Happy Belated Teacher's Day
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I didn't return to Deyi after all lol so i didn't get any of my money back. Ahwell, kinda expected that anyway, even if i did return. There's a rumour going around that the president's grandson's enrolling in Deyi. I wonder. But heard from Joel that the First Lady(Mr.President's wife) was at Deyi lol Hmm
So, instead i went with soomei to Ngee Ann City Tower B, Level 13 for my kinokuniya job interview. We went at 12.45, they said lunch break. We went back at 1.45, they checked my documents and asked me to come back at 2.45 for the actual interview. So at 2 we headed to Cineleisure's Long John Silver. Got our Combo 1 and chionged our late lunch. Packaged the remainings and rushed back to Ngee Ann City at 2.45 LOL Reached 10 minutes late but what awaited me was more waiting time. By the time they asked me in for the interview, it was 3.30
The interview took 25minutes, and there were 3 interviewers. It almost felt like i was interviewing for DPA or scholarship. So anyway, my certificates and testimonials were spread around the huge table separating me and the interviewers. It started off with a self-introduction and then they just started throwing me random questions. About DPA, my hobbies, work experiences etc etc. I even had a 10question math test on the spot on currency, change, exchange differences. Basically simple mental sums la lol Yeah at the end of the interview they said they'll contact me in 2weeks if im hired. I hope they do.
But if i don't, there's always bihshean's friend's uncle's wine shop LOL I'm starting work tomorrow at Clark Quay, 1-10 hahaha Hope everything goes well and i don't break anything.
~(11:01 PM)
Walking in the Rain
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Me and bihshean went to orchard today for lunch, but when we arrived it was raining heavily and none of us had an umbrella so the both of us ran in the rain haha well until i got an umbrella from hang10. 10bucks leh argh and it's GREEN in colour LOL
And it was super cold then so when we passed by I.P.Zone, i got myself a new jacket hahaha 20bucks gone like that -_-'' At least i got the one on offer haha See ah. If i didn't get the jacket, i could possibly die from the cold. Anyway the zips on all my other jackets are spoilt/gone so i wanted to get one that can zip lol i suffer from the curse of the useless zips hahaha
Yeah after that we had lunch at Long John Silver (qsm, i know your GREEN with envy =P) and caught a movie since i didn't want to go home. Watched Cyborg She hahaha it was a romantic comedy. Not bad, but i didn't cry though it got really sad at one point. The last time i cried was when watching Fated To Love You episode 12, when the girl got knocked down by the car and the guy had to sign the operation agreement to remove the child to save the mother. Coupled with the music, it was really a tear jerker can Lol
Yeah after the movie we went our own ways lo. I took the mrt to Marina Bay and back to AMK. Bought snacks and 8days, everyweek! from NTUC and chicken rice for my maid's dinner and head back home lo. Yah, that's pretty much all lol
I just feel guilty for all the money spent, i don't have a single note in my wallet now :'(
3.25-bus fares
3.15-drink and chocolate
4.20-LJS compo 1
17.50-Movie tickets and popcorn (thou BS's paying me back another day cos i had to pay with ATM)
7.45-snacks and magazines
10dollars-top up bus fare
2.80-chicken rice for maid
WTF?!!!!! I DIDN'T KNOW I SPENT THAT MUCH LO. Well it didn't feel like it...
DIE LE LA LOL Heng i found a job to make up for it. Phew. Anyway for those of you who don't know, im gonna work for my friend's friend's uncle's shop, selling wine at Clark Quay/Novena. I start work this sunday at Clark Quay, 1-10 :D I'm kinda looking forward to it hahaha you know, work can take your mind off things lol
Anyway, next Monday-Thursday i'll be in Malaysia, Truly Asia haha im going there for a short tour since my parents don't have time to go far this year. Anyway, i finally got to go Genting! Just hope that there are kids round my age in my tour group or else playing alone damn lonely la :( YUPPS
And next saturday i'll be at Geylang for the charity event Vertex, The Highest Point. Since none of you heartless people(except yeefung & yuxiang LOL) bought a single ticket from me, i guess im not gonna say much since it doesn't concern you. And now that im reminded of this and how you guys refuse to buy just a 2dollars ribbon from me (except soomei, jiahao, weiqi and yeefung and yuxiang)... humph! Nvm! We'll see in the future... I'll remember this for life! My friends! Can't even trust them to help a little (except a few)...
So anyway that's about it. It's 12 and I'm going to sleep now, since im trying to correct my biological clock, plus a few other advantages of sleeping early :D
1) Improved Immune System
2) Improved Memory
3) Better Skin
4) Wight Loss (HA. My sleep more-eat less plan actually works, for real)
5) Better mood
(This week's 8days issue page 41)
Yups, so people, SLEEP EARLY! FOR A BETTER YOU! =P
Lol this seems like an advertisement whatever-you-call-it, gimmick?
Oh and before i sign off, here's a message for ALL DEYIANS WHO OWE ME MONEY, please bring the amount of money you owe me this friday. PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU. PLEASE, WITH A CHERRY ON TOP. PLEASE, LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. As you can see, i'm really broke, so i'll appreciate it if i can collect my money back this week since it's kinda hard what with us scattered on different lands... and not to mention total amount people owe me equals to 96dollars, so PLEASE!
Yes, finally, this is the end. I'm gonna sign off now to get my beauty sleep HEHE Look forward to seeing you guys this friday, with my money $$$ Bye, Nitey Nites :D
~(11:37 PM)
命中注定我爱你 =P
欣赏张旭的书法, 就不会把楷书放在眼里
喜欢expresso的话, 又怎么会对美试咖啡感到兴趣
如果最美好的早已留在心中, 那再多选择也只会视而不见-Fated to love you
~(12:02 AM)
Happy Holidays :D
Monday, August 25, 2008
I meant to blog earlier, but laziness got the better of me lol so here goes, summary for what i've been doing for the past one week.
Monday: Met up with GAN after BMGT at orchard, had subway for lunch, walked around, talked and headed to nick's to slack. After that we met up with Yuuki and had dinner at JE's Pizza Hut! THEY DEPRIVED ME OF DESSERT FOR POOL! BASKET! So basically thats it. And now for the pictures :)

Tuesday and Wednesday: Basically spent slacking and sleeping.
Thursday: I spent the early morning of thursday studying for POA LOL And then took the last paper from 9-11 and then went out with the class. 11 of us-me, weiqi, yuankai, adrian, ansar, youwei, huihui, dacia, anqi, gloria and chingyang headed to cineleisure. Had lunch at Long John Silver and then kbox from 1+-7 after that. Half the people left earlier so by 7 there was only me, ansar, youwei, huihui, dacia and anqi left. We walked to Far East Plaza and walked in circles inside that place and then had dinner at subway lol after that we made our way home!
Friday and Saturday and Sunday: Basically spent slacking and sleeping
Sigh, i hope i can start work sooner rather then this sunday. And not to mention my biological clock is screwed. I sleep only after 6.30 in the morning and wake up around 5 in the afternoon everyday. Even my mum gave up waking me up for lunch LOL and it's not like i didn't try going to bed at 12 sigh and now i enjoy eating plain white bread in the middle of the night, like 3am LOL Perhaps im training to be a vampire LOL
Yups so i have tomorrow to slack, briefing for Vertex in school on wednesday and thursday, friday and saturday's still clear. PEOPLE, BOOK ME! LOL ohwait, i forgot JC geeks need to mugg Sigh As much as i hate you people lol in a way, still gotta wish you guys goodluck for your promos and DON'T FREAKING RETAIN LOL If you retain, might as well skip studying and go out with me LOL
Yeah so i guess that's it. I think i'll go watch anime now hahaha :D
~(5:12 PM)
What to do
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
For some reason, i really miss him now :(
~(5:10 AM)
The Only Way Out, Is In
Saturday, August 16, 2008
So, the MAEC paper went relatively well, except the 9marks worth of questions i didn't do. Ahwell, it's over, not much i can do about it now huh. And after the paper, had dinner at Kobayashi (JEC) with Ansar, Adrian, Weqi, Yuankai and Chingyang after which we had fun at the arcade and watched The Love Guru, but without adrian LOL It's like we're celebrating, the end of ONE paper LOL How i hoped it was the celebration for the end of examinations all together hahha But that have to wait till next thursday. Sigh
So BMGT on Monday. I have now till tomorrow to remember 9/8 chapters worth of contents. Can't wait for it to end. After which i'll meet up with Gan :D
Tuesday, i'll probably spend it slacking LOL
Wednesday's for visision of POA
Thursday's my last paper! After which i'll probably go kbox with the classmates, or home to sleep and binge on anime, movies, dramas or whatever
Friday lol hopefully finding a job, or alreadying working, or continuation of thursday's activities LOL
See? I'm so good i can predict my activities for the following week HEHE I can work as a fortune teller, for myself!
Okay, dinner time! And i'll hit the books!
~(6:34 PM)
Bloody Budgets
Friday, August 15, 2008
It's almost 3am now and my first paper Macroeconomics is 11hours away. Thank god it's not 9-11 ^^ So anyway, just finished reading the budget speech. IT IS BLOODY LONG, I TELL YOU. Who knew they changed so many things in a year? I thought i would have finished by 1am since i started at 11.45 but it took longer then 1hr and 15minutes. I gave up highlighting halfway through cause that would take even longer and when i highlight, i read and re-read. Well that's how i remember things. Highlight/write or re-reading. And i haven't starting revising on the actual chapters, in a way. I took notes and stuff but i haven't gotten down to really reading them. Well hope it all works out tomorrow. And now it's time for bed. *yawn*
~(2:37 AM)
Saturday, August 09, 2008
I need to set my priorities right, sigh
Well at least i've finished Breaking Dawn lol
The end of another good series
What have i to look forward to next?
Ohyeah, the movie hahahah
Twilight Movie, 25 Dec!!!
And the Twilight guidebook of some sort, 30 Dec!!!
Then there's waiting for Midnight Sun to be published
I guess it ain't that bad then
Okay i'd better get down to POA
Cher wants to check my work on Monday
:s *gulp*
~(10:01 PM)
Dan the horrible man
Sunday, August 03, 2008
・・・[・・・C・V・・・・- omnia vincit amor BREAKING DAWN says:
i think u guys feel superior by being mean to me
nick says:
lolnick says:
i wont deny it, i do feel slightly betternick says:
lolnick says:
its called bullyingWTF IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD???!!!!!!!! :@So what happened was, i met up with a few of my primary school friends and some others whom i knew from my primary school friends. There were Anita, Jade, Nicky, Daniel, gan and me. (highlighted in red are my primary sch friends LOL)
Anita, jade and gan were nice, like really.
Nick is being nick.. as you can see from our little conversation above. It has ALWAYS been like this. I've always been the one bullied/insulted/made fun of/looked down upon to make him feel "slightly better"/"superior"/"cool in front of anita"
And i'm guessing the same applies to Daniel, except the anita part, or maybe...
He was downright MEANNNNNNN.
He/They claims he does it to everyone, but i got the lion's share of his insults this evening.
So, back to topic.
They brought me to Handle Bar. It's near queenstown, beside River Vally High. For bikers, apparently.
Anyway, they didn't check for ID at all LOL Even though i was in jeans and a school shirt. Songen and gang, i'll bring you guys next time ;)
So at our table of 6, guess how many were smoking?
Translation to chinese: 死
Period: Chinese Ghost Festival
But i probably shortened my life by 5years (nick says 5weeks) tonight through PASSIVE smoking(i don't smoke) anyway. So if i were meant to die at the age of 22, i'll probably die this month (using the 5years theory lol).
Sigh other than that, the food were expensive.
A glass of coke:4 dollars
My grilled chicken burger (that comes with fries)(actually very large portion la lol):10 dollars
But the place was cool la haha i remember skeletons and shirts hanging around. And there was this punching toy outside. And a small swing. A pool table. And stuff. It's a nice hanging out place. Not noisy and smoky like in a club.
I'm trying to recall the worst insult of the night. Probably...
mx's the most decent of the group
there's a diffence between decent and neglected (WTF!!!)
omg you bastard. I was gonna say there's a difference between decent and naive. That was mean la
Me: *Silence*thinking wtf*
So yeah, this stood out pretty much.
If it were few years or months or even weeks ago, i would have cried, there and then. I think. Or at least sulked and kept quiet and gave a black face throughout but i guess i've grown stronger/more immune to this kinda thing. Hm.
The force is within me LOL
No matter what i'm doing, the moment i look at him (he's sitting DIRECTLY OPPOSITE me so there isn't much of a choice) i'll freeze and stop whatever i was doing, and withdraw lol
Like i was afraid he would suddenly slap me or something.
I even got scared trying to take the fork and knife la!
So much for the force...
But he's like a blackhole, stronger than any other force so....
Okay, so enough of primary school gathering.
Oh and the charity thing. Each group were supposed to sell 120ribbons. My group sold 80. But so what? Eventually all of us had to bring back 12 each (thats 60for each group) to continue selling. Shit and i thought it would be over by this week. ARGHHHHHH
And and I think i wanna work at kinokuniya during the holidays.
But hard to choose leh, whether to be the one arranging books (which i want) or be a cashier (they have nicer uniforms). hehehe well i think me and bihshean's going for the interview on monday so we'll see how that goes And then we'll study econs, i think.
Okay, it has been a long day, and a long post
So till next time, ciao
~(1:10 AM)
Saturday, August 02, 2008
BREAKING DAWN IS FINALLY HERE!Edward: "Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away."Ahh...
~(12:13 AM)
Breaking Dawn
Friday, August 01, 2008

Finally, the book i've been waiting for will be released tomorrow. And Kino's having 20% sale for all members YIPPEEE and my dad's sponsoring 3/4 for the cost of the book DOUBLE YIPPEEE
"It's been almost a century that Edward's been alone. Now he's found you, and our family is whole. Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you?"
~(9:33 PM)