Always Give 100% At Work
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
~(4:16 PM)
I'm in love with a Vampire
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Yay, i got my New Moon AND Eclipse, the 2nd and 3rd sequel to the book Twilight. Now i just gotta wait patiently till Auguest second for the 4th and final sequel Breaking Dawn to be published. And of course for the movie Twilight, which just started filming lol can't wait to see my favourite book in the cinema!
And then there's Midnight Sun, a companion book to Twilight, its published date still unknown. Lol it actually tells the same story, but from a different point of view. In Twilight, the story is told from Bella's(female protagonist) POV, but in Midnight Sun, it's told from Edward's(male protagonist) POV. Lol it would be interesting to get into the head of the gorgeous vampire don't you think? Especially one who can read minds, so you can also get a deeper understanding on the other minor characters, since Edward cannot read Bella's mind for some unknown reason lol
Yeah i sound kinda obsessed. Maybe i am :P
I know it's fiction, but it just draws you in you know. I feel like i'm in love with the vampire hahahaha
Yeah its books like this that give you fantasies that will never happen in reality
Oh Edward Cullen
*sheepish smile*
Off to dinner! Not blood of course =P
Till next timme!
~(8:17 PM)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

These are the people who will be starring as the Cullens, a family of vampires for the movie Twilight, inspired by the novel with the same name by Stephanie Meyer.
So basically, the story is about a girl called Isabella, bella for short, who fell in love with a vampire, named Edward(front guy). At first Edward avoided Bella cause unlike other normal vampires, him and his family do not suck people's blood. But somehow Bella's blood smells good to Edward and he's very tempted which was why he was cold and avoided her at first. But later he found it too difficult to do so as he too, has fell in love with her. And from then on, he was always by her side to save her from accidents, or misfortunes of whatever sort.
It's a really really nice book. I'm done reading Twilight, and can't wait to buy its subsequent novels New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (which will be due August this year). I love the characters. It may seem like a dark novel, with all the vampires and stuff, but it's really not. It's sweet and funny, yet sad and with lotsa suspense at the same time.
Sighh... I know...
LOL and now i'm wishing for a vampire boyfriend. I wouldn't mind if he's as hot as Edward was described in the book! haha
And my lecturer for Mindworks called me Vampire Woman, cause he saw the book i was reading. And when he asked why i was so tired, i said that i went sucking blood at night hahahaha
Okay time to go hunting. Cya tomorrow! And please, don't look too tasty, i might not be able to resist my temptations =P
Okay i have no idea who my last line is directed to haha just you know, for fun
Okay then, ciao
~(12:50 AM)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I should be doing research for my PBL. For software and Licencing.
but instead, i'm slacking like i don't have a presentation i've to prepare for on tuesday
Yeah, for now, i'm switching between reading Twilight, playing my PSP(DJmax 2) and watching Rental Magica on animeblogz
I know i know, i'm gonna drag my team down
But you know, temptations temptations
I'm addicted to all!
Okay nvm, this cannot go on
Just half an hour more
Kay then
I'm back to my heaven
~(2:35 PM)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Okay the post just now's for yesterday
This post is for today lol
So, school as usual starts at 9, mindworks till 11
Lunch at Ngee Ann Alumni with Florence and Sylvia. Had butter soft-shellcrab set hahaha and thia iced-tea
Sylvia went off soon after finishing her lunch for project work (shes one hardworking girl i tell you, everyday after lunch also go meet for project lol i feeel so guilty lah cos my group hardly meet up hahaha)
Yeah so that leaves me and flo. After we're done went over to the comp lab at blk72. Flo for her project(another hardworkig person) while i'm just there to pass time till our "industry visit" to Ngee Ann Polytechnic's library thingy starts at 2 lol since the meeting place is the comp lab itself
So, surfed the net, facebook and watched Rental Magica episode 2!
At 2 the woman(dunno who) came in and when everybody's back, she starts by teaching us how to use database and how to search..........
Lol it was BORING. I was playing solitaire, spider solitaire, checking out animes and finding out their plots on wikipedia, looked at Diviant Art and reading singapore forums lah lol
Finally after god knows how long, the thing ended and we headed over to the library
Explore explore lor, but actually also dont need cause i've been there to you know, play board games hahahaha
We were dismissed round 3+, while sylvia went off for her many meetings, i went over to flo's house hahaha
When i arrived, i was greeted by two fierce-looking barking dogs hahahhaha and i started running and hiding and i didn't dare to go in for awhile
But after bout a minute, i went in lah can't stand outside like an idiot right hahahahha And you know what? The dogs aren't that scary at all, they're pretty gentle actually yeah and i pat them and yeah lol play with them? hahahahhaha
Yup so just hang around and talked and attempted to learn the guitar hahahahah to much difficulty lol
So at 5.30, took a bus and changed to a train to bukit gombak. Went over to Guilin View (Anita's ex-condo exstate) for flo's church party thingy.
Met lotsa new people whose names i don't remember
Did introduction and a game of ice-breaker. Blow Wind Blow and i kena. So i had to tell others bout my most embarrassing moment hahaha yup and i mentioned the one bout banging into the transparent macdonalds glass door lol
Left right after ice-breaker cause i had to be home by 8. Left at 8 hahahah went to a nearby coffee shop with flo to get my dinner and cabbed home (with flo's very generous 20bucks=D).
Yeah and that's all for today hahahha
And yes, this is the last post for today hahahhaa
~(11:18 PM)
Happy Belated Valentines <3
so yesterday was Valentines day
Got a rose from florence, which is now half-dead lol cannot revive liao trying to preserve hahahaha
Yes the rose is dying, along with my love life =(
But anyway, also got chocolates from my (female) classmates hahah SEE? Girls are more thoughtful lol
Yup other then that, had ITB from 9-12+, break, then lesson resumes till 2.10 and we're dismissed for discussion for our PBL. Discussed for 1hr and everybody zhao lol
Went to junction8 with members of another group to check out the prices of all that IT stuff and also to "case-study" the CD Shops cause we need it for our PBL
After that met up with Alan lee and we had dinner at Dome!
The whole restaurant was booked lah wth hahaha luckily we came earlier so they still had 1 table for us =D
Had calamari and chips with salad, while he had pasta
After that take bus back home lor because seeing couples everywhere holding hands holding flowers holding balloons holding stuff toys is such a pain
Like adding salt to my openly exposed wound like that
hahahaha you know that song?
L is for the way you Look at me
O is for the Only One i see
V is Very Very extradinary
E is Even more then anyone that you adore
Yeah here's another version
what l o v e stands for?
L = lake of sorrow
O = ocean of tears
V = valley of death
E = end of life....
Cute right, but abit sadistic hahahah Got it from Singapore Forums. Go check it out if your really bored hahahahaha
And yeah that's all my love
~(10:50 PM)
Creativity Trigger
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
So for my CATS assignment, i/we(me & spermy) came up with an idea of what i call the MPPP, for Multi-purpose Pen/Pencil lol it is a pen, pencil, highlighter, eraser, stapler, ruler and glue combined together as one hahahha Okay lar i know not that creative, but at least useful mah hahahah
So anyway, i told kennard about this and here's what he replied lol
k: Its like weaponry -_-
k: you can blind the guy with ink
k: kill him with lead poisoning
k: burn him with the eraser
k: shoot him with the stapler
k: slash him with the ruler
k: and shut him up with glue
LOL that guy arh, full of crap
I don't know whether to say he's creative or have a mobid sense of humour
hahaha it was funny though lol
PS. There isn't a use for the highlighter because it was added on later in the conversation
~(10:55 PM)
This is for Sunday

~(10:26 PM)
I was There
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Short post cause i have a CATS assignment, chapter presentation and quiz to prepare for lol
So yesterday, met up with songen, kennard and siwai and headed to jiaqi's house! While we were there, played daidee, bridge and blackjack. Ate a lot and watched tv. For the guys they also played computer games. We also visited his bedroom! hahahhaa oohyeah that's all lar hahahah
After jiaqi's house we headed to siwai's house. But jiaqi didn't come along cos he had to have lunch with his family lol Had mac delivery for lunch and watched abit of Bruce Almighty, but i fell asleep while watching cause i was tired hahahha
Next was kennard's house! His bed is between his com and his tv! So lucky lar.. and he has the same bedsheets as me, pikachu stuff toy, hello kitty toy and lots of random stuff hahaha played daidee again, jiaqi came and headed to my place!
Played 3rounds of mahjong. I won one round, songen won one round and kennard won one round. Maybe that's why jiaqi so emo. After mahjong jiaqi went home for dinner while the rest of us walked round the estate and went back to my house for dinner. Played blackjack after that and i lost $3.10 hahaha luckily our bets were 10c 20c if its in dollars i die already lol
Yeah and thats it!
Shall go back to my work!
~(2:16 PM)
I'm So Not Drunk
Friday, February 08, 2008
Went over to nicks to hang out. And when i reached, he was still sleeping hahah so i got to see him in his boxers! Okay lah also not first time hahahah its just like short pants, no big deal. Pictures of him in his boxers up next time! So yeah, we took pictures, chatted abit and he went to pooooo. I slept for awhile and then went to Petir to meet douglas.
It was damn stupid lah. I took the mrt to Choa Chu Kang, walked the right way and missed the LRT station. So i walked back to the control station and asked for the LRT station and was directed the same way-_- Got off the LRT at bukit panjang only to know that he's waiting for me at Petir. So i went back on the LRT but went the wrong direction! So i had to switch LRT again and finally reach Petir at 4.30 when the meeting time's 4! hahahaha
So.. went over to douglas's house with him and me new friend Eudy lol. Just chatted lor, then his other friend Eugene, NSman, came and we drank absoulute volka with orange soda or something. Lol after 1 glass my face turned very red and i felt hot hahaha yeah and they think i'm drunk cause i started laughing crazily lol Ate 3plates of pasta, turkey meat and sausages lol must be really hungry. Would love to stay longer but the rents' want me home for dinner so i cabbed home. When the cab came, i ran towards the cab with my hands in the air saying, "sayonara! byebye!" so i think they think im drunk! hahahah
Yeah came home and drank soup only lol
Yahyah thats it. Lazy now
Tomorrow going house hopping!
First stop: Suen Jiaqi's house!
hahahhaha tomorrow will be fun!
~(10:30 PM)
I Love My relatives!
So... First day of CNY
Went over to my grandma's
Had lunch, lotsa food!
Played bout 2 hours of mahjong
Napped for awhile
Played daideeee
And watch Ah Long Private Limited at Shaw house with my parents, my cousins felicia and bryan, their parents, my aunt and grandma. Yes, 9 of us hahahah
Yeah that's it. I'm lazy hahaha pictures up next time
And of cause on CNY, there's ang pows lar
But how much i got is confidential =p
But here's a list of things i intend to get with my ang pow $$$!
1)new bag
2)running shoes
4)games for my new PSP
5)some stationeries
So far thats all i want, the list might go on though
Oh and as for the PSP, it was given to me by my uncle!
HAHAHAHHA saved me a fortune since i don't have to get one now, cause i intended toooooo
LOL okay that's it!
~(12:29 AM)
Slides of pictures!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
hmmm as promised, here are the pictures! But if i were to upload them one by one, it would have taken forever so instead, i compiled them all into slides! hahaha save more time this way so yeah
Okay, nuff said
First up, we have pictures from the family gathering last sunday!
Second up, pictures of Alan and Parth!
And last but not least, pictures for CNY reunion dinner! Actually not much also lah, cause everybody's busy eating! hehehe oh and don't mind i look kinda retarded and fat in those pictures lol what, ate a lot today!
Oh and i'm lazy to comment on all the pictures liao, it's mostly the food and us eating or frying and stuff so yeah, not much to say hahah enjoy anyway lol and try not to drool while your at it! :D
Yupyup and that's it!
Hope you didn't get confused by the 3slides playing at the same time LOL
~(2:09 AM)
So, a summary of today's activities, cos i'm lazy hahahah
Woke up at 7.57, went back to sleep cause my alarm was set for 8.00am hahaha and guess what, i missed the alarm and woke up at 10.37 instead! hahahha=P don't ask me how i manage to fall into a deep sleep in 3minutes flat, cause i don't know either hahahaha
Was supposed to meet songen and kennard at AMK mac at 9.30 for breakfast and to go back to deyi to visit the teachers after that, but because i overslept by 1 hour past our meeting time, i decided not to go after all hahahahah
Instead, met up with alan lee to get his shoes at AMK central. Went to sportslink, and he got himself a pair of black-whitestripes Nike shoes hahaha too bad i didn't take a picture of it booooo but anyway, wanted to have subway for lunch but because of a lack of space and the supeeerr long queue, we had chicken rice at the food court instead. Was really lucky, cause i got the last two plates! Before it was all sold out hahahaha
Alan walked me to the MRT and i headed to Somerset to meet Parth, someone i've not seen in four years and also this is the second time i'm seeing him in person, the first time during his ACSB funfair four years ago! Thought he kinda looked like gan so we became friends, can't remember how i got his email though hahaha but i remember he was the DJ at the DJ stand then. When i knew him he was in sec3, and now an NSman hahahah time really flies eh?
Sooo... met up at Cineleisure and watched two movies! 27 Dresses and CJ7. 27 Dresses was very sweet hahaha love chick flicks! As for CJ7, not bad lar, but not as funny as his(Steven Chou) previous movies? But still rather entertaining though.
Went to TAKA after the movies, Parth got himself a drink from orange julius and we sat outside TAKA to chat. Realised Orchard was very empty lol i gotta picture to prove it! hahaha shall post it up later i guess lol cause i'm lazy now =P
After that headed home for reunion dinner. Had bbq and steamboat with my two cousins, bryan and felicia hahahhaa was damn full after that lah lol. After dinner watched D-Grey Man and some MVs of their japanese bands. And then time for desert! Long-gan tou-hu hahaha one of my favourite! Had two bowls of it and then a few rounds of dai-dee. After that got our ang-pows and then they headed home cause it was too late!
Spent the rest of the night watching anime, Rosario + Vampire. Really cute show hahahha watched till episode 4 cause episode 5 was not subbed yet and the rest of the show hasn't been released. This is precisely why i want to learn japanese, so i can watch animes RAW lol but that will have to wait :(
But anyways,
Hope you guys get lotsa ang-pows $$$
Good luck in that!
~(1:39 AM)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
mx- Cherie Amour says:
hey master sergent
mx- Cherie Amour says:
u bathe like a girl u noe
mx- Cherie Amour says:
super long leh
J says:
halo!J says:
u got alot of comments hor? girl!mx- Cherie Amour says:
ah. finally!
J says:
lolsmx- Cherie Amour says:
lol yeah haha
mx- Cherie Amour says:
sorry if im too honest
mx- Cherie Amour says:
hahaJ says:
it's okayJ says:
i m havin a business transactionJ says:
and after thatJ says:
bathingmx- Cherie Amour says:
ahhhh Cherie Amour says:
so after all this whilemx- Cherie Amour says:
u havent bathed?J says:
finish liao lamx- Cherie Amour says:
lol ohhhhmx- Cherie Amour says:
so the business transaction oso over lah!
J says:
of cosmx- Cherie Amour says:
ohmx- Cherie Amour says:
was it a success?
J says:
of cosJ says:
everything came out
J says:
J says:
J says:
u noe??
mx- Cherie Amour says:
no i dunno
mx- Cherie Amour says:
care to elaborate/J says:
nvmJ says:
J says:
which means
J says:
making cake
J says:
mx- Cherie Amour says:
OHHHHHHmx- Cherie Amour says:
LOLJ says:
lolsmx- Cherie Amour says:
OMGJ says:
mx- Cherie Amour says:
i didnt realised!mx- Cherie Amour says:
J says:
come on la
J says:
grow upmx- Cherie Amour says:
and all along i was thinkingJ says:
mx- Cherie Amour says:
u chatting with someone
mx- Cherie Amour says:
for the project or something
J says:
thinking i m a business man rite?J says:
hahamx- Cherie Amour says:
then everything settledmx- Cherie Amour says:
YEAHmx- Cherie Amour says:
mx- Cherie Amour says:
gawd, i feel like an idiot right now
mx- Cherie Amour says:
like kena cheated leh
~(11:05 PM)
Monday, February 04, 2008

Pictures from my CATS class. This bunch of people will be my classmates for the next 6weeks or more, and some of them also belong to my mindworks class so we'll be spending lotsa time together!
Here's hoping we will have a great time together!
~(9:10 PM)
If i die tomorrow, you know why
Saturday, February 02, 2008
It's 12.05 now and I'm eating the leftover sushi i got from sumo house last night, and to tell you the truth, they taste kinda funny LOL But then again, i shouldn't have left it out for so long so i only have myself to blame...
So anyway, hahaha mindworks was hilarious. For one, we have a not-so-straight guy as our teacher. lol you should have seen the way he sashays into class, looks like something of a B grade model from America's Next Top Model. He was very funny, able to make us laugh, but he's also kinda intimidating, creepy and scary at the same time, especially when he looks at you.... Yeah he told us stuff other lecturers probably wouldn't tell us, like which part of the school people like to make out at(the bushes lol) etc., and also showing us that being in poly doesn't make us inferior to people in JC and also some stuff about BGR lol Like how girls loves to play mind games and how guys cannot take it, how girl's all about the feel while guys are about LUST. Stuff like that, pretty entertaining hahahahaha
Student: are you married?
teacher: no i'm divorced, why?
teacher: dump that bloody bitch!
*clapclap from the class*
teacher: what are you so happy about? clapping over my misery..
teacher: it's a very sad story...
teacher: she took everything...
So anyway, after mindworks was a 2hr lunch break! Spent 1 hour at canteen1 obviously for lunch, had chicken chop and cocktail lol and after that, me and some of the guys went to the games room at My Space to play UNO. 8 of us played, 4 of us gamed, i was one of them lol cause the guy beside me was um, blur enough hahahaha
After our game session, headed to Lecture Theatre 73(LT73). Had a 1hr lecture about retailing. I almost fell asleep lah, it was so damn boring lol after that left for vivo for our industry visit. I was grouped with florence, sylvia, christopher and de hong, and we were supposed to complete the worksheets given. After we were done with it, gathered with the rest, mini-debrief and we're dismissed at bout 4.30! So our group walked around vivo cause i was looking for a present for felicia but couldn't find anything, after that we went to the arcade, candy empire, took the mrt and then we went our separate ways.
Went over to felicia's house to celebrate her and my ahma's(grandma) birthday. Had dinner, cut the cake(80bucks haagen dazs vanilla ice-cream cake!), chit-chat, watched one episode of Mask Rider and that's it. Went home cause feli had school tomorrow and had to sleep early lol
So anyway, My very very dear cousin Felicia Soh Wei Ting
Your 13th now!
Enjoy your youth while you still can!
Study hard, PLAY hard
~(12:05 AM)