Back from Village trip LOL
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Came back last Sunday. Parents almost missed it cause my mum thought i was coming back on Monday, thank god i smsed them before departure lol And my parents dropped a big bomb on me upon arrival. They bought a maisonette at Jurong, and we're moving there. Not now, but we will. =X
Overall, the trip was fine i guess. Everything was pretty much average LOL Nothing outstanding. Some of the company visits were an eye-opener though. Made a bunch of new friends who took care and kept me and mantou company lol which im greatly thankful for =D Let's hope it doesn't have the typical ending= hi-bye acquaintances lol
Spent Monday rotting at home. Met up with mantou and the guys from the trip in school today for lunch and to return the school blazers. Went our own ways after that. Me and Mantou headed to PlazaSing cause we were going to Xin's house after that.
Went to Times, The Last Olympian (book-cover)version that i want is only in hardcover! And they don't know when the soft cover will be coming out, so all i can do is wait :( And Xin alerted me that there will be a 6th book coming out in May. YAY!
Went to Osim and tried out the USqueeze Warm(itchy at first, but quite shiok after awhile lol
) cause my initial plan was to get a leg massage machine for my mum's birthday, but it was $688!!! Aunt and dad didn't like the idea for various reasons (the price & space contraints???) so i ended up getting a box to hold jewelery from Precious Thoughts lol Glad she liked the present =D Also got "Dirty Minds", supposingly a sex game(but not quite so, just a card game, really, to see how dirty minded you are apparently lol) for Jia LOLOLO
Went to Xin's house to decorate Jia's board and came out with the games for her birthday chalet tomorrow and IM ALLOWED TO STAY OVER!!! LOL YAY!!! First time okay!!! =DDDDDDD
Yeah, so this will be it for now. I'll blog more in detail about the Xiamen trip and her birthday party when i get back hahahah Which is um.. Thursday LOLOL But maybe the blogging on some other day hahaha When the feel comes =D
~(11:59 PM)
Owner away on vacation
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Leaving for China(Xiamen) tomorrow morning so here's a post before i leave hahaha
Monday: Xiamen trip briefing. Met up with spermy, went to J8 and watched that stupid Jack Neo show Being Human. Totally not worth it -_- got 3(1+2fake) endings some more lol Had dinner at LJS, chat abit at her house bus-stop, went home. Oh and she gave me 19 hand-made fortune telling sticks for my birthday lol THANKS SPERMYYYYYY LOLOL Hopefully it gives me fortune! You should have written DA JI (big fortune) on all the sticks lo LOL XP
Tuesday: Continuation for Xiamen trip briefing+presentation on xiamen economy and questions.
Wednesday & Thursday: Rotting at home, i think
Friday: Results out. Met up with Jiahao and YaoSong(brokenboy) and headed to Science Centre cause they wanted to see "The Amazing Flying Machine", some competition they backed out of but still wanted to spy on other schools lol Had lunch, headed there, was told to come back at 2pm cause they were having lunch break. Played around the shop, finished Xin's manga, went back at 2pm and was told that we could not enter -_- Went to Jiahao's house instead after that LOL Played PS2 lo. Yaosong left after awhile. And Jiahao spent the rest of the day teaching me how to play Marriage D'Amour on the piano LOL And his little brother JiaJie cooked spaghetti and Jiao roasted chicken wings LOL Damn zhai sia hahaha Ah, managed to finish learning the keys for both hands only problem is putting them together lol
Saturday: Met up with Songen and Jiaqi and had lunch at Itochi? at Ion. It's a very good japanese restaurant, abit pricely, but ahwell. Our bill came up to a whooping $107 for 3 people leh LOL Walked around, bought tibits and stuff for my trip, went home.
Tomorrow: Reached airport at 6am, flight at 8.15am. Reached china around 12+.
Thus, I'll be away until 28th March(Sunday)
Take care you guys!
~(7:28 PM)
This semester's results
Friday, March 19, 2010
Current semester GPA: 3.7
Not bad la considering how i've been slacking in class the whole semester hahahaha Just that i get a current GPA of 3.7 but my cumulative GPA only increases by 0.4 from 3.4306?!!! Bleah. At this rate how to enter NTU/NUS? My only hope is SMU liao (if im continuing with business course la that is) jialat lol Maybe i should change my direction hahaha
Ahwell, i can go back to sleep now lol
~(9:03 AM)
Just another quiz 3
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
You Base Your Beliefs on: Mystery
Those who base their beliefs on mystery enjoy mysterious experiences and see spirituality in the everyday. They like magic or mystical things such as horoscopes, and are more likely to believe in spirits or ghosts. They dislike concrete explanations and aren’t swayed by scientific evidence. They enjoy magic tricks, for instance, but do not want know how the trick is done. They are both defensive of their current beliefs and always on the lookout for something new to believe. Mysterious types are more drawn to religious beliefs that incorporate mysticism such as Catholicism and Hinduism or new age beliefs such as Paganism or Wicca. They are not drawn to scientific careers, preferring more artistic endeavors.
Belief in Science
You scored in the 17th percentile on Belief in Science, which is low. People who score low on Belief in Science keep mystery in their lives by denying concrete explanations. They prefer intuitive or spiritual explanations over scientific ones, and are more likely to be religious. They tend to be rigid in their beliefs about the world and dislike when these beliefs are challenged.
Belief in Mystery
You scored in the 97th percentile on Belief in Mystery, which is high. People who score high on Belief in Mystery keep mystery in their lives by looking for new mysterious things. They enjoy things like ghost stories, astrology, and conspiracy theories. They feel the mysterious and spiritual even in everyday experiences. They are more likely to want to try new things that claim to give spiritual experiences, such as meditation.
~(10:57 AM)
Just another quiz 2
Your Highest Value is: Stimulation
You seek out new (sometimes extreme) adventures and experiences, be it traveling to far places, practicing outdoor sports like skiing or kayaking, trying exotic foods, or something else. The risk in these experiences does not scare you, it excites you. You need the stimulation to keep life interesting. A life without novelty, and perhaps a bit of risk, would be boring. You are always seeking, always pushing the boundary.
Your values:
You scored in the 13th percentile on Influence, which is low. You do not need to be in control of other people or resources and do not strive for social status or power. The competitive aspect of trying to be influential may even turn you off.
You scored in the 47th percentile on Achievement, which is average. You do your work and like to get credit for it, but you are not going to kill yourself competing to be the top performer. You want to be successful, but not at any cost. There are other important things in life too.
You scored in the 98th percentile on Pleasure, which is high. You tend to live in the moment, frequently indulging yourself. You are always up for a good time, sometimes putting off important, not-so-fun things to do.
You scored in the 99th percentile on Stimulation, which is high. You seek out new experiences and are always up for an adventure. Your curiosity pushes you past boundaries that many others are not willing to cross.
You scored in the 87th percentile on Self-direction, which is high. You are creative, freedom-loving, and curious. You enjoy being independent and outside the control of others and may have a particular creative or artistic bent, which you seek to indulge whenever possible.
You scored in the 51st percentile on Universalism, which is average. You recognize that everyone has a role in making the world a better place, and that we should all try to be tolerant and understanding of others. You try to do your part when possible, maybe through giving to charity or reducing your impact on the environment, but you are not out to save the world.
You scored in the 73rd percentile on Benevolence, which is high. You tend to put the needs of friends and loved ones above your own. You are very loyal: if someone close to you neglects or hurts you, you try to forgive and continue to be supportive.
You scored in the 15th percentile on Tradition, which is low. Heritage and customs have little sway over you. You believe in change for the better. The past should not determine the future
You scored in the 9th percentile on Propriety, which is low. You are a bit of a rebel. You don't care too much about social norms or following the rules. It's not that you are a bad person, you just see rules as too often pointless and societal expectations as a form of dangerous groupthink
You scored in the 4th percentile on Security, which is low. You see many people as too worried about safety. From your perspective, everyone could benefit by relaxing a bit. You know you can't completely control the future, so why worry about it so much?
~(10:46 AM)
Another online quiz
You are: The Boss
Assertive, self-confident, dominant and successful. Boss types are strong, confident leaders. They are well organized and self-disciplined, and able to get their point across to other people. They can sometimes be seen as domineering, but they get the job done. They are self-assured and independent.
Your personality traits:
You scored in the 62nd percentile on Extraversion, which is average. You enjoy social situations, but you also see the fun in a quiet night at home. You can be assertive when the situation requires. You don't need to be the center of attention or to lead and organize events, but don't mind taking over if it's needed. You like to balance your periods of activity and downtime to avoid getting burned out.
You scored in the 62nd percentile on Agreeableness, which is average. You always try to be kind and considerate to others. You trust people, but you are aware that not everyone has your best intentions in mind. In group situations you don't look for problems, but you aren't afraid of conflict when it seems necessary. You help people when they need it and you are sympathetic to the plights of others.
You scored in the 5th percentile on Conscientiousness, which is low. You don't like to worry or take things too seriously. You tend to be impulsive and dislike planning things in advance. You're not too concerned with punctuality and organization. You tend to be laid back and like to just go with the flow.
Emotional Stability
You scored in the 77th percentile on Emotional Stability, which is high. You are above it all and are rarely affected by stressful situations. When everything goes haywire you're the one calmly assessing the situation. You are generally relaxed and calm and can handle anything that comes your way. You tend not to worry about what others think of you, and it takes a lot to get you upset or sad.
Openness to Experience
You scored in the 64th percentile on Openness to Experience, which is average. You like adventures and new experiences but can get anxious when dealing with the unfamiliar. You enjoy creative things, like music and art, even if you aren't involved in a creative field. Your fantasies are usually grounded in reality, though you are able to think in the abstract when necessary. You are open to debate and new ideas and aren't afraid to challenge the status quo if you disagree with it.
~(10:37 AM)
Just another day
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Ah, so im 1 day older then yesterday muahaha
Spent the first few hours of my birthday on dragonica, where mantou wished me happy birthday using the megaphone with both of her characters lol And she bought me a melon hat on dragonica -_- lol then she helped me train Melon to level40 and we spent 1hr+++ killing lavalon cause there was only two of us and i died 10 times lol and she revived me 10times lol and finally Melon has upgraded from Jester to Harlequin woohoo!
Met up with mantou and xin in the afternoon at Cityhall MRT. Had lunch at Sakae and went to Suntec City after that for the IT fair. Mantou needed to buy a HD while i decided to buy a memory card for my PSP to store games for the village trip lol After i got my memory card, my dad called and i ended up helping him get some Samsung external DVD writer and 2 640GB HD lol He wanted me to help him see DESKTOP some more lol but no time haha Oh in the end Xin and Mantou got the same HD as me also haha the Samsung 640GB
Yep, after the IT fair met up with Denise at AMK Hub. She treated me to dinner at Fish&Co! THANKSSSS LOVE YOU! Meet up soon again not only on birthdays lol XD And THANKS ANSAR FOR THE STAFF DISCOUNT! Lol i didn't even know la until they gave us the bill haha Went over to Jubilee after that cause she wanted to take ID photo but the shop had already closed so we went home after that lo hahahah
In the end, my dad gave me one of the HDs as my birthday present ^^ lol
Yeah, i guess my birthday this year isn't so bad haha But i realised that i was more excited during the days leading up to my birthday, and kinda dread the day when it is immediately upon me lol Oh and i've decided that im forever 14years old hahahaha cause it sounds like a good age XP
THANKS TO THOSE WHO BOTHERED (with sms/fb/whatever) LOL
THANKS FOR THE PRESENTS AND TREATS AND WHATNOT =D (Steamboat dinner, melon package, little evil thingy piggy bank, fish&co, HD)
THANKS GAN FOR THE E-CARD! HAHAHA Always one of the things i look forward to on my birthday =D I still have all the emails from 2004 even though the E-cards you sent from Hallmark become Invalid after 90days LOLOL Ahwell
~(11:08 PM)
New hair cut
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finally got my hair cut and rebonded. LOL I feel refreshed, i guess, with my hair shorter and tidier lol is it me or does my eyes look bigger? hmm haven't decided if i look good with bangs lol ahwell, i can always wait for it to grow out and sweep it to the side if i don't like it later hahaha Finished PJ and the Titan's Curse while waiting for my hair to be done. Ah, im left with the fourth book lol
~(2:59 PM)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Bet your gonna have a crazy party with lotsa alcohol involved, but don't do anything you're gonna regret in the future lol Stay happy always, get good grades and hopefully i'll see you soon, since it's been 2years since i last saw you lol Miss you cuz!
~(12:00 AM)
mx in wonderland~
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Met up with mantou at PlazaSing. Bought movie tickets for Alice in Wonderland, and then we went to mantou's wonderland~arcade for awhile. Wah so long never play totally deteriorate le la haha Went for the movie after that. It was okay la, but i don't really get the point of the story. So alice fell down the rabbit hole, slayed the dragon and saved the kingdom from the red queen, she comes back up and expands her dad's business. So? What's the moral of the story? All geniuses are a little bit bonkers in the head? Or nothing is impossible once you think it's possible. Hmmm i don't really remember the storyline from the storybooks when i was little. Maybe i should go dig them up and read again hahahah
Met up with parents and aunt at amk hub after that and dined at dian xiao er for dinner. Don't get why they like to eat there so much, since the food's only so-so. But ahwell, they had vouchers and meixuan doesn't reject free food LOL
Anyway, finished Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters liao. 2 more to go haha I hope the last book comes up in paperback soon in the version i want so i can complete my set muahhahaha
less than 2 more weeks to the village trip. I hope the temperate don't go up so fast. I like cold weathers haha
~(9:57 PM)
Melon Formation
Monday, March 08, 2010
So A'lvl results were released last friday, not that it concerns me haha but congrats to those who did well =) My cousin Bryan, jiaqi, soomei, (add your own name if you think you did well lol). Sometimes i still wonder what it would be like if i had chosen the JC route instead of the poly route haha But don't be mistaken, i've never regretted my decision. It's not exactly because NP's that great a school, or because i really love my course (yah, right lol) but because of the people you meet. True, i've always said that it's hard to tell whose your real friend in poly, cause you meet so many people and you may seem really close today but tomorrow its like you've never known them, most of the people you meet are really just hi-and-bye "friends" or simply acquaintances, passer-bys in your life. But i have met people i consider my real friends in poly, friends for life, and they're all i need to make my stay in poly worthwhile :) so YAY ME! =D
Last sat: Met up with Songee and Jiaqi and had Swensens lunch at Ion. Had my salmon salad and we shared a regular earthquake. The two of them are totally NS-crazy la they just keep talking about their NS life, the people in there etc. Walked around the place, Nard joined us at Borders after his Jap lessons. Walked around some more. Jiaqi totally dropped a bomb on me when he said he's gonna go and work in Hongkong or China after Uni. It just felt weird, and after that every time i think about it i just feels like im in shock. I dunno, i think it's different when you meet only once in awhile but knowing that he's in the same country, the same small island as you are and when he's in a totally different country, and the idea of never seeing him again. Im not very good with separations :( But then again, there's at least 4 or 5years before that la, many things may happen, he may change his mind. hmmm
Last sun: went over to cousin's house. Spent the afternoon reading Percy Jackson and the lightning thief hahaha Other than the places they visited, and a few events, the storyline's totally different from the movie lol BUT i quite liked the movie, and the book lol Went to JP after dinner with my cousin to get Qian's birthday present, a bikini-clad-woman-with-really-huge-boobs-photoframe and birthday "card" ahaha Put her face in at xin's house today. And in her Birthday letter thingy i wrote, "dunid to thank me for making your dreams come true" (big boobs, XP)
Today is the long-awaited steamboat dinner gathering at Xin's house to celebrate Qian's belated birthday and my up-coming birthday ahaha It's fun to just hang out with a bunch of people you love and just eat and chat and have fun lol and i got some early birthday presents lol
To XIN for planning this gathering and the food and your house and stuff.
To MANTOU&XIN&JIA for the 2packets of wintermelontea, half a wintermelon fruit and that melon photoframe -_-
To Bih for the "Little Evil Thingy" piggybank LOL
And everybody else who celebrated with us la haha
As you can see, they choose presents that um, they think suits my image LOL Im the small,tiny dangerous evil mastermind melon LOL
Pictures with bih, and Qian, take a picture of the present and send me leh!!! HAHAHAHA
~(1:28 AM)
Lazy to blog haha
Friday, March 05, 2010
Been really lazy to blog this past week haha Anyway, exams ended last thursday and i've cleared out all of this semester's stuff into the study room lol Went to Swensens' at JP with bih after our last paper for an ice-cream treat! She had cookie submit while i had mango-tango =) She went to her aunt's place after that for her cousin's wedding while i met up with my parents at Parc Oasis and they brought me to some ulu place to furniture shop for our new tenants, who are really annoying and asks for way more than they deserve -_- seriously! A new king sized bed, new single bed, new dining set, new sofa set+coffee table, new study table+chair and god knows what else. Some more they asked my parents to be responsible if any of the furnitures were damaged -_- But of course my dad changed the conditions in the contract to hold them responsible if the furnitures were damaged lol They're using it what also not us. It's only fair lol
Last friday, met up with mantou, qian, jia and xx (i forgot her name lol one of their secondary school friends) at Bukit Timah mac. Had mac lo then went over to tiong bahru plaza and we watched WolfMan LOL Not bad la actually, i just think the transformation part where the fingers snapped backwards were gross lol Sat at Burger King after that while waiting for Xin. LOL When jia and xx went to get some food, i was playing around with the tray with a cup of water on it. Was supposed to put the tray on jia's seat so she cannot sit, but i didn't know that the cup had water in it! And i was using one hand, so the whole tray went off balance, the cup dropped and all the water came out LOL And the cup dropped behind this guy's ass LOL But he didn't notice at all LOLOLOL So we changed places lo Xin came, xx left, and we headed to Vivo City for dinner at Kim Gary's. Planned out Jia's birthday party, sat at the sky garden and chat for awhile and then went home.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday: Stayed home and rot. Finished Xin's manga Xiao Yuan Shi Guang LOL Watched Hi My Sweetheart (hai pai tian xing) until episode6 cause i didn't like Luo Zhi Xiang after he transformed back to being "shuai" lol Watched Mermaid Melody till episode23 lol and finished Samurai Deeper Kyo!!! LOL "You must have heard it, the whispers of the wind.." HAHAHAH
Wednesday: Met up with Jia at Cineleisure, watched Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. Percy's cute hahaha and stupid jia dowanna believe me when i said Luke looked like one of the characters from Harry Potter haha Had "dinner" at Kobayashi, shopped at Kinokuniya after that but didn't get anything lol Went with her to Toa Payoh at some ulu building for her telemarketing interview. Decided to join but i didn't get hired cause of my china trip thingy haha Ahwell.
Thursday: Met up with Bih at PS, had lunch at the foodcourt, walked around,watched Dear John, walked around some more. Bought the Percy Jackson series from book1-4. Waiting for Book5 in paperback lol Nothing much la hahahha
Today: Wanted to go Kbox de but that bunch of people!!! Bih has BA society, stupid jia don't wanna go since she doesn't have money and doesn't want to owe Xin more, which i find is a permanent condition anyway. She said i wouldn't understand since i never owed people so much money -_- Qian has something on? Mantou... sigh... soyeah, i spent the day sleeping lo end of story.
Probably gonna spend the next few days rotting at home too lol
Till monday, for me and qian's early birthday steamboat celebration at Xin's house! <3
Good luck to those getting A'lvls results :D
~(6:14 PM)