Friday, October 30, 2009
Blogging at Bcomm.
We have 3 angmohs in class today LOL 1 our Bcomm teacher and 2other just sitting in i guess LOL If only Qian was here muahahhaha
Anyway, we celebrated Nard's birthday on tuesday. Me, Jiaqi, Songen, Benji and Nard the birthday boy hahah Even though Songen left early cause he had tuition at 8pm and Zihui didn't make it cause he got the dates mixed up. I msged him at 12+am on Monday morning and said we're celebrating tomorrow. So he thought we meant we're celebrating on Tuesday when i actually meant monday. So yah.
Had dinner at Fish&Co cause Fish&Co had this tradition where the birthday boy/girl had to stand on the chair while the staff and everyone else sings him/her a birthday song.
That didn't happen. I wonder why :X Damn. Spoilt all the fun i was looking for.
And when the cake was delivered, there was only 15candles instead of 18candles LOL So we were like, NARD! GET SINGLE DIGIT FOR OLVLS NEXT YEAR! LOL And then we sang him his birthday song lo and passed him his present. A mug I chose that said "I HAVE ISSUES" LOL Yeah i know, How thoughtful XP
Well, at least we got the 10% birthday discount lol thank god that didn't change haha
Spent the rest of the time chatting at Mac before heading home.
Nard's 2 birthday wishes was to "Overcome his difficulties" and for me to become a "better decision maker" or something like that LOL oO
I wanna post the pictures but my bluetooth couldn't find my lappy.
SilverTear taught me hahahhahaha
So from now on, i would have clear pictures of dragonica instead of the blurish ones i take with my handphone ^^
And i changed my costume again! Got a free witch set by signing up at this webby LOL
I'll post the pictures up on Helloweeen!
~(11:06 AM)
Not in a school mood
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hmmm.. what should i start with?
The transition from holidays to school hasn't been a smooth one. I haven't gone into the Mugging-let's do our tutorials! mode yet lol infact, i seem to be sliding backwards, to the way i was in our 1st or 2nd semester. Dangerous, if i want to keep my GPA up lol Gotta start gearing up!
Next, dragonica. Yes im still playing it LOL I even spent 10bucks to get cash so i can look cute in the game LOL Unbelievable huh ^^ Spent a day in sailor's uniform and just bought my winter package outfit that is to last a month!
Other than that, we had a little drama on dragonica. Guilt conflict, and being stuck in a position when i didn't know who to stick with. Hahaha well it's all resolved now. Kinda. hahaha I wonder if there will be a season 2 LOL I hope not.
Visited my old condo Parc Oasis on friday with Jia. My dad removed all the cubbords in my room so it looks slightly bigger. Well we won't be moving back cause the condo's rented out to some Indian couple for the next 2years.
Visited Jia's house for the first time! She lent me Hunger games, which I've already finished reading, and passed me FIT and AAA notes lol Had dinner with my parents after that and then went home.
I wrote a poem this morning. But im not gonna post it, at least not for now LOL
"It's a story about boy meets girl... but this is not a love story" LOL
Okay, dragonica pictures LOL
Picture of me in the sailor uniform LOL It was meant to be cute! But Star says it's sexy and juice says it's seducing -_- seriously! I think something wrong with their eyes LOL
Me and Mantou with Dony the Guild Manager.
Me, Mantou and YH, the first friend we trained with at dragonica. She's a 20yearold girl playing a male character who loves BL LOL
Me and Jetstar, the guy im currently coupling with LOL
Valent, YH, Me, Star

Star in "Resting cradle" LOL I thought it was kinda funny

Mantou in the "Upgraded wooden bath" LOL In her full attire LOL in front of Dony and Im the one saying "SPA" and juice is spying at her bathe LOL

Minashi, YH and Me in our animal head LOL

Last but not least, the costume im gonna be in the next 1mth. Winter package, oxygen tank and ice-cream stick as my weapon LOL
All pictures taken with HP so quality not so good.My bad.
Ok that's all for today. There will be further updates when im bored again LOL
~(10:29 PM)
Blogging in FIT
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
So, school has reopened LOL Yesterday's AAA lecture was boring~ the lecturer had an annoying voice so i fell asleep hahahhaha and mantou was late for almost an hour. As for now, I'm in my FIT lecture. I didn't have my notes cause my printer wasn't responding so i don't see the point of listening. I'll photocopy from Bih later muahahahaha and im so bored now so im blogging hahahahah
Ok then, late updates from last weeek.
I think tuesday, Mantou and Springroll got married on dragonica LOL And i was the pastor/priest whatever you call it LOL You know the brides would throw a bouquet of flowers after the wedding right? Mantou threw bombs. As for me, i was holding a knife while reading them their vows LOL The scene was hilarious la seriously!
Met up with Xin, Bih and Mantou for lunch at Pizzahut(plazasing) and then we played Dragonica at the lanshop lol for FOUR HOURS LOL Xin was like, "you know how long we were there? The people around us all change le leh!" hahaha
Friday: Lunch at Raffles shopping centre food court with Jia, Xin, Bih and mantou! It was supposed to be Jia's belated birthday celebration hahaha Gave her her "SEX LEGEND" medal muahahahah wanted to get her the "PORN STAR" one but hor the description said something like, "your hot sexy and....." LOL Went iceskating at Kallang after that. Pictures are up on facebook. Dinner at Pastamania and then watched the movie "Imagine that" Boring boring boring.
Sunday: Went to my grandma's. Spent the whole afternoon playing dragonica though. My cuz's internet connection was surprisingly stable that day LOL Played cards after that and went home. Achieved my mission of reaching lvl47 before 12am! hahahahah
40% to lvl48! And seeing my last attacking skill ^^
~(12:02 PM)
Toto mission
Monday, October 12, 2009
Insomia and a lack of appetite. I puked from over-eating on saturday, this has never happened to me before. And it was just a plate of rice, 2chicken wings, and a lot of vegs. I even felt bloated from half a bowl of porridge yesterday, and it was hard to swallow after 4sticks of satay, when in the past i could easily clear 10sticks or more on my own ><
My parents think my system is in chaos due to my 3-in-1 lifestyle. Which is having 3meals as 1meal in a day. Furthermore, i didn't like most of the food this past week so i've been eating less. And i lost 3kg due to this LOL Which i'll probably gain back when school reopens. Which is next week haha
Soyah, im back in my Gaming Mode ^^ and here are some picture hahahaha
A picture of me and mantou before we embarked on our "Toto mission" LOL We had to dress up as "Tutu", camouflage to the boss stage and defeat Toto(tutu is toto's brother) lol hence the um, costume? Our party's name's BIHBIHBIHBIHBIH which i named after Bih LOL It was super ugly lo the costume. When i looked like that after accepting the mission i was like, "WTH HAPPENED TO ME?!!!!" LOL
This was after the Toto mission hahaha I'm the one on the right with the big sword and "cupid" balloon while mantou's the one on the left, still stuck in her Tutu costume for some reason muahahahha I thought it kinda looked like a family photo hahaha Mantou, Tutu, Toto. I'm the family friend hahahha Mantou says "lol"
I used my handphone to take the picture so the quality's not that good la hahaha but i think it's funny =P
It's abit late now but anyway,
I shall not disclose your age cause i think my readers will be shocked like,"why does mx have such an OLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD friend?" hahahhaa
Just kidding =P Stay happy always and have a great year ahead! With me! hahhaha
~(7:34 AM)
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Thursday: Went back to school to return the cheers uniform. Went Orchard with Bih after that to eat and shop LOL
Fri: Work at Suntec Wine Fair. I don't serve wine, im a wine promoter LOL Basically all i do is stand there and wait for people to come over and i try to promote or introduce the wines. Or pour them the wines for sampling. Was supposed to work 10-10 de, but there were too little people plus there was a car show going on in the evening so i got off work at 8.45pm instead.
Saturday: Work at Suntec wine fair, 4.30pm-9.30pm. Even fewer people than on friday -_- Anyway Muscato is nice! It's a sparkling desert wine from italy LOL I like!
Sunday: The plan was to have lunch at my cousin's place and then go to work at 3. But at 10.30am i got a msg from my boss saying that i don't need to come anymore hahahaha I GOT FIRED!!! LOL no la just kidding. They say bad crowd so yah.. hahaha I was mostly happy la lol cause go there rot alone damn sian. Did i mention i had to work ALONE? For all those hours?!!!
So yah. I spent the afternoon sleeping lo haha and then had dinner with my cousin and their parents at Hans and went home.
Monday: Dragonica. Went to Benson's Birthday BBQ party LOL
~(3:16 AM)