Best wishes
Saturday, November 29, 2008
He/you may not be reading this, but here goes.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIAQI!!! :DFinally the last guy in our clique to turn 17! So it's just 1 more year to the M18 movies together LOL And hopefully, next year, we'll get to celebrate for you :) Well since there isn't any celebration with you this year, i sincerely wish that the one you have with your parents will be an enjoyable one lol Yupps. Hmm I've written all the well wishes in the card liao leh, so now don't know what to say. Just that you'll stay healthy and happy always. And hope you like the present, though it's an impractical one hehe Love,mx--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The day flew by in a flash. OBSE wasn't all that bad haha At first i thought it was 9-6, but it was 9-5, and we got dismissed an hr earlier at 4 :) Plus i got SweeMu
n with me hehe She wore HOT PINK LONG SOCKS TODAY! So much for smart casual, though she removed it the moment she realised she was in the wrong attire. Visiting my cousin tomorrow, watching Wild Child (hopefully) and celebrating Denise's birthday at night.
Well the internet's down upstairs so I'll probably be sleeping early tonight.
Need. Sleep. z_z
~(7:52 PM)
DSL error
Friday, November 28, 2008
There was a problem with my internet connection at the last level, so i'm blogging in the living room now.
Anyway, because of the problem, i couldn't come online last night
It's abit late, but here goes
HAHAHHA your still in India when I'm typing this. Hope your having a good time! And that your celebration this year will be better then the last! And stay happy always and that your relationship with no-wind will be chang chang jiu jiu! LOL Well i'm seeing you on sunday, hopefully, since you don't know that yet, so till then! Cya!
Ok, done.
45minutes to the next birthday :)
At least i've passed him the present.
Don't regret, meixuan. Bleah.
~(11:07 PM)
Tiny, but Mighty
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm blogging while having lunch at the atrium right now. Just thought i should update abit about the past two days or so lol Not that anything interesting happened -_-
Met up with food-poisoned Nigel on Monday. I had to get something from Gift-A-Name at jurong point but the store closed down LOL So we had lunch at Crystal Jade and watched Beverly Hills Chiwawa after that. He paid for the movie while i paid for the meal! So since the meal cost twice as much as the movie, he owes me another meal hohohoh That guy ah, once sick very useless. He dropped all the food he coped from me Lol and then purposely went "see la you, make such a mess" in front of the waiter -_- Nevertheless, it was a fun outing hahhah
Tuesday, was supposed to meet Bihshean round 10 in school to do our minutes, but i was too tired when i woke up so we ended up not meeting at all until 1 for our Bstats lecture, which i came late at 1.30 hahaha After Bstats lecture was bstats tutorial, where i spent my time finishing japanese homework and crapping around. Youwei thought we had a fierce jap teacher since i do my homework for jap everyweek hahahaha but i never do my homework for other tutorials, except MIEC, sometimes lol After jap stayed back with bihshean to finish up our minutes. We only finished at 10! A lot of effort okay!
Can't wait for tonight. xP
~(1:12 PM)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I lost my Pilot G1 pen, G1(um, that's its name haha). Damn sad lo. I know it's stupid, but i've developed an emotional attatchment to that pen. It's been with me for 2years plus already, cause it's refillable LOL And it was G1 that went through O'lvls with me and got me that good grade. Plus, I JUST REFILLED IT THEN SOME IDIOT GO STEAL! :'( G1, come back to me!!!
I don't know what to do without it. There's a sense of lost.
Next time, I'm gonna put my name on all the stationeries. Argh. Some of you probably already know that, but i name my belongings. My laptop's Edward, my bolster's xx (secret hehe but easy to guess la), my bag's (almost 3years) D, pencil box's LC (for long cow) hahahaha my spectacle case's pinky, my handphone's hotty, and I'm meixuan. LOL Okay la, I'm just kidding. Only the Edward and xx part is true, and me. But now my other belongings have names too :) I know, I'm not the most creative person in the world out there haha
Anyway, being little miss indecisive, I've changed my mind about what to get him, again. LOL Can't be helped la, got a lot to consider you know! The price, usefulness, his preferences, what he will think of it and his reactions, blah blah blah. It's hard to make up my mind. But i only have 4days left!
p.s G1, you will be missed.
~(1:31 AM)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Its been a long time since i visited my cousins. I used to go every weekend, but now that i have to work every weekend, and i have school from Mondays-Thursdays, and they have school on all weekdays, the only time i can visit are fridays during their school holidays lol
While playing daidee, i found out how the older one got into his first "relationship". The girl confessed. On msn, she said, "I want to marry you when I grow up" lol Seriously! Well the relationship ended anyway cause she was too whiny.
But the point is, I admire the girl. She has got balls. (Even if it WAS through msn)
I would never, ever, dare to say anything like that to him, in whatever way. Even making a decent conversation face to face seems hard enough. And I often hesitate before starting a MSN convo, or before sending an SMS. What if he doesn't reply?
I worry about too many things.
I was always telling myself I'll confess, but in the end I'll back out of my own deal. I'm a coward, in so many ways. And I'm too afraid. Not just rejection, but what little friendship we have built up over the short course of a year. And hope.
Well, at least after much consideration, i settled what to get him for his birthday :)
~(12:49 AM)
My Classmate is a "Celebrity"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
For those of you whom i rant to about the 3slackers in my classes, i have something i would like to announce
For one of the slackers, you know, Kennard look-alike. Same hair, almost same size, same kinda dressing, same kinda schoolbag, same skin colour, they even kinda walk the same way lol Well anyway, his name is joshua, and guess what, he's kinda a "celebrity" in the local gaming scene
HE, (I still can't believe this wth) IS THE BEST DOTA PLAYER IN SINGAPORE!
He has traveled to US conventions and competed against other people in dota and won! (Not just a title, but 6000bucks!)
And unforunately, he will be travelling to i think KL next week for a dota competition. If he wins, according to glenn, he'll be getting another 3k into his pocket.
Why i say unfortunately?Because we have a Bcomm assignment to pass up next Wednesday (start on Monday), and again unfortunately, He is in my group.
And well, he skipped today's Bcomm lesson too. So I won't be surprised if he skipped next week to "practice"/"train" for his competition. So, my group will be short of 1member.
Which means, the other group members will get more work from his absense. Well we still have the other two slackers. Yeah, great. -_-
I'm surprised he had such a reputation la. I mean, i KNEW the best dota player in singapore was in NP, but i didn't expect to be classmates with him!
Anyway, i don't care if he's a success story in dota, he's still a failure as a student, Ithinks.
HAHA for entertainment purposes, i shall post up a picture of Kennard and Joshua, side by side. See for yourself the similarities haha

I got Joshua's picture from haha Glenn teach me one XP Well i don't know when he took his picture, all i know is it was taken on Dota's 2nd Annivasary LOL As for kennard's, it's a recent picture from his birthday la LOL and for joshua, he has longer hair now. Actually, both of them have longer hair now. And from the picture it is obvious that they are about the same size. The shape of their faces also similar, but nard's abit more squarish LOL Well they are wearing the same type of tshirt so hahahaha Similarity in looks: 70% haha
Hobbies? wise, hmm. Kennard's passion now is MAKING games. While Joshua's passion is PLAYING games. So both of them can go hand-in-hand and create a future for themselves. HAHA Super cute sia. And their personality flaws. Both have attitude problem. Shan't dwell on it haha or else spoil the humour in this post.
Just thought i should share this interesting piece of information haha Okay i need to study for Blaw now. Bye
~(10:33 PM)
Another one
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
たんじゅうび おめてと、ベンジャミン君 LOL
(ta-n-jyu-u-bi o-me-te-to, be-n-jya-mi-n-kun)
(translatations: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BENJAMIN-KUN LOL)あなたは 今は 十七歳。(a-na-ta-wa ima-wa jyuu-nana-sai)
(translations: you are now 17 years old)ごめなさい、プレゼントを まだあげます。(go-me-na-sa-i, pu-re-ze-n-to-wo ma-da-a-ge-ma-su)(translations: sorry, havent give present)木曜日は いつしょうに clique と madagascarを 見ます。(moku-youbi-wa i-tsu-sho-u-ni clique-to madagascar-w0 mi-masu)(translations: thursday, together with clique watch madagascar)それから、いつしょうに 夜ご飯を たべます。(so-re-ka-ra, i-tsu-sho-u-ni hiru-go-han-wo tabe-masu)(translations: and also, together eat dinner)
(Okay, i don't know how to say in jap liao, so from now on it's gonna be in english)Hope you liked your 苺ケーキ(strawberry cake) and enjoyed your celebration with your family and received many presents from your other friends LOL And that the year ahead be filled with much joy and success for A'lvls hahahYups, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY XD(Phew, finished at exactly 12 LOL)(Note: I'm still a beginner in the japanese language, so whatever i just said might be inaccurate in the japanese context LOL)
~(11:20 PM)
Game of Life
Monday, November 17, 2008
School was a bore.
Hung out with weiqi, yuankai, ansar and adrian after school at the board games room at the library, playing, surprise surprise, board games LOL
Our first game was, eh, i don't know the name. It was a word game. There's about 16lists with 11 stuff like "name of a movie star", "a kind of sandwich", "what you can find in a dessert" etc etc each. So someone chooses a list randomly, and throws a dice which has 26sides! From A-Z obviously. And we have to write down something that starts with that letter for the list. For example, u get "O", so for the first one, there's Orlando Bloom, the second you can write Oregano, third you can write Ostrich? HAHA not sure about that. When your not sure, all members can take a vote on whether the answer gets a point lol
The funniest answer was Yuankai's for letters that start with a "H" for "A diary product". You know what he wrote? "High fat milk" lol Adrian was laughing like crazy. And weiqi said there's only full cream milk, don't have High fat milk, low fat milk yes, but high fat milk? LOL And i was like, "you could have written high calcium milk -_-" hahahha Ohhh and I wrote "fucked-up" for a personality trait that starts with an F LOL
Our second game was "Imagine" Basically you write some names on the board and you throw a dice. Example, the dice lands on Meixuan, you pick a random card and read the question. "
Imagine if Meixuan were an flying object, what would she be?" And then there are 6 options you can choose from, and you have a card to represent your choice. If your answer is a majority, you move forward. Anyway, all of them chose " a Rock" for that question above. So far, adrian's answers are easy to guess because it probably has anything to do with food. Yuankai's answers are all related to living the high life. Ansar's are the "cooler" options. Weiqi's normal. But when the dice lands on Glenn/chingyang, I'll be a jerk ahah Like "Imagine if glenn were a hairstyle, what would it be?" I chose Perm LOL He DID perm his hair what. hahah
Anyway it was fun and never short of laughter. When we were done with the game, Adrian did something to his bag, and then he heard a crack, and the next second he landed on his bum. Hilarious. No la, the chair didn't break haha the chair no legs one lol though it would be even funnier.
I bought Cup noodles for dinner. If i'm hungry later, it will be my supper. If I'm not, it'll be my lunch tomorrow. Recession leh, need to save money hahahha On a brighter note, the news on the radio today said electrical bills will go down the next quarter, meaning january. lol Nah, just something random. If your paying the bills, good for you :)
~(8:43 PM)
I've had enough
Friday, November 14, 2008
This is it. That was the last straw.
I won't tell you anything anymore.
Not like you care.
~(7:55 PM)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Watched High School Musical 3 today. It's not so bad la, seriously. There were a lot of singing, but hey, what's a musical without a lot of music?
[Edit]-I was in carren's blog and saw this. lol
On a happier, less cryptic note, I watched High School Musical 3 today, the only one of the 3 HSM movies I have watched in my life. It was nice, but then again, I went in with no expectations. But watching them all get into top universities so laughably easily was a bit annoying, to say the least.Lol have to agree with that. But i'm sure she's gonna be one of those people 1year+ from now haha Miss. Straight As
~(10:16 PM)
Skipped OBSE and visted Duncan at Deyi with Songen, Benji, Glande, Shengwen, Nurul, chuangxiong, and zihui (the last two came later). Duncan still damn crappy lol we played cards at the canteen, then we got to slack at the teacher's lounge lol Me and Benji started playing Reversi, cause we both sucked at it. I predicted that it would end as a draw, and i was correct lol After that the two noobs played another game of checkers. We didn't finish the game but i was winning when we ended it lol Had subway after that with zihui. I ate, he watched lol And hor, that glande and shengwen, argh, make me wanna have a boyfriend too lol
When i was at the bus-stop, it showed 20minutes before 265's coming. So i decided to walk home instead cause i'm lazy to wait haha And so walk I did. It was raining damn heavily can, lightning and thunder. And even though i had an umbrealla, i started walking in the rain halfway through the journey hahaha It felt good, seriously. The rain washing away all your crap lol
Do you know how to differentiate between the raindrops and your tears?
Raindrops are cold, while your tears are warm.
No la, i wasn't crying in the rain, not so drama, maybe one or two tear drops. I was listening to love-sick emo songs on the radio heheh I was in the *Zone* LOL
~(12:03 AM)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I've had the flu for 9days. I've tried 3 different types of medicine. Lemsip, doctor's medicine, and panaol flu max. None's working for me. If this goes on, i seriously think i've contracted a nasal disease of some sort lol. Gan, your doing medical studies, some help here?
Anyway pon-ed Bstats lecture and tutorial today LOL both were unplanned last minute decisions lo. First one cause i overslept and decided to type in all the tutorial questions so i don't have to bring the textbook, and since i was super late already might as well skip it hahaha When i was about to go for tutorial, soomei msged me and asked me out for lunch. And since i hadn't had lunch, and i haven't done my tutorial, i thought, might as well hahahahah SEE I SO GOOD LOL
But i went for japanese though. Can't bear to PS bihshean for a third time on the same day LOL Anyway, i've learnt how to say (secret) in japanese
*wink* i think only bihshean knows what I'm saying. Unless you know japanese too haha or soomei if she's smart enough to figure out. For you my best friend, the clue was in one of the smses i sent you lol
Anyway, back to かってきょう HITMAN リポーン!episode 80
~(11:43 PM)
I hate pills
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Still sick. But i have to get the formal email done.
Having lunch with some Osaka U students, can't wait to see how they're like.
Hopefully i'll understand what they say haha
Hope for the best :)
~(10:47 PM)
Saturday, November 08, 2008
I skipped work today and I'm skipping work tmr too, cause i got 2days MC. I finally went to see a doctor for my 1week flu, and a sorethroat i just developed. I have four medications to take lol Antibiotics, blocked nose, cough and sorethroat. The doctor said that he doesn't usually give anitibiotics for flu but since mine's not healing even after a week, i should take some. I wished he hadn't gave me antibiotics though, you know how big those pills are?! And i have to finish the whole course too! The pills for blocked nose are alright, but i almost vomitted from taking antibiotics lol My favourite is cough cause it's in syrup form. The sweet for sorethroat makes my tongue itchy for some reason, but it's alright. I feel weak all over, even lifting my arm seems tedious. And because of my sickness, i couldn't win the typing race on facebook! :(
Anywa this is the 300th post. Fast, eh?
~(7:08 PM)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Note! This is actually yesterday's (05/11) post. I'll just add on for today, but in RED.My flu is at it's
5th day.
The recovery is really unconsistent. One minute i'm fine, the next i'm having a blocked/running nose. And it's embarrassing the noise my nose makes when i try to breathe hard to clear it. Grrrr... But now i seem okay.. hmmm:( My ulcers are down to two LOL But they are still growing..
Loaded 10episodes of Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! to watch in school today, but an error occured for internet explorer and the window closed itself :'( SECOND TIME LE LEH!
That didn't happen today, but the pictures were laggy. The conversations continue but some of the scenes were frozen.I'm loading just 5episodes for tomorrow's Blaw haha Or maybe i should pay attention, since i didn't do any of the tutorial questions.. hmm.. but.. it's kinda hard yah...
It is. I watched three of the episodes in class, and even though it was laggy, it was better then nothingAs for MIEC, i completed MCQ but haven't started on the open-ended questions. Spent almost an hour plus plus plus just on transferring points from the slides to the hardcopy notes. Almost 100slides leh. Can faint! LOL
I paid attention in class and took notes. And i could answer all the questions thrown at me :)And last but not least, OBSE. I skipped today's lecture to go home and sleep/watch anime. I have no idea what the subject is about. It's like business management, only worst. And probably a little of LMS, which i did find a waste of time. All in all, i'm not gonna enjoy the module. Plus, i have 1.5 of a slacker in my group. Sigh
I watched two of the episodes in this class and was dumbfounded when i got asked a question. I didn't even know what the question was! LOL well my answer was irrelevant anywayAs for today, watched Quantam of Solace with Songen, Benji and kennard instead of the HSM3 we've planned. ahwell, i'm pretty sure disney channel will play it soon so maybe i'll just wait.
There's no school tomorrow, i'm gonna have dimsum buffet with my family. I'm tired.
Oh i ended up reading the manga for Hitman Reborn since all my episodes were gone today. And there is one particular picture i really like.
I hope this entry isn't too complicated for you guys lol. Just remember, what's written in red are written today, and what's written in black are yesterday's entries. Ok?
I'm really tired.
If you disturb me, you know the consequences :X
~(1:41 AM)
Sometimes your closest friend is your greatest enemy
Monday, November 03, 2008
I'm sick and i have 3ulcers in my mouth. What's not helping is having a friend that doesn't know how to
BE a friend.
"Whoever says Friendship is easy has obviously never had a true friend!"- Bronwyn Polson(Don't worry qsm it's not about you, this is directed at
someone else)
I love him (in a friend-friend way) but i absolutely hate him.
I'm so in the mood to rant at length on why i hate him/how he'll be the death of me, but i'm not gonna do it. It's not gonna help anything. So before i say anything that's gonna make the situation any worse, i'm gonna shut up.
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.-chinese proverb*zip*breathe-in*breathe-out* Now let's look at some POSITIVE friendship quotes.
On why he's still one of my bestfriends despite the shit he lashes upon me.
"Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes."
Again, ARGH!
~(9:43 PM)