Last April
Monday, April 30, 2007
Today's the last day of April. Monday blues aside, the impending Olvl mother tongue paper doesn't make one feel any better, eh? Oh and how can i forget the mid-year papers. Life's so unfair :(
Afew updates here, again.
Last friday was English Mid-year paper. It was doable, but i haven't got time to finish proposal :( there goes my whatever-grade-i-could-have-gotten-if-i-had-finished-the-proposal.
Saturday was Amaths remedia, 3hrs of it. (okay i was late so maybe 2hrs20mins of it).
After that i waited at AMK Hub for my dad for like, 1hr+++. I could have gone home lar, he kuku say got work to do. Yeah but he made it up by bringing me to Sake Sushi for dinner. oh and remind me NEVER to eat at Sake ever! The sushi wasn't fresh, and it was warm. The soba was stiff and didn't taste very right. I dunno larh, everything just wansn't right, even the chair. yeah, NEVER dine at sake Sushi. The food sucks. My favourite's still Heroshi, at IMM.
Sunday went to my parents' warehouse (i did my hmwk there while they worked), cause i thought we're gonna have dinner at Heroshi :( In the end we dined at Sakura instead. Not bad, really. More varity, and the sushi's fresh. I wanna watch "The Human Body" at Omni-cineplex! haha sounds interesting o_O
Yes and today, what can i say? Wasn't feeling very well. Was drifting between sleeping and studying macbeth. Well i know we don't need to for the test, but take it as revision for Mid-year lor. Mr.Hiew took out all periods after recess to revise Amaths, Functions. It was terrible. Unbearable. I wanted to pay attention but it was just mentally taxing. In the end i just gave up and slacked. And Songen was asking everyone not to go for Lit test, because he doesn't want to, and so we can all get punished together. Okay, who wants to go for lit test? Nobody. But I'm sure nobody wants to get punished either. And we all know angang, punishments are usually worse. So after school while Songen and his people scattered off, me and mel went to see ang, and got the test postponed to thursday. Yay. It was a good thing actually, i wasn't in the right condition to write 4essays anyway. Yeah i went home immediately, had spagetti for lunch and slept till now, but i'm still tired. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Okay, till next time.
~(7:07 PM)
Enemy on the frontline!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
16/40 for my amaths retest, on the same topic!
I'm demoralised, but all these failings have woken me up.
Yes, i've been "hibernating" for the past few months, but i've woken up from my 6months slumber.
I'm gearing up for warrrrrrr....
And i expect only VICTORY!
meixuan is going to study
meixuan is going to study
meixuan is going to study
But before i actually start studying.. i shall take a short nap! :P
~(4:50 PM)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Retest for Amaths today.. had a few screw ups but i managed. Should be able to pass this time.. *gulp* i hope...
Well i got 64/100 for the Emaths common test. Thats like, the worst i've gotten so far for a Emaths test since sec3.
It crushed any self-esteem i had left since yesterday when i got back my Amaths paper, 13/40.
I'm at a very low point now.
And unmotivated.
BUT i'm not gonna lose just like that.
~(10:10 PM)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Some random updates.
I screwed all my tests last week.
I desperately need amaths and chemistry tuition, which i'm prolly not gonna get.
oh, and also someone to teach me electricity for physics all over again, since i never did pay any attention in class for all leessons on that chapter haha.
Took my second dismissal parade on friday, didn't screw up as much. But need to improve on WOC.
3hr Amaths remedia yesterday.
And left my file in kennard's bag cause i was too lazy to carry them.
Counter-striked yesterday at GSC, and kena owned. lol like duh im the only noob there
Shopped for Siwai's birthday present and celebrated for him yesterday.
Went to his house to eat the cake.
Watched Final Destination 1 briefly, and i'm horrified.
Attempted playing audition but sucked at it.
I thought audition was maple!
Play 2rounds of mahjiong and WON one round. Thats an achievement to me kay, and once again, i'm the only noob... and girl.... hahahahhaha
Mid-years English starts next friday.
And i'm starving now, my maid is out and i don't know how to operate the stove, so i'll starve till my parents come back, which i don't know when, and if i die, my last words to the rest of the world will be...
~(2:23 PM)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Emaths common test today. It was a 2 and a 1/2 hr paper, super long but i still didn't finish my paper. I have a problem with time management. Sigh..
And here are the next 5 quizes (=
You Are a Prophet Soul |
 You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.
You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul |
GUYS. Take this quiz and tell me if your my soulmate! haha
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP) |
 Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal.
Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all men You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
Im RARE, and PRECIOUS hahaha
The True You |
 You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed.
With respect to money, you are a bit stingy.
You think good luck might come your way, but if it does you'll be so surprised you'll burst out laughing.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort.
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you base your search on information from your friends. |
hmm.. half half lar..
You Are Pretty Happy |
 You generally have a happy, fulfilling life. But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it. Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career. Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is! |
Your EQ is 87 |
 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
87... wtf?
What Your Hands Say About You |
 You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.
Bold and daring, you're not afraid to change your life if you think it needs an overhaul.
Practical and down to earth, you're a doer not a dreamer. You rather get something done than think about it all day.
Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life. |
Not sure bout the rest.. but i am a dreamer..
~(7:54 PM)
Staff Lee says
Monday, April 16, 2007
.-I've been promoted to STAFF SERGENT last friday
and also took my 1st dimissal parade, which well, i screwed up abit haha
.-Paticipated in City Venture last saturday, and came in 11th.. out of 15 schools!
well at least we got 1st! in area3.. hahahha (there were only TWO schools in area3)
.-Miracle healing service with Rebecca and RongRong yesterday
.-and i PASSED MY 2.4KM RETEST!!! with an AMAZING timing(to me) of 15:27! Thats a C! So if i can retake standing board jump and get a C, i might get a gold. hahaha
I made a new best friend today. Her name is xuannys. She is black. She only comes out when the sun is out. She shares my thoughts, my feelings, my everything. I love her! :D as much as i love myself. hahahahah
okay thats all for today. Here's the next five results of the quizzes i did the other day :)
What Your Soul Really Looks Like |
 You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.
You are not a very grounded person. You prefer dreams to reality. For you, it's all about possibilities.
You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself.
Your near future is in a very different place (both physically and mentally) from where you are right now.
For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust. |
right. haha
What Meixuan Means |
M is for Mysterious
E is for Extraordinary
I is for Intense
X is for XtRemE
U is for Unforgettable
A is for Alert
N is for Naughty |
CUTE right!
You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!
You Are 52% Spoiled |
 You're a little spoiled, but you're not spoiled rotten. You love to be showered with gifts and affection, but you're good at keeping your demands to a minimum! |
SEE? I'm not THAT spoilt okay!
You Are A Lime Tree |
 You are intelligent, hard working, and innately successful. You try to change what you can in life - and you accept what you can't change. Tough on the outside, you are actually soft and relenting. Jealous at times, you are extremely loyal and giving to those you love. You have many talents, but you don't have enough time to use them. |
~(9:21 PM)
Quizes about MEEEEEEEE eps1
Friday, April 13, 2007
Here are a few quizes i took on blogthings. It's quite accurate, really. I actually took a total of 42quizez, but i don't wanna scare you people and besides, if you got bored reading my quiz results, all never read my real posts how? HAHAH yeah i'll post the rests when i have no inspiration to blog, so there's always something to read.. ABOUT ME! hahahahhaha
well here goes..
Your Birthdate: March 14 |
 You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you. It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy! You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around. But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May |
May's the exam month, i hope i do well since it's supposed to be my powerful month.
You Are 50% Normal |
 While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
Hah. so i'm 50% abnormal lah!
You Are a Realist |
 You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass. You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is... But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on. You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope. |
I AM unrealistic at times. Acutally, a lot of times. Especially when it comes to fantasies of meeting my prince charming hahaha..
You Should Be A Gemini |
 What's good about you: witty and energetic, you're simply the most fun to be around
What's bad about you: you're flighty - losing interest in people and projects quickly
In love: you enjoy the "honeymoon phase," but after that it's hard for you to stick around
In friendship, you're: likely to have many groups of friends, with many different interests
Your ideal job: mime, guru, or cartoonist
Your sense of fashion: casual and simple
You like to pig out on: fast food, especially burritos |
Quite accurate for this one actually.. lol and i thought i'm a typical pieces... i guess not then.
Your Extroversion Profile: |
 Cheerfulness: Very High
Assertiveness: High
Excitement Seeking: High
Activity Level: Medium
Friendliness: Medium
Sociability: Medium |
~(1:59 AM)
I'm torn between getting a better grade and being true to myself.
I'm torn between avoiding and acknowledging.
I'm torn between myself.
I'm torn.
~(12:56 AM)
Rumours -_-
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I have something to clarify here.
1. we're just friends
2. we're not together
3. we're just friends
4. we're not together
In sec1 i was despised and ignored by my classmates, so i hung out with the guys, and i'm labelled as a flirt. In term1 this year when i sat with Songen, everybody thought there was something between us. And now, just because i hang out with jiahao a little bit more than i used to, people think we're together. Isn't it amazing how chidish, shallow and ignorant people can be?
For those people out there
70% of my friends are guys. If we are not just friends then what, i have mutiple boyfriends? Of course not!
When i liked nick and the whole of my Primary school knew about it, i didn't deny it because that was a fact, that was the truth. And the same applies here. If there was ANYTHING between us, i wouldn't deny, but there really isn't. And worst, because you THINK you THOUGHT and you SAID IT WITHOUT USING THAT BRAIN OF YOURS, everything might change. And it's damn awkward ye know.
I don't care if you people speculate among yourselves whatever, but please your not supposed to say it when those involved are together, as in present at the same time. Thats not right. UNLESS they're really together. BUT we're not, so yeah.
And for your information, he's not the only guy i SEEM to be close to.
He's a good friend, a brother, a buddy. Nothing more, nothing less.
And i hope things will remain as it is. Minus the rumours and the gossipy bitches.
As for now, i hoped i've cleared your doubts about our FRIENDSHIP. And hope that you(those who've been going around gossiping/spreading rumours/looking at us weirdly and stuff) would leave us alone, and give me peace. Thankyou :) Any questions feel free to tag.
And jiao jie, if your reading this, let's hope things won't change between us eh?
You know, I'm so affected by this that I'm gonna do an article on Rumours and How It Affects People for Elearning hahahahhaha. Well we'll see how it goes...
Oh and after reading Nick's blog, i've got something to say
No Nick, I'm not gonna let you beat me in O'levels. :)
~(3:21 PM)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Heyhey, a short post before i go to bed :) Had NAFFA 5items today and it was a breeze, really. Got A for everything except for standing board jump. Humph! Yah, i got short legs, so cannot jump far, cannot ah? Lol i was thinking, if i got a C for both standing board jump(E) and 2.4km run(E or nil) then i could've gotten a gold. Ahwell, some things can't be forced. I don't have the stamina and I have short legs.
~(11:19 PM)
Acting Cute? Or being a kid?
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Jiahao was talking about hating people who acts cute, and here are my replies!
mx- we'r designed to be bias says:
im just childish, nt act cute
mx- we'r designed to be bias says:
got diff there
mx- we'r designed to be bias says:
lol childish= i naturally cute
路谣知马力,日久知人心 says:
路谣知马力,日久知人心 says:
mx- we'r designed to be bias says:
act cute= act cute bui cute, let ppl cai chuan
But seriously, nobody(or very few people) has said that i act cute before(i think?), at least not to me, behind my back i don't know, but i hope not! But darn lot of people say i chidish though. Heheheh okay, what's wrong with being childish? Another way of putting it, i'm just YOUNG AT HEART. Okay, so at times i don't wanna grow up, and secretly wish that Neverland exists(the second star to the right,straight on to the morning!) and that i can fight captain Hook along side Peter Pan but so what? Growing up is tough, and you'll be faced with tough choices. So people, don't be in a hurry to grow up! Sure you'll have money and all that benefits(clubbing, drinking, smoking legally, M18/R21, sex? haha) when you do grow up, but i feel that the happiest is during your childhood(minus the exams,school stuff). Pure innocence, fun, joy, laughter. Children have no idea what sufferings are all about, and that's a blessing, doncha think? hahahaha okayokay you get my point! So i shall end here! :)
Enjoy being a kid while you still can, before it's too late!
The Second Star to the right
shines in the night for you
To tell you that the dreams you plan
Really can come true
~(12:49 AM)
Bus Trip
Joel taught me binomial theorem at macs this morning, and he was half an hour late cause he had to eat meeeeee at home lol. Met up with nethy and siwai after that and lunched at Pepper Lunch! After that Joel suggested that we take the bus to army market, and we got lost, because we took the wrong bus! Thanks to who i ask? lol Alighted at Raffles Place instead, and i almost dropped my phone on the bus! Close shave there i tell you, if i didn't take a last look..... Took the mrt from there to army market after that, and i suddenly lost my sanity and wanted to take pictures with everybody, haha i drove them nuts and after that nethy kinda scared of me? Yup, finally bought OUR staff sergent ranks, WE ARE GONNA BE PROMOTED! LIKE FINALLY! hahahaha took another bus to hougang, but we seriously didn't know where it would stop, luckily it ended up at the bus interchange. Ohyeah, an indian couple in school uniform were making out at the back of the bus lol, PDA(Public-Display-of-Affections)!!!! Took 74 from the bus interchange after that to get to the Bowling centre, but they didn't know where to get off. Luckily a kind aunty gave them instructions, or they would have ended up in AMK, with me! yep, they went bowling while i went home, cause i had a curfew and i've gotta be home by 7! The last bus i took for the day? 265. And i waited almost for half an hour!
~(12:37 AM)
Mixed Signals
Friday, April 06, 2007
.-This is the story of my cousin's love life.
.-Names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved lol.
.-All poems were written by my cousin.
.-I have permission to post this.
.-This whole post is dedicated to my dearest, now heart-broken cousin.
Five years ago, Jordan* met Laura at Orchestra. They were friends but lost contact when Laura went away for three years. But as fate has it, they were united once again at Orchestra practice three years later. They started spending time together, and soon, Jordan developed a crush on Laura. She knew, and accepted it, and soon their friendship blossomed into a “relationship”.
[The Trouble with Love is..]
The Trouble with love is…
The peace and tranquility,
I lived in a world of bliss,
We came together,
The sun smiled on us,
The moon showered us with benevolence,
We lived carefree in a world without regret,
Looking to the future and its challenges,
Friendship and companionship,
We talked, laughed, had fun together,
It was like heaven on earth,
You were my joy, my pride, my only,
When you were in
I was deceived, I made a mistake,
Said the wrong thing,
For that I am sorry,
I wished to change what I said,
I believed our love would pull through,
Yet, we drifted, buffeted by the winds of emotion,
It’s clear now we were not meant for each other,
Although we would have been great together,
I’m letting go…
Jordan introduced Laura to his friend Jason, who was deeply attracted to Laura too. The trio started hanging out together and when Laura invited Jordan to movies and stuff, Jason would tag along. Now Jason is a close friend of Jordan, and he does not know of his relationship with Laura, so he started making advances towards her, confessing his love and affections. On the other hand, when Jason asked Laura relationship questions, she dodges it and says that she doesn’t know, making Jordan think that maybe she’s too polite to say no. When Laura is out with Jordan alone, she would act like his girlfriend and would accept his hugs and stuff, yet she ironically told him that she sees him as a good friend. However, she also explains that she does not like Jason and is waiting for him to get bored, because they weren’t compatible at all. But sometimes when Jordan asked her out alone, and at the same time Jason asked her out, she would go with Jason instead. Yet she said she wanted to go to the school ball with Jordan.
The river of time flows,
Deep, strong and fast,
Engulfing all in its encompassing eternity,
The best healer,
It washes away the good and the bad,
We met ever so long ago,
Streams of time flowing,
I felt like it would never end,
But here we are now,
There is no turning back,
We were so young and carefree,
All the good times together,
Where is your heart?
It all changed so quickly,
From friends to lovers to what?
Now I sit on the fence and watch,
Only time will tell,
It’s all encompassing streams surround as all,
Only time will tell
What the future holds for us
I hate myself for losing you,
Yet could it have ended differently?
I dream of a time where it was all different,
Could it, should it, would it have worked?
We’ll never know it’s all in the past now.
And she did. She spent the first half of it with Jordan, dancing and stuff. But ran away with Jason during the second half. And they were found making out, by Jordan and many others. Jordan thought she enjoyed it, and they seem so happy. He told her, she tried apologized. Now what?
[The Night of Nights]
The night of nights
They called it the night of nights,
The night to remember,
It turned out to be one,
For all the wrong reasons,
Dreams unfulfilled lay in pieces,
It was great for the most part,
I would thank you but for the kiss
So hauntingly beautiful,
I dream,
The world unfolds around me,
It was all but a dream,
Floating on a midsummer’s night
The days pass,
A sad tribute to the event,
A wild night of passion unrestrained,
Yet I wish it could be not so,
It could have ended differently,
Yet I would not have it so,
The fool within me sated,
My love shall never again be so sparingly given,
I lay myself at your feet,
Gave into passion unrestrained,
I felt an answer but wasn’t sure,
I hoped, wished, looked longingly for it,
Alas it was not intended to be,
I shall look back on this day,
Both with hurt and regret and
With hope and love for the future
This is the end of the road,
Look to the future..
What's with people and mixed signals?
~(6:10 PM)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Cross-country run today. I did not run of course, just sat around somewhere talking to skandan and making sure nobody cut the bridge lol. Went to Junction8 with QSM after that for lunch. Bought a new sling bag yay, finally after few years of searching for the right one lol. Went over to Siwai's after that. Played badminton, fitness corner, and attempted to ride his high bike, of course with the help of jiaojie and nethy, or else i would've fallen down and injured myself. But still, i didn't manage to ride it lah, it was simply too high for me :( Had 2 short games of hide-and-seek in which kennard and jiahao were the seekers. Haha obviously it's my idea lah huh hahah. Yepyep slacked at siwai's house after that and went home when they were going GSC.
YAY bought 2 new shorts and 3 tops yesterday. I'm a very happy person :D
~(8:47 PM)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I was up till 4 in the morning saving and renaming all the assignments from the elearning website, and talking to jiahao about very random topics. He thought i was crazy.
So anyway, went to my cousin's place today, and completed PE um, assignment. Yeah and for the rest of the day was just plain eating, sleeping, and playing their PS3. I was totally owned by my cousin lar. So throw face. Hahahaha
"MX was eating at New York New York and totally gorging her face with her pasta and float! She was so happy! Hahaha." Louisa's blog.
But the funny thing is, i did not have pasta yesterday. I had Salmon Steak! But the sauce can be easily mistaken for pasta sauce, so yeah. And i was happy. Its FREE FOOD hahahahhahaha
~(10:28 PM)
Monday, April 02, 2007
2.4km today, and yeah, i failed again with a timing of 18:30. But hey, i improved by 4minutes!, compared to last year. And i was only 30secs behind jiahao's timing! hehe heck, at least this time i ran 2 whole rounds before i started walking! And i had gastrics before that and my ankle was really weak today, plus i never really had a good stamina, and i ate a lot yesterday and the day before that and the day before and.... and i don't freaking train. Yeah, excuses for my failure in 2.4 hahahahah
Despite the dissapointing results for my 2.4, i had a nice dinner at New York New York, again, for the third time. Yup went to NTUC after that to get my daily source of vitamin C, RIBENA!
~(10:09 PM)
Road Trip
Sunday, April 01, 2007
On saturday, there was literature seminar, which was kinda boring. We left early and skipped the last two sessions cause there wasn't enough tickets. Went home and slept till 7 then went and buy my mummy's birthday cake. Yepyep, my favourite, Tiramisu!
As for today, went over to Nicks and had lunch and his mum was really nice. Had beehoon thing and i finished everything even though i had beehoon before i left my place too, which was 45mins before that haha. Daniel came over and we left. First time in his(or his parents) car and seeing him drive, i was in the front seat! hahahah well drove to King albert's park or something and ordered drive-in macs. Picked jade up and had this smoking and eating session(no, i dont smoke, i only eat, Large fries) by some isolated carpark. After that we went to the MIND CAFE at Boat Quay, where we were supposed to pay to play board games(BOREDgames). But hey, it didnt turn out as bad as i thought, in fact, i thought it was pretty enjoyable, but they didn't allow me to play Uno Stacko though:( Went to orchard after that and had dinner at Pepper Lunch lol. Hung out at Starbucks after that, and tried nick's chai latte, which was really quite nice, even though i never liked ginger. Anita came after that(she's like, 6+hrs late by then lol) and we all took Dan's car back to Jurong. Yes anita took a bus all the way to orchard from Jurong just to hop into Dan's car to get back to Jurong hahahahahah. Went back to Jurong and nicks and anita got me a book from popular! Thanks a lot guys! *wink* hahahahahha yupyup, i enjoyed myself today although i got ignored/criticised/laughed at..... but yeah, it was fun. I hope Joel laomao gets a car soon, then he can drive us around! It rocks to have a friend who has a car lol. Thanks Dan for chauferring(spelt that wrong, i know) us around for the day, though i doubt he'll ever read this.
hmm... do i really look like a pri.6 and have the mentality of a 6yrs old? :D
~(9:52 PM)