Attachment details
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Went to the old house(Parc Oasis) with my parents to meet some potential tenant lol It's newly renovated now, and the house is pretty empty lol Took some pictures to try out my new phone's camera, maybe i'll post it up after i experiment transferring files from the phone to the lappy. Which im lazy to do now LOL Anyway the camera doesn't have zoom, doesn't have flash, doesn't have anything. Just basic pictures, but it's quite clear though so lol
Anyway, went to River Palace(some restaurant near Havoc Road) after that for a buffet dinner with my cousin's family, aunt and grandma to celebrate my ahma's birthday lol The food is so-so la. I think i prefer the traditional buffet where you walk around and take whatever you want to eat rather than ordering from the menu. Cause it's all words and you don't know how it looks like, and it comes in big servings. What if you ordered it and realise you don't like it? Or can't eat something from the dish? lol
Oh and guess what?! My little cousin(felicia) changed her phone too! She got the LG New Chocolate BL20 LOL the one i wanted to get before i decided on Lollipop lol but hor, she only got it for one month and the phone's sorta malfunctioning already. When she attempts to open the MP3 it shuts down oO lol
And i received the letter from Ngee Ann about my supposingly 2months attachment this coming holidays (i deferred it for the Xiamen Trip in march). I was to work at
The 8th Pinnacle Pte Ltd. And it's located at AMK!!! LOL I was to work from monday-friday, 9am-5.30pm omg hahaha Don't like the working hours, so long! But love the place. AMK! HAHAHAHAnyway, did a little bit of research on the company and this is what i got..
"The 8th Pinnacle is a business training and consulting company that believes in doing things a little differently – not for the sake of being different, but because what we do works. Our customers work with us because we deliver results, adding value to their business by improving processes through consulting interventions and skills upgrading, and motivating their staff through training."
LOL so yeah... Anyway i won't be working there this holiday so it might change.. hmmm
Well, going to my cousin's place tomorrow cause i want to eat her birthday cake muahahahhaa
~(10:01 PM)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Finally got my new phone!!! ^^
It's so pretty i love it so much LOL <3
First day, but i already dropped it once already =X
Anyway, we're officially done with PMKT and Bcomm project!
Only thing left to do's FIT presentation and some other Bcomm thingy lol
Tomorrow's another 1-lecture-and-then-go-home day ahhhhhh
It has been a exhausting but otherwise great day for me lol
~(12:51 AM)
Halfway through the fog lol
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Finished with PMKT presentation and Jap speaking test wahaha
We got a B for PMKT lol Ahwell, wasn't expecting much anyway. 20% nia LOL
As for jap, i think we(me&bih) did pretty okay, defintely better than last year lol Despite last minute preparations. Haha we only had 2hours after the PMKT presentation to write out the script and memorise it,cause we were just too tired and unmotivated the last two days, and it turned out pretty well lol And thank god we didn't have to talk about singapore. Just about ourselves and our family ^^ And we got back our jap written test grade too! 54/60 for both of us hahaha Why is it that our test grades are always so similar but our GPA's so far apart?!!! haha
Anyway, FIT's on track. The guys(Johnathan, Winston and Ziyuan) in our group were performing better than expected lol And they weren't like
those guys(unfriendly, vulgar,noisy,etc) , so i havent felt annoyed at them yet lol But
those guys got an A for PMKT! Totally unexpected. And John changed the name of my thumbdrive to "JohnRocks" lol and i haven't changed it back cause im too lazy lol so until further notice, im calling my thumbdrive "JohnRocks" hahahah
Oh and i have to go to school tomorrow to finish our FIT project :'( MY PRECIOUS THURSDAY!!!
On the bright side, im also going to Singtel tomorrow with my parents to get my new phone ^^ THEY BETTER HAVE IT IN THE OUTLET ALREADY OR I SWEAR IM GONNA...
Yup, and im currently addicted to ZOO WORLD on fb.
SEND ME LOTSA ANIMALS IF YOU'RE PLAYING IT!!! XP2more days till the end of the week!
~(9:24 PM)
While waiting for FB to load hahaha
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Gonna post a short one while my fb is loading. It's taking forever, like everyone in Singapore's trying to get on it at the same time lol
Anyway, parents said it's fine if i wanna switch to Singtel to get my LG Lollipop lol so what's left to do is to find an outlet that sells the phone.
And guess what? I heard the advertisement for the LG Lollipop on the radio and it ends like this: "LG Lollipop-Love at first sight" except it's in chinese lol YEAH That was exactly what i felt when i first saw the brochure lol
Oh and today in the library i saw the book "36 Arts of War" LOL I thought it was interesting hahahha Gonna read it next time we're at our old place lol
Okay fb still not loading, gonna have an early night.
Long day ahead.
~(11:53 PM)
Starhub vs. Singtel
Im waiting for the "feel" so i could start on our FIT project LOL
But you know, facebook errands keep distracting me lol There's restaurant city, Sky city, Island Paradise, Cafe Word, spying on ppl's profile pages etc etc.
Anyway, just tried the 02 face mask Etude gives out for free whenever i shop there LOL And it works! Now i have SUPER SMOOTH SKIN!!! So nice to touch wahahhaha I hope this last forever :( Maybe i should go there more often. Go there buy one $1.50 mask so i get the free 02mask LOL! xP Not that i use facial masks often hmmm.. maybe i should eh? HAHHA
Anyway Singtel has launched the LG Lollipop phone i wanted. And StarHub have not :(
HOWWWWWWWWWWW I really want the phone but I am a faithful StarHub user :X
Cause Starhub sounds nicer then singtel LOL
The student plans on both sides are the same actually. Sigh.
STUPID STARHUB WHY SO SLOW!!! If you had launched the phone already i wouldn't be stuck in this dillema.
Anyway it's $98 for 2years plan. LOL Same price for LG New Chocolate BL20. But if Starhub had launched it already i could have gotten the phone for free since i have a $100 voucher.
Bloody helll.
Okay la i shall stop procrastinating and get back to FIT so i can get some sleep lol
~(12:36 AM)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Last friday was 1 agonizing bus journey, just for 1 lecture. I should have skipped it. But being the SUPER GOOD FRIEND that i am, i went to keep Bih accompany. And this is how she repays me. By not telling me her blog address. But she told red medcine and xin and her sister!
Why would you break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our friendship and tear it all apart now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Perfectly Good Heart-Taylor Swift
I changed 1 word of the lyrics though, replaced love with friendship in the second line cause we are not lesbians LOL Okay la just playing around. Back to my agonizing bus journey.
So, when i woke up it was raining heavily, the weather was PERFECT for sleeping in lo, and there was only 1 lecture, that's it, end of the day. But nooooooooo, i dragged myself out of bed and out of the house and got my jeans wet getting to the bus-stops. And then i got on 74. And guess what? The roof was leaking! So i couldn't sleep in peace lol And then suddenly, my stomach waged internal war with me lol And throughout the jorney i was trying not to shit in my pants, literally lol But okay la halfway through the journey the nice guy sitting beside me offered to cover the place the water was dripping on with his bag so i could seat in and we wouldn't get wet lol Nice guy hahaha Yeah but cause of my stomach i still couldn't sleep so watched this girl seating nearby play SIMS3 on her laptop and sms-ed the traitor >< Got to the lecture half an hour late cause of the rain and the jam. After lecture had lunch at Mac, went home, sleep.
Played a little bit of Dragonica over the weekends lol Winter's now lvl54 while Melon's lvl35 XP
And this gonna be a busy week!
Monday: FIT, Jap script for speaking test
Tuesday: FIT, Jap if have time lol Maybe PMKT too
Wednesday: PMKT presentation, Jap speaking test
Thursday: FIT, Bcomm
Friday: Bcomm
On this day, God wants you to know...
... that God sees you as you truly are, - a holy child of light: I see you strong and whole. I see you blessed and prospered. I see you courageous and confident. I see you capable and successful. I see you free from all limitations or bondage of any kind. I see you as the spiritually perfect being you truly are.Coped from mantou's FB LOL WTH RIGHT!!! I couldn't stop laughing when i saw "
HOLY CHILD OF LIGHT" LOL Anyway that's her new nickname, im calling her that everywhere we go now WAHAHAHHA And I am "
HOLY CHILD OF DARKNESS" or devil or evil LOL
Holy Child of Mushroom Chief(Bih) is blogging on Tumblur beside me now! And she refuses to let me read!
(S)he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar...Don't taylor swift songs depicts our life? LOL
~(5:45 PM)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A failing love is like desperately hanging on to something precious, not wanting to give up, but your hands feel the pain. And, when you finally let go, you're free from any pain, but your hands are empty.
~(2:35 PM)
Impromtu Speech2
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
LOL So, guess what my topic was?
Quotation: "
LOL Yeah i know, right
I know what you people are thinking. This topic should be easy for me lol But it isn't. It's one thing to talk about it with your close group of friends it's another to talk about it in front of your class. So yeah, i don't think i did so well hahaha Honestly speaking, i didn't know what to say. When i saw the topic all i could think of was to laugh hahaha Sigh. I think i preferred the previous topic lol And i don't have a lot of experience either, unless you count dramas and romance novels so yeah. IM NOT "PRO" AT IT OKAY LOL
I rather have gotten Bih's topic LOL "
Keep your friends close, your enemies closer" HAHAHA
But what if the line gets blurred, you start thinking your enemies are your friends and when you least expect it, they stab you in the back lol Well on the bright side, they would be close enough for you to stab them back too hahahhaha I remember this quote from somewhere, "Friendship is all about betraying and being betrayed" I don't know la. But why would you want to keep your enemies close when all you wanna do is stab them in the gut? Oh and the paranoia, always having to look over your shoulder.. I rather bomb them out of the earth's stratosphere so i never have to see them again wahahhahah And then i live happily ever after lol With my friends and loved ones, no enemies ^^
Unlike what most people think, I'm pretty anti-social lol I only talk and hang around people i consider my friends, as for the rest, i don't really care lol So no enemies i think. But im pretty sure there are tons of people out there who dislikes me hahaha It's okay, as long as they stay off the radar lol
I changed my mind again regarding my future new handphone
Now i want the LG
It's freaking chio la hahahaha
It was LOVE-AT-FIRST-SIGHT (actually i only saw the brochure lol)
It's a flip phone, and has super chio graphics, and "secret light" LOL
Amusing hor.
Here's a picture:

Im choosing between Aqua blue and Pink lol Most probably Aqua blue.
It has almost the same features as the previous phone i wanted(LG New chocolate BL20), except that it has 3.2mp camera instead of 5. Ahwell, i can live with it. Like i said, i don't take a lot of pictures either so it doesn't matter.
Sweet design, Captivating LED lights, Lovable graphics
Not available in Singapore,
Please come out in less than 3weeks please come out in less than 3weeks
~(11:48 PM)
Impromtu Speech 1
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
So we had the impromtu speech test for bcomm today and my topic was:
Quotation: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
I didn't even have to prepare before my turn(we get to prepare when the person before us are giving their speech). I tried la but i can't think properly when people are talking so just go up there and crap for awhile lol I think i did alright la, didn't stammer much or pause in between sentences, i think lol just stated examples about how people always made fun of me being short, and how all you can do is ignore and believe in urself and be your own person cause you don't wanna live your life worrying about what other people think of you all the time lol lucky me
On the other hand, bih's topic was:
Quotation: "Freedom is not worth having if it doesn't include the freedom to make mistakes"
I think it's from Ghandi LOL Like wth. I don't even fully understand what that sentence means.
Mantou's was something like, "do you think events like Christmas or NewYear are commercialized?", Jia's was "Speak good chinese campaign" and Qian's was "Speak good english campaign" LOL They weren't in my class so i don't know how they did la
Ahwell. Today's just round 1. There's still round 2 next week. I hope i kena another easy topic muahahhaha
Gonna be another tiring day tomorrow.
Good nite!
~(10:36 PM)
Sick Leave
Monday, January 11, 2010
Evil infectious thingy. That's what mantou has been calling me since i spreaded my illness to her and bih LOL
"I thought you were my friend, so i didn't put you on my black list. But you attacked me while i had my guards down. Im putting you on my black list next time" lol she said something along the lines of that, except in chinese.
Well forgive me for falling sick.
And don't blame me, blame your weak immune system mah muahahahha
Or my very strong viruses LOL
And apparently, even SUPERMAN(bih) got sick from my virus.
We were talking about whether Bih was sick too, but mantou was like, "she's SUPERMAN leh, since when you see SUPERMAN got flu one?" hahahahha
Turns out, even SUPERMAN has fallen to my evil illness hahahaha
I was like, I AM KYRPTONITE!!! (anyhow spell one)
But no use, SUPERMAN(BIH) doesn't even know what it is -_-
Soyeah, i've been sick since friday.
If you spot the following systoms, you know you've gotten the mx virus.
It starts with a cough and then you start feeling that your hands don't belong to you anymore, like they're dislocated, and weak and has occasional electric shocks oO And then fever, plus crazy headache. And then flu.
LOL My temperature on the first night was 38.7degrees can LOL
On friday, i went to school only with a slight cough and "dislocated joints" but then developed a fever and headache around lunch time. Apparently i have the same systoms as being drunk when i have a fever. My face turns red, temperature rises, high and incoherent, laughing about anything and everything, can't walk straight etc. And all i've had that day was my daily dose of wintermelon tea and plain water, and spagetti for lunch. Might be the sugar, though. The flu came the next day.
But despite all that crap, i stayed back in school with Bih since she had to wait for
someone, and then after mantou's lessons has ended the three of us headed to Square2 to collect our pay LOL Speaking of my pay, it's a pathetic $15.50 for the 3hours shift i substituted for YongXin LOL Ahwell, i didn't have anymore cash that day so yay.
After that Bih left to walk around orchard while continuing to wait for her
someone, while me and mantou wanted to play around the "games room" upstairs, but it was fully booked. So instead, we ended up sitting down and drinking water and chatting. After that we headed for PlazaSing to hit the arcade. And then we bumped into Bih again at the basement LOL And then her
someone appeared LOL But mantou didn't notice and she was like, "so where are you guys meeting?" and i gave her a puzzled look and pointed towards
someone and was like, "i thought he's here" and she's like "OH hahahahhaha" Funny sia,
someone was her senior in school and she didn't recognise him at all lol. So after that they walked me to the mrt and we went our own ways.
Went to meet Songen at Bishan Junction8. Had dinner with him and Zihui at Cafe Cartel to celebrate his 19th Birthday LOL Ordered a seafood platter for 3. But didn't eat much la cause of the cough. He paid 10bucks for me while zihui paid the rest so in the end i paid nothing XP Yeah after dinner we took the bus to near Spermy's busstop and from there took 265 home lo
Got home, showered, sleep.
Saturday: Spent most of the day sleeping or reading Hunger Games.
Sunday: Spent most of the day sleeping, finished Hunger games, talked to mantou on the phone for 2hours when she called me to thank me for the viruses and then watched a few episodes of anime before sleeping.
Today. Imagine, Me, bih, and mantou, ALL SICK LOL And since we spend most of our time together, i was like, what if we never get well, cause the virus will keep circulating among us? hahaha And after school i was like, Come let's go spread some viruses! and Mantou was like, "see she's trying to expand her kingdom of evilness" and then i became Lord Evil. Or General Evil, cause i got my Army of Evil hahahhaa Yeah with mantou, everything about me is evil lol
And she's supposed to be the angel -_- But hey, since she's associating with evilness, i think she also fallen angel lo. Bih is just SUPERMAN!!! hahahah and shes the human resource manager of my Kingdom of Evilness. She has to mark attendance, give out pay, make policies LOL A joke among us la lol
But despite being Lord Evil/General Evil, Im still full of love that it's overflowing okay! LOL
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY CHEN SONGEN!!!I'm sorry i forgot to msg you this year, and that i didn't get anything for you, but still, we managed to celebrate that special day(1day later) with you. Survive NS and you'll have a better celebration next year ^^ Love,Your royal evilness MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHATill then, my evil minions xP
~(6:03 PM)
Common test results
Friday, January 08, 2010
Common test results are back!
Principals of marketing: 49/50
Service management: 43/50
Accounting: 68.5/100
All in all, not so bad LOL Actually got full marks for marketing but they said cannot get full marks so they minused 1 oO Funny how i got the highest for marketing since i never listened in lectures, did the tutorials or bothered listening in the tutorials hahaha cause the teacher's so freaking boring and always go out of point wahahha lucky eh? Well they marked really leniently i guess hahaha SOM. Actually got 45 but i pointed it out to the teacher that i didn't calculate the whatever error so he minused 2marks. Stupid me ah! Open my mouth for what! Accounting. Blah. Jia got like 63 for her common test last semester but still ended up with an A for her overall grade, so there's still hope! ^^
Finished reading this fanfiction titled "Conversations between us" by Soloangel on Soompi. As an author, she doesn't believe in happy endings so yeah, the dude died lol So much drama. I thought there would be like, sniplets of conversations in the fic since you know, the title, but there wasn't!!! But she's really good at twisting the plot haha I thought the girl would end up with the first guy, the one i thought was the good guy, turns out, he was ultimately the bad guy who betrayed all of them in the end. Ahwell. Despite all the sad endings, she is a great author. Other fics i read were "Banana Pancakes" (MUST READ DAMNIT!) and "The Joy Of Being Happy" hmmm hope i can find more of her fics...
Anyway, finally got my hands on Jia's Hunger Games Two: Catching Fire! YAY hahaha and the anime websites are starting to update their animes after like two weeks, so YAY again.
And Tripple YAY to my results.
(ignore AAA XP)
~(1:30 AM)
Post no.500, FINALLY
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
2012, so far so good LOL Well except for my AAA common test results :( but it's not awfully depressing la LOL I did pass what haha Okay updates on how i spent the first 3days of the New Year. After that it's all school LOL
1/1/2012: Met up with JiaQi and Zihui at YCK mrt, WALKED quite a distance and then took bus 855 to this Prata place near Pierce Reservoir. We ordered like 5 Pizzas and 2 whatever-u-call-it LOL Basically still prata, but more filling only LOL I remember there was honey, chocolate, chicken-floss, sausage, something, chicken and mutton. And then there was that orange-coloured stick cracker thingy and our drinks LOL Milo Dinosaur, Milo C, Milo Chino LOL 7 pratas shared by 3person shouldn't be too much but we were freaking full at the end of it la hahah

After the prata meal we took a bus and then walked quite a distance to JiaQi's place lol Me and zihui waited by the poolside while JQ went up to get more money haha that bugger refuse to believe that i have gotten over JQ -_- So anyway, we took bus54 i think to Clark Quay and walked around in circles cause we didn't know our way to the Pub Timbre. Since we were at the central, i went down to World Of Wine to see who was on shift, and Bobby was there! LOL So he gave us directions to Timbre lo hahaha
Retarded part here. We decided to take a bus(actually 1 stop onli la lol) cause we were so freaking tired from walking all day. It was like a 9minutes wait then. And then when the sign changed to "Arriving" Zihui decided he wanted to get water -_- So i was looking out for the bus, but i didn't see it coming! And then when Zihui and JQ came back, the sign changed to 16minutes oO wth lol so ended up walking there anyway LOL
It was another 10-15minutes walk, but thank god we found the place haha JQ and Zihui ordered Heninken while i ordered Singapore Sling haha The more JQ drinks, the moodier he gets. The more i drink, the more i laugh crazily. And zihui.. is just permanently drunk la lol After they finished their Heniken they ordered some other beer called Ordinger i think? And i got another glass of Pina Colada haha
I THOUGHT i was fine! But the moment i stood up and started walking, i find myself having the urge to puke oO On the way to the toilet (with ZH accompanying me la) with every few steps i take, i would squat down to stop the urge from puking lol ZH was like "MX YOUR NOT WALKING STRAIGHT!!!" HAHAHAHA
Yeah after the toilet trip i decided i couldn't drink anymore, so i left JQ and ZH there while i sat by the Singapore river to take in some fresh air, make calls and sms lol They were nice enough to come check on me every few minutes though LOL And then when they were finally done, and when i stood up from my spot, i found the urge to vomit again LOL And so I did, into the Singapore River LOL (Caution: Don't swim in the Singapore River, don't say i never warn you) LOL Yeah and ZH was like patting me on the back while i was vomitting, so i couldn't stop! Oo But i felt wayyyyyyyyy better after all that puking. JQ says it's because my body has expelled all the alcohol it couldn't handle LOL
Yeah, after that we went to check out people playing Extreme swing(goes left and right like a swing onli la) and Reverse Bungee(goes up and down) and then we all took 851 back to AMK, JQ went home and ZH sent me home lo End of story LOL Okay so now i know, my limit is 1glass of whatever hahahahha Kinda pathetic hor. But it was my first pub experience! Funny, i never thought it would be with JQ and ZH lol but it was great, and in the future i'll look back and laugh at it LOL YES YOU PEOPLE, LAUGH ALL YOU WANT XP

2/1/2012: Long overdue meetup with
Bestie Spermy QSM LOL Met up at AMK mrt, took mrt to Cityhall and went to Marina Square. Had lunch at PizzaHut (5course delight meal ^^), walked around, chatted a lot, told her about Star and stuff lol Had Hokaidou Ice-cream lol made a mess eating it hahaha Looked around the shops. The both of us tried on this killer heels lol Of course we didn't get it, for fun only. I got a Micky Mouse hoody from FOX cause it was on 50% hahaha Yeah MRT-ed back to AMK, went to the library cause she wanted to return some books. Walked to her house from there LOL Called Star cause she waned to listen to his voice HAHA Laughed when she fell down oO hahaha sat at the bus-stop near her house chatting, watching the buses go by, just like the old times. Checked out our "Pillar of Friendship" lol found a few stuff missing but thankgod our seal of friendship still there lol "SOO MEI XUAN. 2005, 2:23PM" oO and some random poem i wrote ages ago hahahaha
1. Roses are red
Voilets are blue
The love is gone
And so are you
2. Roses are red
Violets are blue
Meixuan is so so so kind
But not soomei
LOL I don't even remember writing those!!! hahaha after reading the second one, the both of us were like, "It doesn't rhyme -_-" AT THE SAME TIME! LOL BEST FRIENDS OR WHAT! LOL Funny hahaha Holy la it has been 5years hahaha You stuck with me even while i was outcasted by the majority lol thanks for being my best friend ^^ Oh and thanks for the souvenirs you got me from Japan!!! I Love You Spermy! <3> And now that your so freaking free we should meet up more often!

Best Friends Forever
Yes im not very tall even with the heels LOL
3/1/2012: Went to Cousin's place. Had lunch at some coffee shop nearby with our parents and aunt. Went back to her house to sleep while she went to collect her money from doing well in her studies. Did a little bit of SOM report, and then went to Jurong Point, had lunch at NYNY and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks lol Not much of a plot. But i went in with no expectations, so it wasn't so bad LOL then went home lo.
That's all. The first three days of the year. Not so bad, if you ask me haha i pretty much enjoyed it =)
Anyway, I'm adding 1 more NY resolution: SAVE MORE MONEY!!!
And the books i have lying around that i wish to finish would be: Ink Spell, Ink Death and The Host. I wanted to say i would not buy any more books before i finish these 3, but it's impossible LOL
School's pretty much the same, 2009 or 2010, still boring and exhausting hahaha
OH 1 more happy news!!!
One of my friends got attached!!! <3
You know who you are, ZHU NI XIN FU!!! ^^ Im happy for you =D
HAHAHAHA Yeah and i guess that's all hahahhaa
Hope you had a wonderful time like i did ^^
~(9:00 PM)