Friday, June 29, 2007
Have you ever felt like you don't know what's going on with you? Like you know there's something, but you just can't pinpoint it. And there's this emptiness inside of you that you just can't seem to fill, like something is missing but you don't know what you've lost. Like you know you want to talk, but you don't know what to say, and what you eventually say is nothing of importance but you feel like you have to let it all out, but don't know what you have to "let out" in the first place. Like when you can't sleep and you stare into the ceiling and you ask yourself, "what am i thinking about?". Your heart is empty, your mind is empty, and your so calm about things it's scary, like your no longer capable of emotions, like sadness, anger, fear, happiness, agitation or even the feeling of missing someone. And when you smile, it's not one of joy, but of...?
~(11:28 PM)
As a perfume doth remain
In the folds where it hath lain
So thought of you,remaining
Deeply folded in my brain
Will not leave me, all things leave me
You remain
~(11:01 PM)
Monday, June 25, 2007
So school has reopened. It would be a great day if i wasn't down with the influenza. Happens all the time, especially on the first days of school, or when school reopens after holidays. I think it's a sign lol. Or my body couldn't adjust to the sudden change in sleeping patern. Monday to Saturday i woke up around 3, Sunday woke up 6hrs earlier at 9 and on Monday, 6! So yeah has been sniffing my life away since Sunday morning. It really sucks because just when my body sink into this comfortable zone, and BAM, it's the last week of the holidays. Really sucks, and annoying.
Oh and you wanna know something more shitty then going back to school? I got 39/100 for the Amaths mock test. Okay so i expected a fail, but a almost-pass kinda fail not a F9 kinda fail. Get what i mean? Yeah and Hiew had to say it out loud, with my name in full, Ms.Lee meixuan LOL with that pause in between for um, dramatic effect?
So yeah, some things are gonna change. For one, I'm gonna start studying and taking my work more seriously. No more F9 E8 D7 C6 or C5, it's time to aim for the As, or Bs lol I'm gonna do as well as i did in the past, or better.
Okay blah blah blah.
~(9:51 PM)
Friday, June 22, 2007
I am so screwed. My sleeping hour kept on delaying! Monday and Tuesday i slept at 2+. Wednesday at 3+. Thursday at 4. And last night i slept at 6.30am! It's not even night anymore lol more like morning. If this goes on I'll be in deep shit, and school's reopening in 2days time! I have to re-adjust. I have to re-adjust. I cannot sleep in class anymore. Yeah i can't do that. Any suggestion?
So what the hell, you may ask, was i doing up till 6.30 last night? I watched tv till 2am and decided to go to bed early. But after much tossing and turning and not falling asleep, i had a sudden impulse to gather all my magazines and count them, and by then it was um, 2.30? So that was what i did. I gathered them and grouped them accordingly and then i started counting lol. After all the counting i arranged all the magazines according to their dates lol. Yeah i know, incredible. And then I tore out all the little posters magazines always offer and put them aside. After that i separate all the 2007 magazines and put the rest on the first shelve above my head, and the 2007 magazines on the shelve above the first.
If you think that's all, your wrong. After i settled the magazines, feeling wide awake, i started sorting out the posters! I used to have this file where i kept all my posters and i emptied it and sorted out the posters according to similar artistes. Okay so i didn't finish all that through the night lar. Its tough folding and unfolding and flipping and unflipping to group posters okay, because it's two-sided with different artiste! And of course there were the occasional reading of past magazines hahahah So before i knew it, it was 6.30am already! I didn't want to get caught by my parents or anything so after packing up, i went to bed!
Some of you may want to know how many magazines, exactly, do i own? Well for your curiousity, here are the numbers.
3 M.A.G.E (Anime mag)
5 random chinese magazines
5 First (ye know, movie magazine)
6 M, POPSTAR whatever mostly imported from canada, i think
6 Random magazines like Style, Cleo and Eazy Health or something free from Guardians lol
9 Seventeen
14 Teenage
16 Lime
23 8days
29 Teens
And total up, it's 116 Magazines
Actually, the number was more then i expected. I was estimating 70+ tops, but hah! LOL So teens may be the ruling magazine but trust me, 8days is catching up. I mean, teens' a once-a-month magazine but 8days is once-a-week! I didn't count Newsweek cause that was a school subscribed one. But by end of the month, which is soon, a new magazine will join my collection. Yes! It's National Geographic! HAHAHHAHAHAHA NO i'm serious lol.
SO why do i keep my magazines? Easy, it's for business LOL. Who knows, you can always sell it in the future to people who are looking for a certain issue hahahah oh and the posters! I'll earn BIG time even if i sell it at 3 for $10 lol. And mind you, there are 50over of these posters hahahahah for fans around the globe lol. But after calculation i have realised that selling posters at that price isn't enough to recoup the money i spent on the magazines so i shall increase the price! After all, GST already increase to 7% hahahahahhaha So for those of you looking for posters (I'm not selling the magazines yet because it'll cost very little if i do it now, i'll wait for say, 20years before i do that LOL) just give me a call and tell me the name(the artiste one lar, not yours) and i'll look for it. But one thing to note. Orlando Bloom posters are not for sale.
I know i know, you people must be thinking, meixuan must be retarded, but i'm not okay! hahahahaha collecting magazines is a hobby lar. And besides, you never know when these magazines are gonna be a great help. When you find you have friends giving stupid advises(say nicky), magazines are a great alternative. And besides, reading improves your language and it's a great waste of time!(I meant that in a good way) So grab your mag and start reading! OH and i can loan it to you if you need any, at $1/day or $4/week for each magazine! ;)
~(2:21 PM)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
You Should Date A Swede! |
 You're a romantic, albeit an understated and practical one. It's more about a steady partnership for you, not unrestrained falling Your Swede will give you the unwavering love you crave While making up some mean pancakes and meatballs on the side! |
~(10:29 PM)
You Should Have Been Born Under: |
 You've got a ton of energy - and need plenty of room to roam. You tend to follow your whims, and it's hard for you to stick to one thing. Specific jobs, loves, and friends are always changing and never a part of your life for long. Very intuitive, you tend to know what people are thinking before they say a word.
You are most compatible with a Dog or Tiger. |
~(10:11 PM)
You Are From the Sun |
 Of all your friends, you're the shining star. You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight. You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party. Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty. Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best! |
~(5:15 PM)
You Are the Thumb |
 You're unique and flexible. And you defy any category. Mentally strong and agile, you do things your own way. And you do them well. You are a natural leader... but also truly a loner. You inspire many but connect with few.
You get along well with: The Middle Finger
Stay away from: The Pinky |
LOL this is funny. A middle-finger? LOL F*ck! oOPs!
~(5:10 PM)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Woke up at 3pm, and had been accompanied by worksheets, calculators, periodic tables and such since then. Yes i'm actually doing homework, and has been doing it for the whole damn half-afternoon. And here i PROUDLY announce that i've finished ALL chemistry homework, school and tuition ones alike LOL, and english part1. So what do i have left to do? English part2 and mathsWS. Yeah thats about it i guess. Homework can be fun, if you know what your doing. Yeah and i'm taking a break now cause it's seven, TV-time! All my shows end at 10 so i'll be back for another round of chionging. :)
~(6:48 PM)
Monday, June 18, 2007
I obviously did not do well on the Amaths retest yesterday, mainly because of the lack of studying or revising of amaths, so there's nothing to moan on. I didn't study, i fail, it's natural. Of course it will be a different thing if i did study, but i didn't, so no biggie.
So after the test yesterday, serene and i had our lunch at AMK Hub. And guess what? We had our manicure done at nail palace! And it was my first time LOL! No it wasn't planned, we were just easily persuaded by evil salesperson who tempt us with special offers and promotions yeah...So i intended to get this really light purple colour for my nail but it turned up to be really dark and striking so it's a little bit weird. I have to constantly remind myself that my nails are now purple or i'll be scared to death by the errieness of my own fingers LOL. Well i guess the colour doesn't exactly blend in with my skin colour, so it's rather awkward lol. And the next time i ever get a manicure done, which is probably after O'lvls, i will choose transparent, it's the savest colour, ever! Or maybe light pink? HAHAHHHA
English remedia was today. Well nothing much, just went through the mid-year papers. After that me and serene went to Suntec and had haagen daz ice-cream, specifically the chocolatechip sundae. It was $9.90 for like, 2 scoops, 4 strawberries and 2 buscuits? Well i thought that was very little for the price, but ahwell, it's haagen daz. What to do? Next time want cheap ice-cream buy at mamashop lor! But i gotta admit, it's pretty good.
Oh and i got a HUGE Pirates Of The Carribean: At World's End's Orlando Bloom's poster! HAHAHAH i know, i'm retarded. I'm so easily persuaded when it comes to things like this. The next time i go shopping, i'll leave my ATM card at home and shop with 5dollars. Meixuan, you gotta control! OHHHH and know what? I'm gonna hang the poster infront of my bed. Imagine, i wake up every morning and stare into the eyes of a very handsome pirate.. oOoO.. and i'll be like, "Hi orly, good morning there, want some rum?" Okay i know, stop making that weird face! =P
And currently it's home alone for me. I'm starving starving starving, I can eat a bull. And you know what? I did ONE HUNDRED AND TWO multiple choice questions on chemistry (that's more then my given homework!). Oh and of course i did more then just multiple choice lar, there's also a few(when i say few, i mean more then 10)open-ended questions. YEAH I KNOW! I'm so proud of myself! I know your proud of me too! Yeah i heard your praises. Thankyou thankyou! :D
HAHAHAHAHA I'm so self-obsessed. Okay, i'm too weak to continue. I'll blog again when i'm full, that is, if my parents come back on time, and remember to buy food! Please pray for me.
~(11:24 PM)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Watched Mean Girls on Chn5 last night. Can't help but makes me wonder, is HighSchool or MiddleSchool life really like what they depict in Chick Flicks like Mean Girls or Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen in America? Are the students really categorised(think i spelt that wrong) into different social classes with that dominant popular mean girls, the geeks, the jocks, the nerds, the outcasts, and the public enemy maybe? In these chick flicks, they show high school students leading dramatic lifestyles, well dramatic compared to us singaporean students hahahahha And did you notice, lessons stop the moment the bell rings, even if the teacher isn't done teaching. Unlike in singapore, where teachers just keep going on even after the bell rings to finish their lessons, eating into our recess and after school time. When the bell rings, they just pick up their books and leave! So damn shiok lar lol. Their school life seem kinda cool ye know. Maybe i'll ask Gan the next time he's online lol even though he doesn't live in America, i guess Canada is close enough lol alrighto. TATA
~(11:46 PM)
Friday, June 15, 2007
You Are An Orange Girl |
 You live in the fast lane. You love action, risk, and competition. You're spontaneous, enthusiastic, and persuasive. But you're also easily bored - and love to rebel against structures. You resent rules ... as well as people's attempts to control you! |
You are Milk Chocolate |
 A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds. You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life. Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago. |
Your Inner Gender is Male |
 You are rational, matter of fact, and quite dominant. You like to get things done, without any emotional messiness. You truly don't understand most women. And you definitely feel more comfortable around men. No doubt about it. You're a guy - at least on the inside. |
Your Inner Blood Type is AB! |
 Your personality is hard to define - you're very unconventional. And even if your personality could be defined, it would be completely different next week! Outgoing and shy, sensitive and thoughtless, you tend to have a very split personality. This makes you unpredictable. You can be a total angel - and a total devil.
You are most compatible with: everyone!
Famous Type AB's: Jackie Chan and Marilyn Monroe |
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian |
 You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead... But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself. You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! |
Your Life is 63% Perfect |
 Your life is pretty darn perfect. You don't have much to complain about. Of course, your life is occasionally less than perfect. But you're usually too happy to notice. |
You Are 37% Addicted to Love |
 Might as well face it, you're a little addicted to love. You won't do anything for love, but sometimes you do more than you should. No one's worth losing your head for - because in the end you'll only lose your heart. Don't avoid falling in love. Just make sure you don't get too hooked. |
Your Love Song Is |
 You and Me by Lifehouse
"Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do Nothing to prove And it's you and me and all of the people And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you"
For you, love is very intense and a little difficult to express. |
~(10:26 PM)
Today I met up with a dear old friend Nigel. He looked better then he did two years ago, his hair is no longer curly and he's tall, 1.76. He lives near my old HDB flat and studys in HuaYi, but i kept saying Yuhua i don't know why. Here's history on how we became friends lol. We studied in the same chinese class in Pri.6 and he sat beside me, with that gap in between. He would wake me up when our chinese teacher Mr.Chen comes around and he pulls my hair when the bell rings. Occasionally he would do my english homework like how i did nick's chinese homework but i never paid him hahahahah and now he likes to emphasis on how damn bloody short i am. All these years We have this close-drift kinda relationship. It's either we talk all the time online or we don't talk at all. Yeah that's basically how we kept this friendship during the past four years. We meet once every two years and have agreed to meet again in two years time lol. So basically he's Mr.Nice Guy, very guai i guess, fillial and all and he studies pure science!, something i didn't know till today. He's a really good friend and yeah, that's about it.
Oh and he was in 5B while i was in 5C. He got first in class and got into 5A while i got first in class and got into 5B. Maybe it's destiny but we never got to become classmates lol but we still studied in the same chinese class. Coincidence? Maybe. And he lost to me by 1mark during PSLE and remembers till today. Scary.
Okay so Me and Nigel watched Fantastic4 today at Woodlands. It was a short movie, just 1.5hrs. After that he left because he had to return to school to meet some friends. We parted at jurong and i went to meet nick. The rest is nothing worth mentioning.
And now, it's time for QUIZES! Don't frown, lol. I never ask you to read =P
~(10:12 PM)
Let us celebrate, post number FIFTY!
Never expected this blog to last this long, because my previous blog, Blah Blah Blah, only had nineteen posts hahahaha well it's a good thing isn't it?
So it's 1.32AM, and what am i doing here? Well, blame my screwed biological clock, it's experiencing some jet-lag for the time being. No matter how early i try to sleep, it just refuses to get any rest until 3-4am in the morning. So yeah, i'm just blogging to burn time. And since it's post number FIFTY!, i shall post something different. Instead of the regular updates i always do, here are five things i find interesting that i've got to know of recently. Hope you enjoy!
1. Did you know that ships are built like piceses of a jig-saw puzzle? Every part of the ship is pre-made, even the deck, hull, cabins etc. After months of preparations, these different parts are then pieced together to form the ship! So if one part of the ship is not in place, the whole thing will be screwed!
2. Once upon a time, many many many many years ago, the moon was only 3km away from Earth! So even in the morning, it's all round and big. And the moon plays a part in creating the Earth that we're living on today.
3. Some glaciers (river of ice/snow) can move 15metres in a day while the average one only moves a-third of a metre a day.
4. Female hyenas of a certain species has penises. Lol imagine doing it with two! hahaha
5. Dominant hippos do a dung-spray to show other hippos that he is the boss around and to warn them not to mess around with them, or their girls. And the lower teeth of a hippo can be as long as 1metre!
Lol, so it may not be as interesting to you as it is to me, but who cares? Its for my own entertainment lol. And where do i get all these? Discovery Channel! Yeah i absoutely love discovery channel and national geographic, it's a good source of knowledge hahahahah okayokay. Its 2.06am now and it's getting really late. And even though i know i may not be able to fall asleep, i have to at least try right? hahahah well come back for more um, posts in the future! CHEERIOS. :DDD
~(1:29 AM)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Most of you must have noticed.Holidays for an O'lvl student isn't exactly what you would call a holiday, at all. We still have to go back for remedias, tests and whatever we never had to go back for during our non-O'lvl years. Well apart from the occasional waking-up-at-2pm thing, this isn't a holiday at all. More like a regular school day without a regular timetable. We used to go shoopping. Speaking of shopping, it's the GSS! And i'm broke and stuck in my mountain of homework! Yes while my tuition teacher came over to collect my homework yesterday, she also passed me another stack! And we used to go for movies. But you know what? I've only watched TWO movies this holidays! And for your information, i watched at least 5 or 6 movies last June! So you get the point. Apart from homework and more homework, there really isn't much to do. It seems like everybody else is tied up in their own little world of revisions and more revisions. And I'm kinda feeling guilty for that. I planned to start revision after the March holidays. And now it's june. And have i started ANY revision? NO. Well maybe that's why i got my parents to hire a tutor. To force me to revise cause I'll have to finish her homework! And boy is it working. I actually spent 2 hours on chemistry and amaths yesterday! HAHAHAHH i know. Damn retarded. It isn't even a lot, compared to those already revising during the start of the year. DAMN DAMN DAMN. Well school is starting after next week. Kinda glad for that. Because ye know, i never really had the Holiday-mood thing going on for me this holiday, which is good i guess, because it usually takes a hell lot of time to get out of that holiday-mode. Ye know what i mean, don't you? But you know what people? After November the 6th, the REAL holiday will start! And we only have 146days till then! Seems like a lot eh? When i put up that counter (scroll to the bottom of the page) it was 240+ days. And *FLASH*, 100days gone, just like that. And soon it will be 46days. Time really flies, especially when your in an important year, like, the O'LEVEL YEAR. Yeah and come to think of it, it's 2:43pm and i haven't had my lunch. So this post shall end here. TILL NEXT TIME.
~(2:22 PM)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
So, nicky dearest did an entire post on Yours Truly. hahahahha it was quite funny even though he missed out a few points, and also brought back some memories that i've forgotten. And uh, Nick, read this. I'm gonna force you to do a part2! :D but thanks for the post anyway. :DDDDD
~(12:15 AM)
Monday, June 11, 2007

And this was the japanese meal me and kenneth treated joel to. That was another feast hahahahahah i love the green tea!!! oh and joel's face cut half cause his phone lousy lol :P
~(4:58 PM)

This was the pizza treat i treated when i passed chemistry. It was a feast okay i swear there won't be a second time because i'm not gonna be so stupid anymore. What "if i pass i treat you all eat!" WTF my big mouth. lol but heck, it was delicious hahahahah
~(4:56 PM)

This was the superband i talked about that we took pictures with. 4band members with 4short girls hahahahahaha the one behind me is the most good looking right? lol
~(4:52 PM)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
It has been quite some time since i last updated. Well here's a summary of what has happened since i've been gone.
Shooting competition, which i did badly, really, worst then last year hahaha
ATC. Nothing much for me though. The first day was rainy, so basically we stayed indoors and did ice-breakers and after that pitching of the tent. Land expedition on the second day with joel and his group. I swear, it was a long long journey. And i occupy myself with homework and Meg Cabot's All American Girl for the rest of the day. Campfire was well, like all campfires haha. Third day was going home day! Yeah, basically that's all to it and yeah, had a great time with the yck peeps.
Maths test and test and test and test. Count the tests. That's the number of math tests i've taken this week. Because i screwed up the first two with lotsa careless mistakes, which results in me taking the next two. AHHHH
Watched Shrek3 with Serene on tuesday. It was quite funny lar. I love the dongen hahaha if you get what i mean. OHHH and i'm gonna watch Transformers and Fantastic4, because i liked the trailer. And i watched Pirates yesterday. I was glad Will didn't like, become part of the ship when he became captain of the Flying Dutchman lol that would have been gross and his face... his beautiful face.. would have been...... need i say more?
And i got a new tuition teacher. First impression, she's a cheena. But turns out, she's a malaysian. Well she will be coaching me in Amaths and Chem. And she gives homework, so... lol
And did i mention, i bought Tarot cards. Nick was all "NOOOOO don't play with them, they'll influence your life" hahahahha but yeah, thanks for the concern.
Oh and nick and i were on the phone the other day, and we were talking about how long we've been friends and he was like, "I try to demolish you but you won't go away" hahahahahha i was like, lol? Yeah and i'm like, the only positive influence in his life lol that's good to hear. Oh and the Tarot says that his life and recent past is a ruin and failure hahahahhaha after i said that he refused to listen to me.
But the Tarot did say that my life is about to change. For better or for worse? Ehhh... not sure. It depends on me thats all i know.
You know, sometimes it's hard to put down in words what i'm feeling or what i wish to say. I get my intuition to blog while i'm on my bed most of the time, but during these times i'll be too lazy to drag myself up here to type it all out. And when the next day comes, BOOM. Everything's gone. Ye know. But what to do, the laptop's not in my room -_-
Speaking about room. My room is like a pig sty. I wanna get a magazine rack. Because i've been keeping magazines since pri.5, and i never throw them away so it's all over the place. But then again, there is no place in my room to put the magazine rack even if i have one leh. I swear after Olvls, i'll burn the textbooks to create space, one by one, HOHOHOHOHO you do realise i'm just kidding right? I'll probably sell it to the galang guni hahaha and get some cash in return. I could earn hundreds!
Lol everytime when i blog, it's always long updates. I should really stop doing this because people get bored while reading long updates and it's not like my life is interesting enough ye know.
OHHHH and i suddenly remembered. Nicks has an interest in Songen. Not in the gay way lar hahahahha. He couldn't believe me when i said Songee's from dance. He was like, "How could someone who insults you like that be in dance?" or something along the lines of that ahhaha he refused to believe me. Lol if Nick and songee becomes friends, my life would be OVER with a capital O, V, E, R. Imagine. Songen calls me Bimbo, and nick says I'm an insult to the bimbos, and songen replies "ohyeah, she's not even pretty". They can be a tag team when it comes to criticising me. And when that happens, i'll really demolish. OHNOOOOOOO. insult me very fun meh? lol
I can be so random, i know. I just like, type whatever comes to mind. I NEED MONEY I NEED MONEY. okay i'm gonna go watch Corner With Love. Au revoir ^^
~(10:08 PM)