longgggg time hahahah
Woke up, packed up, checked out, had breakfast at Macdonalds and then we all headed home :)
Hope you had a wonderful time!!! Stay cheerful always!
~(10:00 PM)