Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Create your own Friend Test hereJUST DO IT, WILL YA?
~(12:42 AM)
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I know this blog has been inactive for awhile, so i'm back here for some new updates.
Last sunday was a blast. Had japanese buffet at Hoshi with Joel, Kenneth, Siwai and Yeefung. I've gotta hand it to Yeefung. While all of us were eating and muching all the goodies, he just sat there playing his game. High resistence to temptation sia. And after that we went bowling at the Cheverons. Lol yeefung lost the first round and i lost the second round, so we split the bill. Took a cab back to AMK after that, had a game of pool, which i lost pathetically to siwai. Went to the airport to fetch my mama after that. She brought lots of stuff back. OH and i got chewing gum, The Face Shop goodies, a notebook from the Bear Museam, keychains, seaweeds, honey and kimchi. Would post the pics when i get the chance!
This whole weeek was Intensive Mother Tongue revision. And surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as expected, really. My chinese teacher thinks that i can get an A1 for MT, which i hope i do. hahaha im crossing my fingers!
Oh, and i was so addicted to Wei Xiao Pasta. That was what kept me from blogging all this while! I finished the whole series in 4days, 17episodes. The show was really sweet and lively. And i loved the song Bei Ji Xing De Yan Lei lol. Always thought that it was a recent new song but hah, it was already out last july! How outdated can i be? And i think the ending was really cute, and sweettt!
And I'm taking part in the Shooting competition, again, representing NPCC duh. We have armpower trainings almost everyday, which i really feel is totally unnessasary. I mean, the total shooting time for the competition is um, 1.5minutes? I mean, how weak can we be? And we had to sprint as part of the training, but it's got nothing to do with armpower! And besides, we just stand at the same spot and shoot, not like we run and shoot so why need stamina? AHHHH its so frustrating i regret joining. And we went to PHS for practice shooting. We had to shoot with an air rifle, which was totally heavy, my left hand was shivering while supporting the rifle, and the target was sooooo small and so far away. I missed 6shots out of 14, but i'm satisfied! hahahah and thanks to jiahao who helped me um, do whatever has to be done to the rifle when i couldnt do it because i was too weak for that lol.
OoOoOo and did i mention? Some SuperBand people came to our school to perform yesterday. Their singing wasn't very good, and i couldn't really make out their guitar skills because the mike was spoilt and the background music was simply too loud. Lol and the funny thing is, although i do not adore them and didn't know their existence before yesterday, i still acted like a crazy fan and went around getting their signatures even though i didn't know any of their names and even if i do, i didn't know which name belonged to who hahahahah. And and i took a picture with one of the guys i thought was good looking! And me, serene, denise and prisilla took pictures with the four of them! It was a good experience i think acting like a crazy fan lol.
Hmmm what else do i have to say? I had chicken wings for lunch and steamboat for dinner. All those armpower trainings has been in vain. I was hoping i could lose some weight i have put on recently through these trainings but.. lol. And yesterday, i had a corn cup, honey-glazed chicken wing, spring roll and Lychee ice-blended, all before dinner! And i ate a lot more before that and the week before and the week before that. I know I'M SUCH A PIG! Oh nooooo i don't wanna turn fat. *Flashbacks* Nick: Meixuan, your extremely fat. *Flashbacks* Nick: Meixuan, don't get off the trackmill till you finish running for 10minutes! *Flashbacks* Nick: Meixuan, your fat, i'm eating your french fries. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol.
Oh and speaking of nick, he just gave me a friendship test, or more like a "trust" test! Lol i talked to him on msn and he posed as his "bestfriend" Markus, which may or may not exist lol. And Markus(him,nick) tried to make me spill the secrets of nick's gay affairs. But being the true friend i am(haha) i didn't say anything. And after that...
Markus says:
meixuan, i'm actually nick. and you passed the test. wow, you didnt give out any of my secrets.
mx- 笑一笑 没什么大不了 says:
so u dunt trust me!
Markus says:
i do i do!
Markus says:
i just like to make sure
Haha i think apart from the whole trust issue, he would also like to make sure if i would badmouth about him to others, or people he know. hahaha nicky darling, if your reading this, that was so LAME and CHILDISH, but i love you all the same.
Yeah and from this experience, i've realised that i'm still as gullible as before, or nick was really convincing as the Markus guy. I did have my doubts but gave in lol. I know i know argh.
And for those who are taking Olvl Mt this coming Monday, best of luck for all of you! And for those who are NOT taking Olvl Mt this coming monday, like nicky who takes B syllabus, fuck off and die lar hahahaha no i don't mean it hahahah but still...
Alrighto. This has been a looonnggg post. Hope you've enjoyed reading as much as i've enjoyed typing this out for you hahahaha okay then, till next time! (i dunno when hahahaa)
~(12:06 AM)
The Results Are Out!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Here's a summary of the overall score for midyears.
English- 63 B4
Chinese- 75 A1
Emaths- 59.4 C5
Amaths- 55 C5
Science- 63 B4
Humanities- 60 B4
Literature- 51 C6
Yes so i got an average of B4s and C5s, and 1 A1 and 1 C6. Wouldn't say i'm satisfied with my results, but it's acceptable i think, since the teachers raised the standards and marked our papers so strictly. Well at least i passed all my subjects, combine or not. And one thing for me to be happy about. An A1 for chinese. It has been years sinced i last performed well, up to my standard for chinese, soyeah. And at least this shows that i'm quite prepared for the chinese Os, which is um, *gulp!* in 10days!
[Today you need to take your courage in both hands and deal with an issue that has been bugging you. You will feel so much better once the air has been cleared]
Well this is my horoscope predicttion for the day. Currently there are two issues bugging me. One's the midyear results, obviously. And as for the second one, i'll keep it private because its very personal. It really isn't my problem at all, but it is kinda related to me, because it may just change my life. I don't know lar. Well i'll settle this one at a time. I'll tell my dad bout my results today. Hey, at least i passed Chem and Amaths. That's like, a miracle in itself, cause i told them that the possiblility of me failing those two are um, high lol. As for the second issue, i'll keep it to myself for the time being. Because i really don't know what's going on. But what i know is, if that issue is known, everything is going to change, for the worst.
Okay then, thats all i have to say for today. And next week's Intensive Mother Tongue revision. Continue to work hard people. TA.
~(3:07 PM)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Well we got back our results. The good news is, i passed everything, yes including chemistry and amaths. But the bad news is, most of them are C5s and C6s. Well i got A1 for chinese at least, phew. But everything else was just, so damn bad. Even humanities, the one i thought i'm best at, also only got B4. Sigh. I have no courage to tell my parents about it. I mean, i've never scored so pathetically before for an exam. And if i do, i'll probably be bann from my lifeline, the television! AHHHHHH what am i supposed to do? Okay, i'll post my results in tomorrow. For now, I'm watching My Date With A Vampire 3. Heyhey, till tomorrow then.
~(11:43 PM)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
So, school was alright today. I brought the "Black Book Of Secrets" along to read, but my plans were screwed (when they off-ed all the lights in the hall and thus i cannot read) and we spent our time watching some black(or coloured) basketballers movie, which was well, alright, with a little bit of humour hehe. Oh and i, ye know, flashed through Denises' "Dateable" handbook, lol and theres a section called "Sex Games" wahahahah. And basically, according to the book, there are only three kinds. Massasing, tickling, and something bout lying down together horizontally lol it was hilarious. Yeah we went back to class after a looong recess and was told to do that profile thingy for our "hollistic" testimony or report whatsoever. But halfway through i went to do the NE Quiz. Well we start off with answering questions, and when we get money we build stuff on Singapore. The more we build, the more score we get or something. Lol kinda cheated abit there. Ye see, my first score was 222000(Senior builder) and i didn't like it, so i redo again and got 461000(Expert Builder)and after that i begged mrs.chew to allow me to change my score hahahahha oops!
So after school, denise, serene, pricilla and i went kbox-ing! It was my virgin trip okay lol. We sang for hours, and me and serene probably sang the most. It was fun, really. A form of stress relieve. Or we're like, just making sure that we've at least enjoyed ourselves before our death tomorrow. Because after tomorrow, i'm gonna come back here and rant and complain and yadah yadah about how badly i've done for my mid-years, specifically amaths and chemistry. Yes and i'm gonna write a long post about how i'm gonna change for the better and all that bullshit. Or maybe not. Who knows? hahah well you guys will know tomorrow. So make sure you come back here and read on for more details! Toodles!
~(11:10 PM)
Sunday, May 13, 2007

These are pictures of me, my mum and my aunt at the Trevi fountain. It's a popular spot for dating <3 and lots of shops around, and pizza for 15cents! Oh and how can i forget the wishes? Put a coin in your right hand, with your back facing the fountain, close your eyes, make a wish, and throw it behind your left shoulder! :D
~(4:06 AM)

And here's a pic of the Coloseum, ye know, where warriors fight during the roman times. Its a really cool place, too bad i never got to go in, only stood outside:(

And here's two warriors for you. Aren't they cute? ahahahhahah
~(3:53 AM)

I suddenly miss the times i had in Italy and Switzerland. And since i realised that i've never posted any pictures of my holiday in europe, i shall now. And here's the first one, of me and my mum at the largest church in the world, Vetican City. ahem, it's actually a lot larger then what your seeing. hmmm... we walked for a few freaking hours and they tell us we only explored a small part of the church.. soyeah... i guess only the pastor will know how big it actually is.. cause some parts of it is off limits to tourists. hahahahha more pictures will be coming up!
~(3:44 AM)
Nothing Gone Right
Saturday, May 12, 2007
This was definitely not a good week. Mid-years just ended yesterday, and i'm almost positive that i flunked amaths and chemistry. No right to whine about it though, i never really studied for these two, because i was unwilling to sacrifice my tv haha. But hey, it was really difficult, i think more then half the school's failing hahahahha *slap* big mouth!
Oh and did i mention, i screwed up infront of the whole school on monday. Yeah i forgot the pledge halfway through and giggled abit. Lol and people complain that i speak too fast, do i? Lol ahwell, but the aftermath wasn't that bad lar. People just kept telling me im funny hahahahah and jiahao kept saying "NPCC can throw in the toilet bowl and flush flush flush le ar" LOL
Went to Soul Garden at Bugis after Lit paper2 yesterday with soomei, suqin, anhui and jiayi. They have very little variaty of food seriously, compared to the ex-soul garden branch in AMK. ah well.
My mum's going korea tonight, lucky her! She wanted to bring me along during the June Holidays, but i declined cause there's simply too many remedias coming up. And i've done bad enough for mid-year, can't risk it for prelims and the actual Os right?
Oh and let's celebrate for the coming Olvls Mother Tongue! YAY!
~(2:07 PM)