"Dogs are not allowed, but balloons are"
Saturday, November 28, 2009
lol okay i'll start from 2weeks ago LOL
2saturdays ago: Lunch with YaoSong at MOF (amk hub), watched Astro Boy with Mantou at PlazaSing, bought a Monoko hat and wore it around PS LOL
Last saturday: Watched 2012 with YaoSong, shopped for Benji and Jq's presents and stuff, met up with the guys (songee, JiaQi, Nard, Benji, Zihui, xxx) and watched The Christmas Carol, catched up at the foodcourt lol
Thursday: Bih came over to do our FIT and Bcomm project, but we ended up spending majority of the time watching TV.
Friday: Celebrated Denise' Birthday. Had ice-cream at Udder, watched New Moon at VivoCity, had dinner at Marche. LOL Her friend gave her a balloon dog hahaha and you can walk it! It has legs and it floats slightly. LOL A lot of ppl were staring LOL It was cute though, i liked it, too bad it had a short life. Rest in peace, Bolt LOL
Pictures another day. lazy now haha
~(1:13 AM)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Don't care bout the pain ahead of me
I just wanna be
~(11:37 AM)
Just what we need
Monday, November 16, 2009
"People's lives go like clockwork. They start out buzzing like energy, and by the time they hit thirty they've totally run down. If you don't act, you're doomed. You need to introduce some random chaos into your life"
~(10:27 PM)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday: Had lunch with Jiahao, Yaosong and this other guy they call "president" after school. Went to their "headquarters" after that lol When they said "come mx, play helicopter" i thought really can play and fly around one, in the end... they mostly just sat around to figure out what's wrong with the helicopter/controller lol anyway one of the mastercard? of the helicopter caught fire LOL I wasn't there to witness it cause i was watching anime in their headquarters but i did see the burnt card LOL
Went to Clementi after Mantou's dismissed from class. Went to my Fantasy land WAHAHHAHAHA Tried a few new songs. Still failing "Shining" :( Had lunch at LJS after that before heading home. Was freaking tired so slept at 1am LOL The earliest in months!
Saturday: Had lunch and ice-cream with YaoSong at MOF. Went to the arcade for abit, walked around AMK hub to burn time while waiting for mantou. At 3.30pm (our meeting time LOL) i left AMK hub for PlazaSing hahahaha But i wasn't late! We reached about the same time! See i so smart LOL Went into Otaku World, as usual LOL Guess what we bought! HAHAHAHA We bought a Mokona hat! LOL And we wore it around the mall and we're gonna wear it on christmas! HAHAHHA Anyway watched Astroboy after that. Walked around abit, dinner at Macs, walked around somemore, bumped into some of mantou's friends (unlucky her) and then went home. LOL
~(7:02 PM)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Principals of Marketing, most boring moudule this semester. Yes, even worst than AAA. At least i could stand AAA tutorial oO I think im gonna pick pure entrepreneurship in year3 instead haha
Overslept today. Woke up at 8.37am when class started at 9am LOL Snuck out of the house cause my parents were still home when i came downstairs LOL Cabbed to school. 17bucks :( Thank god we can pay with nets now lol cause i only had 5bucks with me hahaha
I've decided to just believe :)
And Lovelle is such a beautiful name.
PEOPLE TAKING ALVLS, GANBATTE NE~Esp Spermy, Songee, JiaQi, Benji, Denise, and whoever~ LOL
My heart is with you <3
~(2:30 PM)
Ahleong ah LOL
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Friday was a day of coincidence with AhLeong LOL Long lost friend from NPCC xP
Bumped into him on the bus on the way to school, and again at the bus-stop in sch on the way home.
Well, we both had lessons from 9am-1pm so it shouldn't be a surprise. Except when we bumped into each other the second time that day it was around 2.30pm LOL And it wasn't like we arranged the meeting it was totally coincidental la lol
Ah. Was supposed to be at my parent's friend's baby 1month buffet thingy. But my mum got the timing wrong oO She thought it was at 11pm when it was at 4pm so yah. I'm going back to sleep now.
~(11:17 AM)
The more i think, the more confused i get
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
What is real, what is fake
It's getting hard to differentiate
Teach me how, give me a tool
To show me how much of you is true
~(3:06 PM)
Happy Belated Halloween
Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Meant to post this picture last week but i was too lazy LOL Jia's drawing is absoulutely HEDIOUS! LOL But so damn funny hahahha
Anyway, last week's Halloween was like the previous years. Nothing happened LOL I spent the whole day couped up in my room sleeping and gaming.
My character in Dragonica was dressed up for Halloween though XP

And so is everyone else lol The girls in witch costumes and the guys in vampire costumes hahha

JetStar, WinterXuan(me), SilverTear, MrsLoki(mantou), xSkippy(Bih, the extra not in costume)

Mantou, me, Bih

Look at mantou's face! LOL
Trick or Treat? XP
~(2:28 PM)